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Kruse, Shirley WASP Training
Shirley Chase Kruse was taking flying lessons and she met a lady who she became friendly with. Her friend recommended...
Rippin, Elsie WAVES Experience
On the day she was discharged [Annotator's Note: from the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES);...
Castellano, Nancy WAVES Training
Nancy Lynch Castellano was not old enough to join the WAVES [Annotator's Note: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency...
Pierce, William "Bill" Weapons
William Pierce never fired a rifle until he was in the Marine Corps. He became a marksman and then an expert rifleman....
Pierce, William "Bill" Weapons Company
William Pierce was assigned to Weapons Company, 29th Regiment [Annotator's Note: Weapons Company, 29th Marine Regiment...
Weber, Norman Weber's Reunion with His Father
Norman Weber’s father was drafted into the German Army in 1941. The family was with him in Poland during 1944. He was...
Arrow, Kenneth Welfare Economics
Dr. Kenneth Arrow introduced his ideas on the efficiency of competitive economies and the government should rely on...
DiSabatino, Eugene Wendover Army Air Field
Eugene DiSabatino worked on Ballistic Tables as part of the delivery system for the Manhattan Project in the...
Giller, Edward West Coast to England
In April 1942, after received his pilot's wings, Edward Bonfoy Giller, Jr. was transferred to the newly built Paine...
Bradley, John West Point
John Bradley and his mother moved to the United States in 1949 [Annotator's Note: they were liberated 3 February 1945,...
Johnson, James West Point
James Johnson went to basic training for three months. Then he went to advanced individual training for two months. He...
Barksdale, Battle West Point Military Academy
Battle Malone Barksdale was in H Company [Annotator's Note: Company H - unable to further identify - at the United...
Stern, Herbert West Point, Flight Training and Back to the Artillery
Herbert Stern had received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York and was...
Cauble, Raymond West Pointers
Raymond Cauble won an airplane ride in 1935. Cauble volunteered for the service due to patriotism. He says he would...
Sturman, William Why He Joined the Navy
William Sturman and a buddy liked the Navy and just picked it to join. He wanted to see the ocean. He was old enough to...
Hollis, Frederick Willow Run
Fredrick Hollis did not witness much family talk about the conflict during World War 2. Some of his relatives served in...
Hillenbrand, Bernard Wins and Losses
Bernard Hillenbrand does not recall too much of when he landed on Omaha Beach [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied...
Allen, George Witnessing the Trinity Test
George Allen says the officer accommodations in New Mexico were okay. Most of the time they were in the field though....
Pierce, Jack Working as a Navy electrician
Jack Pierce remembers getting to Kwajalein Island [Annotator’s Note: Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands] after they had...
Higgins, Francis "Jack Higgins" Working for Higgins Industries
Francis Higgins was a good draftsman. He took that position with his Uncle Andrew [Annotator's Note: Andrew Jackson...
St. Amant, Philemon Working in the OSS
Philemon Andrews Saint Amant [Annotator's Note: a member of the OSS, Office of Strategic Services; pre-runner to today'...
Gibfried, Paul Working in the War
Paul Gibfried was born in Park Ridge, Illinois in September 1924. When he joined the Navy, he was investigated by the...
Denzler, Edward Working with Chinese Allies
Talking about working with the other Allied forces, Edward Denzler observed that the Kachin Rangers had been...
Kiefer, Keith Working with Contaminated Soils
[Annotator's Note: Keith Kiefer was assigned to a Radiological Cleanup detail on Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands while...
Ammerman, Gale Working With the 82nd Airborne
Gale Ammerman was wearing a regular combat jacket and trousers, carried a .45 caliber pistol [Annotator's Note: .45...
Sinise, Jack Worst Airplane Rides
The worst ride Jack Sinise had was when he came back [Annotator's Note: from the war in Europe]. He was sent to a...
Wilson, James Wounded at Guadalcanal
James Wilson landed in Wellington, New Zealand [Annotator's Note: on 11 July 1942] and it was cold and raining. They [...
Rose, Olaf "Olly" Wounded by Friendly Fire
During his time on PT-171, Olaf Rose took instruction from veteran engineers, and gradually got comfortable with his...
Rackerby, Archibald "Archie" Wounded by Friendly Fire
Archibald Rackerby was training to go to Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Mariana Islands] after Bougainville [Annotator's...
Johnson, Burton Wounded on Okinawa
Burton "Burt" Johnson was on Pavuvu [Annotator's Note: Pavuvu, Russell Islands with the 1st Marine Division]. He never...
Rolfson, Jack Wrap Up of Rolfson's Service
Jack Rolfson does not recall having any burial services for fallen men in his squadron [Annotator's Note: 427th...
McNeely, Marigold WRENS
Marigold McNeely knew that she could be drafted into the service at age 18 whether she was married or not. That was the...
Lockhead, Harry Writing the Book for UDT Training
Harry Lockhead received his Naval Combat Demolition training at its base in Maui. The men learned and developed UDT [...
Livaudais, James WWII Museum Visit
James Livaudais toured the third floor of the Louisiana Memorial Pavilion of The National WWII Museum with multiple...
Roy, William Yorktown Photographer enters the War
William Roy had served in Battleship Division 5 in the Atlantic on the battleship Arkansas [Annotator's Note: USS...
Arend, Aloysius "Al" Young Boy to Rifleman
Aloysius "Al" Arend was born in Chicago, Illinois in November 1925. He grew up and spent much of his life in nearby...
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