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Military training and instruction
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Schmidt, Vernon Military Training to Deployment in Europe
In 1944,Vernon Schmidt began his military training with a cannon company on the 105mm howitzer [Annotator's Note: M2A1...
Ventura, Nicholas Military Training to Overseas
Nicholas Ventura Sr. joined the Army and was sent to Spartanburg, South Carolina for basic training for 10 weeks. He...
Hihn, Stewart Military Training to Overseas Deployment
Stewart Hihn was sent to Fort Meade [Annotator's Note: Fort George G. Meade in Anne Arundel County, Maryland] for...
Cook, Edward Military Training to the Bulge
After graduating high school at 17 years old, Edward J. Cook found work with the New York Life Insurance Company as a...
Radford, Charles Missing the Invasion of Sicily
[Annotator's Note: Charles Radford served in the Army as an infantryman in Company I, 3rd Battalion, 133rd Infantry...
Swarts, John Mission Dangers
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer pauses to change tapes.] John Stanley Lee Swarts and his crew dropped bombs over...
Edwards, Charles Mission over Morotai and More Stateside Training
Charles T. Edwards was returning to his station from Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii] when he had...
Bussel, Norman Mission to Berlin
Norman Bussel’s first mission was to Brunswick (Braunschweig), Germany. He was anxious as he had no idea what to expect...
Dolsen, Frank Mission Training
Frank Dolsen, volunteered for the Army Air Corps, and trained in Boise, Idaho with his crew [Annotator's Note: 349th...
Caudle, John Missions and Secrets
The Air Force had a habit of giving flyers a shot of whiskey before they went into a debriefing. John Caudle went...
Lefever, Paul Missions from England and France
Paul Lefever acknowledged that many men suffered because there was a stigma attached to going to a "flak house" for...
Kaiser, Raymond Missions in India
[Annotator's Note: Raymond Kaiser completed his pilot training and flew out of Miami, Florida for his next assignment...
Micklich, Richard Missions in the Aleutians
Shortly after the attack on the ammunition ship at Darwin, Australia, Richard Micklich [Annotator’s Note: serving as a...
Russell, Richard Missions in the Pacific
Richard T. Russell, Jr. heard that the Japs [Annotator's Note: a period derogatory term for Japanese] had bombed Pearl...
Pearce, Milton Mississippi Boy to Army Man
[Annotator’s Note: It is very difficult to hear the interviewer throughout this segment.] Milton Pearce was born in...
Pickens, Olin Mississippi Boy to Army Trainee
Olin Pickens was born in December 1921 near Dumas, Mississippi in the small village of Locum. His father worked as a...
Chamblin, Loyd Mississippi Boy to Aviator Trainee
Lloyd Augustus Chamblin, Jr., was born in Sumner, Mississippi in July 1924. He lived in a rural community with lots of...
Massey, Joseph Mississippi to Belgium
Joseph Massey was drafted just after leaving high school at age 18. He entered service on 15 November 1945 [Annotator's...
Pummill, William Missouri Boy to Marine
William "Bill" Arthur Pummill was born in Crocker, Missouri in July 1921. He was the eighth of 12 children in the...
Chester, Daniel Mobilization and Combat in Normandy
When the invasion [Annotator's Note: the invasion of Normandy, France] took place on 6 June 1944, Daniel Chester...
Beal, Marion Montford Point Camp
Marion Meredith Beal felt the Marine Corps was an unusually strong outfit. Not many of his race were in the service and...
Whitworth, Vaughan Montfort Point and AWOL
Vaughan Whitworth got a couple of weeks to prepare prior to reporting to Montford Point [Annotator's Note: Camp...
Goodrich, James Mop Up Duties on Guadalcanal
James Goodrich thinks that people had a greater hatred for the Japanese than the Germans in America. He credits hearing...
Cottrell, Edwin More Flight Training
[Annotator’s Note: Birds chirping in the background is audible throughout this segment.] By October 1943, Edwin B....
Stroud, William More Training
William Scott Stroud was put into an air crew in Utah [Annotator's Note: Wendover Field, later Wendover Air Force Base...
Johnson, Burton Mortar School to Peleliu
Burton "Burt" Johnson went to mortar school [Annotator's Note: M2 60mm mortar at Camp Elliot in San Diego, California...
Bryan, Donald Most memorable combat missions
Donald Bryan’s last kill was an Arado234. Years later it was discovered that the German pilot flying that plane was on...
Balfour, Fred Motion Picture Operator
Fred Arthur Balfour went to Scotland [Annotator's Note: Glasgow, Scotland] and then on to England. He was on the base...
Hatch, Norman Motion Picture Training
The Marine Corps did not have any photographic organization prior to 1940 [Annotator's Note: Norman Hatch had joined...
Houston, Jack Motivations, Drill Instructors, and China
Jack Houston had three reasons for enlisting. The first was patriotism. The second was that all of his friends were...
Heuer, Frank Motor Machinist’s Mate School
In January 1943, Frank M. Heuer Sr. enlisted in the Navy with his younger brother, Edward. Heuer, his brother, and...
Clark, Earl Mount Belvedere
Earl Ervin Clark and 87th Mountain Infantry [Annotator's Note: 87th Mountain Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division...
Lafferty, Ralph Mountain Training
At Camp Hale [Annotator's Note: Camp Hale, Colorado], Ralph F. Lafferty learned rock climbing, how to climb mountains,...
Wilkerson, H. Moving Around the Pacific and Up Through the Ranks
H. Lloyd Wilkerson was sent back to the Pacific, and served with the Sixth Marine Division on Guam before being loaded...
Jindra, Leonard Moving Inland
Leonard Jindra could not tell where he was but he stayed up that first night after landing [Annotator's Note: D-Day;...
Heath, David Moving Over to Guadalcanal
David Heath transferred to Guadalcanal, 26 miles from the island of Tulagi [Annotator's Note: both in the Solomon...
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