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Townsend, Joseph Kamikaze Attack
Joseph Townsend was being trained as a radioman and radio technician. They wanted him to become an aviation technician...
Rosenzweig, Rollins Kamikaze Attacks on the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17)
Rollins Rosenzweig continued to fly missions over Okinawa after the attack on the Japanese battleship Yamato. Missions...
Bee, Donald Kamikazes Attack on Intrepid
Donald H. "Don" Bee saw his first action [Annotator's Note: as a crewman aboard the USS Intrepid (CV-11)], when a...
Eshelman, Raymond Kamikazes to Discharge
The kamikazes were day and night [Annotator's Note: during the Battle of Okinawa, code-named Operation Iceberg, 1 April...
Van der Pool, Ivan Kasserine Pass and El Guettar
Kasserine Pass [Annotator's Note: Battle of Kasserine Pass] was the one time Ivan Van der Pool was told to fix his...
Walker, Mort Killing is not the Answer
While in Italy, Mort Walker had heard about the holocaust but did not know much about it. It was not until later that...
Henleben, Edwin Kiska and Getting in the V-12 Program
Edwin Henlebin went on to a secure base, where he stayed until he boarded another transport for the attack on Kiska....
Johnson, Alfred Korea
Alfred A. Johnson, Jr. joined the National Guard after he returned from World War 2. He worked as an aid for the...
Urban, Raymond Korea and Discharge
Raymond Urban was called back for Korea but spent his time at Camp Pendleton [Annotator's Note: San Diego, California]...
Cale, Sterling Korean War
Sterling Cale was sent to Korea near Pusan while the rest of the transferred troops went to Sasebo, Japan. He was with...
Gay, Ralph Korean War
Ralph Gay picked the Air Corps because it was easy to work. Once when flying by Shanghai [Annotator’s Note: Shanghai,...
Jordan, Bryce Korean War
After he was discharged from the US Army Air Forces, Bryce Jordan went to the University of Wisconsin [Annotator's Note...
Bertino, Donald Korean War
After World War 2, Donald W. Bertino returned home as a PFC [Annotator's Note: Private First Class] and joined the Army...
Gillette, Thomas Korean War and Career
After Thomas W. Gillette completed college, the Korean War [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 25 June 1950 to 27 July 1953...
Winslow, Lawson Korean War Deployments
Going on deployments after the war ended, the seas could get rough. Lawson T. Winslow, Junior's lieutenant [Annotator's...
Tatum, John Korean War Duty
John Wesley Tatum was never on the front lines [Annotator's Note: while serving in a mortar section in Company H, 2nd...
Suter, Martin Korean War Service and Postwar Life
Martin Suter went to fighter school and was called back to go to Korea [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 1950 to 1953] in...
Walker, Charles Korean War to Vietnam
[Annotator's Note: Charles Walker received his pilot wings on 25 June 1950, just after the Korean War started.] In...
Grimes, Vernon Korean War, Philippines, and Postwar Life
Vernon Grimes wanted to protect his rank, so he joined the Reserves after the war and was called up for the Korean War...
Wesighan, Fred Kwajalein and the Leyte
Fred Wesighan and his unit [Annotator's Note: Headquarters Company, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division] left...
Morgan, Fred La Fière and Gavin
Holding the bridge at La Fière [Annotator's Note: near Sainte-Mere-Eglise (Sainte-Mère-Église), France, 9 June 1944],...
Young, James Landing and First Mission on Guadalcanal
James Franklin Young and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine...
Sasser, Joseph Landing at Massacre Bay
Joseph H. Sasser Junior was riding in his friend's father's car when he heard over the car radio about the attack on...
Sichler, George Landing at Sicily
[Annotator's Note: George Sichler was assigned to the 45th Infantry Division when it was formed.] He had been training...
Balfour, Fred Landing Craft Nucleus
Fred Arthur Balfour went into service in 1944. He went to Electrician Mate's school in Bainbridge, New York. They...
Boeke, Robert Landing in France
Robert Boeke was shipped to France [Annotator's Note: with the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division]. When...
Wayne, William Landing on Iwo Jima
William Wayne went from Honolulu [Annotator's Note: Honolulu, Hawaii] to Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan, Mariana...
Mc Murray, Steve Landing on Iwo Jima
While he was stationed at Camp Maui, situated on an extinct volcano, Steve McMurray said some of the units trained on...
Oman, Mort Landing on Luzon
Mort Oman was sent to New Guinea and joined the 251st Field Artillery Battalion as a fire controller and trained for...
Wells, Kenneth Landing on Okinawa
Kenneth Dwight Wells arrived in the Russell Islands [Annotator's Note: Russell Islands, Solomon Islands] and spent some...
Twigger, William Landing on Okinawa
William J. Twigger [Annotator's Note: and Company F, 2nd Battalion, 29th Marine Regiment, 6th Marine Division] came...
Chaisson, Roland Landing on Omaha Beach and Fighting Through the Hedgerows
In late April 1944 they [Annotator's Note: Roland Chaisson and the rest of the 1st Infantry Division] were put on...
Bailey, Kenneth Landing on Utah Beach
When Kenneth H. Bailey landed on Utah Beach [Annotator's Note: Utah Beach, Normandy, France], they drove the LST [...
Schrader, Ernst Last Days of Combat
At the end of the war, Ernst Schrader fought in the streets against the Czechs in the Sudetenland. The Czechs rebelled...
Beyer, Walter Last Patrols of the War
[Annotator's Note: The video is glitchy in this segment] Walter Louis Beyer served in the Pacific Theater in World War...
Ciotta, Angelo Last Thoughts
Angelo Ciotta appreciates what some of the vets of today are going through. Back in World War 2 there were Section 8s [...
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