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Haack, Frederick Closing Thoughts
Frederick Haack and about nine others were put in a big, steel cylinder [Annotator's Note: during high-altitude, pilot...
Foster, Robert Closing Thoughts
Robert E. Foster was a Captain at the end of the war after his company commander was shot and he took over. He became a...
Wiswell, George Closing Thoughts
George Wiswell says the past is a prologue to the future. What you learn is important. The Navy taught him to pay...
Rugeley, Robert Closing Thoughts
It is hard for Robert S. Rugeley to choose his most memorable experience of World War 2. One, is that they were...
George, Carroll Coast Guard and A Wife
Carroll George enlisted in the Coast Guard because it is always looking out for the welfare of others. It saves lives...
Noll, Eilleen Coast Guard and Navy Duty
After joining the Coast Guard [Annotator’s Note: in 1944], Eileen Noll was sent to West Palm Beach [Annotator’s Note:...
Jones, Robert Coast Guard Dog Training
Robert Francis Jones joined the Coast Guard on his 18th birthday. He was very disappointed at first [Annotator’s Note:...
Stumpfa, James Coast Guard Work in Bermuda
Jim Stumpfa sang the US Coast Guard song while they were marching. He enjoyed the exercise. He did not like the middle-...
Toledo, Bill Code Talking
Bill Toledo was sent to code talker [Annotator's Note: person employed by the military to use a little-known language...
McDowell, Bowdre Code Training and Duty in Hawaii
In early January [Annotator's Note: January 1944], Bowdre McDowell went to Great Lakes, Illinois [Annotator's Note:...
Fitts, Charles College and Commission
Charles Fitts, Jr. had stashed a watch in the one place that the Germans did not search. It was an automatic wristwatch...
Ray, Sammy College and Meeting Charlotte
After graduating from high school, Sammy Ray started college at a junior college [Annotator's Note: Sunflower Junior...
Smith, Rothacker College and the Draft
Rothacker Smith attended North High School in Detroit, Michigan after his family moved back to the city from the...
Marks, James College in Boston
James Marks arrived in Boston, Massachusetts from New York. He was shown to his room and was given a basketball. He...
Heinecke, Gustave College, Enlistment and Training
Gustave Heinecke enrolled at Washington and Lee University in 1940. His roommate in 1941 was the son of a congressman...
Freeman, Leslie "Vincent" College, Mountain Training and Overseas Deployment
After basic training, Leslie V. Freeman went on maneuvers near Sacramento [Annotator's Note: Sacramento, California]....
Baughman, Harry Combat Actions in Northern Italy
On returning to his outfit [Annotator's Note:the 88th Infantry Division] in Rome [Annotator's Note: Rome, Italy], Harry...
Houdek, Thomas Combat and Capture
After arriving in Southern France, Thomas Houdek and the rest of his unit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion,...
Pope, Everett Combat at Guadalcanal
[Annotator’s Note: This interview is outside so there is a lot of background noise throughout the clip.] Everett Pope...
Hauberg, Harold Combat at Kiska and Kwajalein
Harold Hauberg [Annotator's Note: with Company D, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division] landed...
Strobel, Clarence Combat at Leyte
Clarence Strobel was assigned to Company F, 2nd Battalion, 188th Glider Infantry Regiment [Annotator’s Note:...
Smith, Samuel Combat Crew Training
Samuel W. Smith was sent to Lincoln, Nebraska to pick up his combat crew. When he got there, he ran into his friend...
Guidry, Shirley Combat Engineer Training and Deployment
Shirley Guidry was sent to Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, after enlisting in the Army],...
Green, Arthur Combat Experience in the Philippines
The Army assigned Arthur George Green to the 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division. Green was taught how to...
Graddy, J. Combat Experiences
[Annotator's Note: The video and sound are out of synch in this clip. J.D. Graddy is emotional.] Shortly after a near...
Trindal, Wesley Combat Fatigue
[Annotators Note: Wesley Trindal served in the US Army as a rifleman in Company F, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry...
Lippman, Robert Combat in Burma
The Battle at Walawbum [Annotator's Note: Tanai, Kachin, Burma; now Myanmar, in March 1944] was Robert Lippman's first...
Acker, Charles Combat in Europe
Charles Acker [Annotator's Note: of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division] shows the...
Capron, Ed Combat in Europe
Edward C. Capron Jr. was drafted into the Army in November 1943 and sent to Camp Beauregard, Louisiana for training. He...
Paulk, William Combat in Europe and Return Home
William Morris Paulk was sent to Lake Charles, Louisiana to join his flight crew where he stayed for two months. On 31...
Manzi, Edward Combat in France
Edward J. Manzi was drafted into the Army and sent to Camp Haan, California for basic training. He quickly learned to...
O'Brien, Richard Combat in France
After Richard J. O’Brien disembarked from the ship in England [Annotator’s Note: having departed the United States in...
Candella, Phillip Combat in Germany
When they started moving east from Hoffen [Annotator's Note: Höfen, Germany], Phillip Candella said the 99th [Annotator...
Kracov, William Combat in Germany
William Kracov did not particularly like basic training, but he felt prepared afterward. He sailed right to Europe on...
Martinez, Benigno Combat in Italy
Benigno Martinez arrived in Italy [Annotator's Note: on 28 June 1944] and, within ten days, he was in combat with his...
Moss, Roy Combat in Italy and Southern France
Roy Joseph Moss transitioned to the front when he joined his unit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 142nd...
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