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Eshelman, Raymond Life Aboard Ship
Ray Eshelman had been on USS LST-925 in Boston [Annotator's Note: Boston, Massachusetts, before reporting aboard USS...
Johnson, John Life Aboard the USS Liddle (ADP-60)
John E. Johnson described accommodations on the APD [Annotator's Note: Johnson served aboard the high speed transport...
Buckley, James Life Aboard the USS LST-1013
James Buckley was assigned to the USS LST-1013, a Landing Ship, Tank. It was as long as football field and 50 feet wide...
Hyland, Everett Life Aboard the USS Pennsyvlania (BB-38)
[Annotator's Note: Everett Hyland served in the Navy as a radio operator. He reported aboard the battleship USS...
Fishman, Arthur Life Aboard the USS Robinson (DD-562)
Arthur Fishman's bunk [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Robinson (DD-562)] was near the engine room below deck. He...
Notebaert, Richard Life After Combat
By Christmas of 1943, Richard Notebaert was home. His new baby was four months old, and his little family spent two...
Lebow, Cleatus Life and Entrance Into Service
Cleatus Lebow was born in 1924 in Happy, Texas. He grew up as one of 11 children during the Great Depression, but, as a...
Purvis, Frank Life and Race on the USS Snowden (DE-246)
Frank Purvis had never been to sea before. The ship [Annotator's Note: USS Snowden (DE-246)] was commissioned with a...
Ehlers, Helen Life as a Marine
Helen Ehlers idolized the Marines. She was anxious to go to boot camp. She thought she was going to fight. She was...
Smith, Clifford Life as a Medic
During World War 2, Clifford Smith thought he was on an adventure. He does not consider himself as a hero, conqueror,...
Lindsey, James Life as a Merchant Marine
James T. Lindsey served with the Merchant Marines [Annotator’s Note: on the SS Percy E. Foxworth] during World War 2....
Haggerty, June Life as a WAVE
June Catherine Elliott Haggerty was 23 years old when she went into the Navy. Her brothers were in the service already...
Burke, Dracos Life as an Army Air Corps Instructor
Life in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for Dracos Burke was hot and demanding. He flew every day without breaks. He said the...
Donaldson, Buck Life at Sea
Buck Donaldson had to be able to tell the difference between Morse code sounds [Annotator’s Note: Morse code is a...
Reissig, Floyd J. Life at Sea
Floyd James Reissig arrived at the Harry Lee [Annotator's Note: USS Harry Lee (APA-10)] a week and a half before he...
McCorriston, James "Fran McCorriston" Life at Sea
Because James McCorriston had attended machinist mate school, he was transferred to the B Division [Annotator's Note:...
Grant, Olen "Reb" Life before the war
Olen Grant was born in Benton, Arkansas on 5 April 1923. After his father returned from World War I, he moved to Benton...
Gooch, James Life During the War
James Gooch had an ice box on the outside porch. It was his job to put a signal out on the window, so the ice man knew...
Traina, Joseph Life in Greenland
Joseph Traina trained in Algiers on the Navy base [Annotator's Note: Naval Station Algiers in New Orleans, Louisiana]....
Bishop, Harvey Life in the Air Force and Postwar
Harvey Lee Bishop [Annotator’s Note: a North American P-51 Mustang fighter pilot in the 457th Fighter Squadron, 506th...
Harris, Carroll Life in the Army Before and After Attu
Carroll Harris was counting inventory in the grocery store he worked at when he heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor...
Acker, Charles Life in the Field
Charles Acker went through live-fire training. They had a little town set up and they would fire live machine guns and...
Day, Morris "Gene" Life in the Field
During the voyage overseas, Morris Eugene Day helped treat the men who got seasick. He was able to eat the Navy food,...
Floravante, Emile Life in the Field
Alfred Anthony Alvarez was in Czechoslovakia [Annotator's Note: with the 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Infantry...
Evans, Lewis Life in the Navy
Lewis S. Evans was born in April 1925. He went to boarding school during the Great Depression and played football and...
Borrell, Francis "Frank" Life in the Navy
Francis "Frank" Borrell was born in Beacon, New York, 60 miles north of New York City and ten miles from West Point [...
Rinas, Bruno Life in the Philippines
Bruno S. Rinas arrived in Manila [Annotator's Note: Manila, Luzon, Philippines] in late February [Annotator's Note:...
Harrison, William Life in the Service
William Jennings Bryan Harrison, Jr. went to Saint Petersburg, Florida for Merchant Marine basic training. It was not...
Halberg, Norma Life of a WASP
Just before she went into the WASPs [Annotator's Note: Women Airforce Service Pilots], Norma Halberg and another girl,...
Somogyi, Peter Life of Freedom
While a member of the Kibbutz [Annotator's Note: Kibbutz Matzuva in Israel], Peter Somogyi spent half a day working and...
Butcher, Chester Life on a British Air Base
Chester J. Butcher was sent overseas to England [Annotator's Note: with the 357th Fighter Squadron, 355th Fighter Group...
Dannehl, Robert Life on a Ship
Robert Dannehl had further trained in Portland, Maine where he became an operator of a high frequency direction finder...
Trim, Carl Life on a Submarine Chaser
After his induction in Little Rock [Annotator's Note: Little Rock, Arkansas], Carl Trim was sent to Farragut, Idaho for...
Bucher, Francis Life on Adak
The war came along. Francis Bucher remembers first hearing that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note...
Cart, William "Bill" Life on Base
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks William Cart what the accommodations were like at the bases he was stationed at...
Earles, John Life on Base in California
When he was at the Coronado, California base, John Earles said he experienced a lot of good USO [Annotator's Note:...
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