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Strait, Donald Victories and Losses
On returning from the flight that achieved Donald Strait his status as an Ace [Annotator's Note: a fighter pilot with...
Bale, Edward Vietnam
Edward Bale was G4 of the 1st Marine Division and then Chief of Staff of that Division during the Vietnam War. As the...
Black, Jerome Vision Issues and Commission
Jerome Harold Black reported to Fort Sill [Annotator's Note: in Lawton, Oklahoma in February 1943] and for almost a...
Severance, Dave Vivid Memories, Occupation Duty and Service in Later Wars
Besides the flag raising, Dave Severance's most vivid memory was the loss of troops. They knew that the Japanese were...
Caffarel, Carl VJ Day, Commissioning and Deployment to China
Carl Caffarel was at Columbia University in New York, taking final exams [Annotator's Note: which were abandoned], when...
Ryan, Richard VJ-Day and Postwar Navy Service
When the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Richard Ryan was at the naval air station on...
Flanagan, Earl Volunteering for a Top Secret Outfit
Earl Flanagan recalls listening to the radio when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese...
Hill, James Vought F4U Corsair
James J. Hill flew the F4F Wildcat [Annotator's Note: Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter aircraft] which was the best, until...
Spaetgens, William Voyage to the Mediterranean Sea
William Leo Spaetgens and his Navy crewmates aboard the Liberty Ship SS Leslie M. Shaw (MC-0440) were all new to the...
Ebersole, William Waiting Off Iwo Jima
William Ebersole went to a staging area in Tallahassee, Florida for about a month after finishing his pilot training....
Hill, Rawley Waiting to Go Overseas
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee has difficulty speaking at times throughout the segment.] Rawley R. Hill [Annotator’s...
Lucas, Jack Wallet and Parachutes
Jacklyn Lucas's wallet is on display at the D-Day Museum [Annotator's Note: The National WWII Museum in New Orleans,...
Budlong, George Wanting to Do His Part
George E. Budlong was born in 1927 in Providence, Rhode Island. Budlong calls himself a child of the Depression [...
Snyder, Phillip "PB" Wanting to Fight
[Annotator's Note: Snyder pauses the interview several times and repeats statements frequently in this segment.] In...
Eisenach, John War Breakout and Medic Training
[Annotator’s Note: Airplanes flying overhead are audible throughout segment.] John R. Eisenach was born in May 1925 on...
Mammino, Joseph War Breaks Out
Joseph John Mammino was unaware of the Great Depression [Annotator's Note: The Great Depression was a global economic...
Ignatius, Paul War Breaks Out
As Paul Ignatius entered his teens, he became aware of the hostilities rising in Europe and Asia. He was also aware of...
de Jonge, Wim War Comes to the Dutch East Indies
Wim de Jonge was drafted into the Dutch Army [Annotator's Note: de Jonge was drafted into the Koninklijk Nederlandsch-...
Lafferty, Ralph War Experiences
Senator Dole [Annotator's Note: Robert Joseph Dole; American veteran and politician] had been in the same division, but...
Franklin, Paul War Memories
Paul Franklin went to work for an oil company after he graduated high school. While at the water house, Franklin...
Tidmore, Roberta War Production Jobs
Roberta Randolph "Randy" Tidmore went into nurse's training. She did not like it. Two of her friends from school were...
Fishman, Arthur War Service
Arthur Fishman is a World War 2 Navy veteran. He had three sons and several grandchildren, and his wife passed away. He...
Fried, J. M. War's End
J.M. "Jimmy" Fried, Jr. was in a hospital recovering from wounds when he learned about the end of war in Europe. He was...
Kidder, Remi War's End
Remi Kidder got the bed he always hoped he would have. [Annotator's Note: Kidder joined the Navy and served aboard the...
Beynon, Robert War's End
After the war ended, Dr. Robert Beynon and the USS Bowfin (SS-287) went to Long Island [Annotator's Note: Long Island,...
Fristoe, Claud War's End
Claud Neal Fristoe, Jr. left New Guinea and was assigned to Leyte Gulf in the Philippines [Annotator's Note: Fristoe...
Moore, Hilar War's End
Hilar Moore was sent to Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Northern Mariana Islands], which was the forward base for the...
Lingo, Alfred War's End
In 1944, Alfred A. Lingo [Annotator's Note: with the 621st Aircraft Warning Company] was in Attu [Annotator's Note:...
Zingheim, John War's End
Dr. John Julien Zingheim was not close to Remagen [Annotator's Note: Remagen, Germany]. He occasionally operated on...
Levitt, Sydney War's End
Sydney Levit remembered when the war in Europe was finally over. He heard that he was going to be sent home for 30 days...
Maki, Howard War's End
The last day of the war in Italy for Howard T. Maki was in early May 1945. It was VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in...
Freeman, Bradford War's End
After being wounded in Belgium, Bradford Clark Freeman was sent back to England and didn't return to his company [...
White, James War's End
James White was a 60mm mortar man, but artillery fire took out two machine gunners. White became a machine gunner as a...
Cook, Bane War's End
Bane Cook went to Great Lakes, Illinois [Annotator's Note: Naval Station Great Lakes in Lake County, Illinois] for...
Mittelsdorf, Joseph War's End
Joseph Mittelsdorf was assigned to the 5th Marine Division. He was in the rear echelon for the Battle of Iwo Jima [...
Johnson, Raleigh War's End
Raleigh W. Johnson Jr. served in the Navy near the end of World War 2. He attended Wright Junior College [Annotator’s...
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