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Scherer, Monroe Typhoon Louise
[Annotator's Note: Monroe Scherer was sent to Okinawa, Japan in July 1945.] There was a sign posted saying that they...
Smith, Bernard Typical Missions
Most of Bernard Smith's missions were to railroad marshalling yards. [Annotator's Note: SMith walks off camera for a...
Fitzmorris, James U-boats and V-E Day
James Fitzsmorris heard about German u-boat [Annotator's Note: submarine] attacks in the Gulf of Mexico but never knew...
Lamm, Allen Underwater Demolition Team 21
Allen Lamm returned to the United States from his duty protecting convoys on a patrol craft [Annotator's Note: Lamm had...
Wiswell, George Underwater Ship Repairs
George Wiswell was made a third-class diver in the Navy. Most repair jobs are figured out as they are done. He was in...
Lebow, Cleatus Unions and Reunions
Cleatus Lebow believes that, although the contents of the crate they carried to was top secret, speculation among the...
David, Maynard Unit Assignment and First Combat Mission
[Annotator's Note: Maynard David served in the USAAF as a bombardier on Boeing B-29 Superfortress very heavy bombers in...
Houseman, Donelson "Don" Unit Assignment and Going Overseas
Donelson Houseman got a ten day leave and went home. After reporting back, he was assigned to Fort Fisher, North...
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Unit Assignment and Going to England
John Witmeyer was sent to Camp Pickett, Virginia where roll was called and men were assigned to various outfits. When...
Dobbs, Clarence "Jack" Unit Assignment and Overseas Deployment
After gunnery training, Clarence Lee "Jack" Dobbs was sent to a staging area in Lincoln, Nebraska, then to Harvard,...
Foy, John Unit Assignment and Ovwerseas Deployment
On his first trip outside of New York, John Foy traveled to Fort Benning, Georgia for basic training. He had a...
Keller, Richard Unit Assignment and Training
Richard Keller and the rest of the 37th Division took part in the Louisiana Maneuvers. They were bused into the area...
Flannigan, James Unit Assignment, Overseas Deployment and Combat Duties
James Flannigan was sent to Camp Carrabelle, Florida [Annotator's Note: after completing basic training at Fort Sill,...
Colbert, Hugh United Kingdom
Hugh Colbert's platoon sergeant was a man name Charles Hruby who was very good with the men and almost seemed like the...
Riddle, Clinton "Clint" United Kingdom
After combat on Saint Angelo Mountain near Naples, Italy had ceased, Clinton Riddle and Company B, 1st Battalion, 325th...
Freligh, Robert Untitled Event
Kruse, Shirley Ups and Downs of WASP Training
Shirley Chase Kruse loved flying the Stearman [Annotator's Note: Boeing-Stearman Model 75 Kaydet primary trainer...
Twible, Harlan US Naval Academy
After graduating high school, Harlan Twible got a job then started college with the money he earned. During his...
Winslow, Lawson US Navy Service
Lawson Tracy Winslow, Junior completed the program [Annotator's Note: V-12 US Navy College Training Program, 1943 to...
Colburn, George USO Shows and the Atomic Bombs
Shows were important to George Colburn. Eddie Bracken [Annotator's Note: Edward Vincent Bracken, American entertainer]...
Goss, Samuel "S. Richard Goss" USS Bladen (APA-63)
Samuel Goss boarded the USS Bladen [Annotator's Note: USS Bladen (APA-63)] as it entered into a trial period prior to...
Jackson, Wilbur USS Bowfin (SS-287)
Wilbur Lee Jackson was assigned to the Bowfin [Annotator’s Note: USS Bowfin (SS-287)] in the auxiliaries gang [...
Rasmussen, Ervin USS Butte (APA-68)
[Annotator's Note: Ervin Lloyd Rasmussen served in the Navy and was assigned to Pier 92 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard in...
Glass, Jack USS Enterprise (CV-6)
The Battle of the Philippine Sea was the end of Jack Glass' combat tour. They finished up the Marianas operation then...
Rosenzweig, Abraham USS Leonard Wood (APA-12)
Abraham Rosenzweig had no commander for four and a half months on the island [Annotator’s Note: He was part of the...
Perino, Salvador USS Makassar Strait (CVE-91)
Salvador Perino liked his ship [Annotator's Note: the USS Makassar Strait (CVE-91)]. The ship's force learned to...
Boreen, Roy S. Swede USS Oklahoma (BB-37)
Roy Boreen spent a year and a half as part of the USS Oklahoma's (BB-37) 3rd Division Deck Force. Every Friday was...
Harless, Paul USS Potomac Assignment
Paul Harless was born in Corryton, Tennessee in December 1921. His father worked in various jobs during the Great...
Purvis, Frank USS Snowden (DE-246)
Teaching was fine, and Frank Purvis knew how fortunate he was. He was reading about and seeing guys in the real war....
George, Carroll USS Taney (WAGC-37) to Okinawa
Carroll George trained on the USCGC Danmark (WIX-283) [Annotator's Note: Danmark; full-rigged ship of Danish Maritime...
Vallas, Theodore USS Wasp in the Pacific Followed by Kaneohe
Theodore Vallas was happy to know that his ship [Annotator's Note: USS Wasp (CV-7)] was going into battle and that he...
Franzke, Charles V-12 Program
While preparing to graduate from high school, Charles “Chuck” Franzke was encouraged by his father to take a test to...
Mather, James V-5 Navy Aviation Cadet Program
James Mather joined the V-5 Program [Annotator's Note: V-5 US Navy Aviation Cadet Program, 1939 to 1943] and became a...
Pratt, Robert V-7 Program to LST Duty
After being accepted into the Navy V-7 program [Annotator's Note: V-7 US Navy Midshipmen Officer Candidates Program,...
McCalla, Anna Various Nursing Jobs
[Annotator's Note: Anna McCalla Noren graduated from Nursing School in March 1943.] That summer, she and a friend...
Bucher, Francis Various Tales
Francis Bucher was training pilots for night flying [Annotator's Note: at Naval Air Station Ellyson Field, Pensacola,...
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