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Military training and instruction
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Hackler, Maurice "Hack" Training and Instruction
On the morning of Sunday, 7 December 1941, Maurice Hackler and a friend were driving to a wildlife area to go rabbit...
McKay, Wallace Training and Leave in Australia
Wallace McKay went to Bougainville [Annotator's Note: Bougainville, Solomon Islands], where troops were being trained...
Taylor, Amelia Training and Life on Base
Amelia Taylor had trained at Bethesda [Annotator's Note: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda,...
Winnier, Lawrence Training and Life on Ship
Lawrence Winnier's boot camp [Annotator's Note: in the US Navy] was being taught how to set a table and make beds. They...
Twigger, William Training and Losing Friends
William J. Twigger was training on Guadalcanal [Annotator's Note: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, in September 1944]...
Schafer, Leon Training and Losing Men
In England, Leon Schafer went through a series of training periods. The ship's [Annotator's Note: USS LST-502] crew had...
Beamish, William Training and Military Duty Stateside
In October 1942, William S. “Bill” Beamish enlisted in the Army Air Corps and was inducted in San Pedro [Annotator’s...
Jindra, Leonard Training and Outfit Cohesiveness
Leonard Jindra met different types of individuals while in training. Some were surprisingly particular but, when in...
Barnette, Kenneth Training and Overseas
Kenneth Barnette was drafted into the Army at age 18 in March 1943. He was sent to Fort Barkley in Abilene, Texas for...
Briggs, Norman Training and Overseas
Norman Alden Briggs went to basic training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. Briggs was placed in the I and R, Intelligence...
Hastings, Wilford Training and Overseas
Wilford E. Hastings drafted into the Army in 1943 and was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee for induction. He was then...
Moen, Virgil Training and Overseas
Virgil Clayton Moen was trained in gliders in the Army Air Corps. Many guys died in glider crashes because they were...
Verlander, David Training and Overseas Deployment
After a short orientation at Camp Beauregard [Annotator's Note: in Pineville, Louisiana], David Verlander was sent to...
Frodyma, Edmund Training and Overseas Deployment
Edmund Frodyma was drafted into the Army and sent to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for basic training for 13 weeks. He was...
Rickel, Robert Training and Patrol Duty
On 20 October 1942, Robert "Bob" Rickel began his military experience at Fort Dix [Annotator's Note: in Trenton, New...
Nygren, Karl Training and Postwar
Carl Nygren went to training school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. [Annotator’s Note: Nygren talks about going out with a...
Mancuso, Frank Training and Preparation
Once while Frank Mancuso was out with his friends, they began talking about how bad things were getting in Germany,...
Solice, Leroy Training and Service in Germany
Leroy "Lee" Solice completed boot camp at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas after one night at Fort Humbug [Annotator's Note: in...
Langrall, Clarke Training and Serving Aboard a Merchant Ship
Military training was easy for Clarke Langrall, having been a company leader in the cadet corps when he was in high...
Jones, Gerry Training and Serving as a Scout
Gerry Jones trained with the United States Marines, joining the Scout and Sniper Company at Camp Elliott [Annotator's...
Saik, Ogden Training and Ship Assignment
The Navy's boot camp in San Diego required that all graduates knew how to swim, and Ogden Saik mentioned that it was no...
Addison, Arnold "A.C." Training and Tarawa
Against his older brother's advice, Arnold Addison joined the Marine Corps. He remembers that when he started boot camp...
Evensen, Janice Training and the Link Trainer
Janice Evenson returned home. She got on the railroad and joined a group of women who were going to boot camp. They...
Myers, Jr., William Training and the Submarine Base Pearl Harbor
William Myers, Jr. described submarine school at Pearl Harbor as good and not good; he hated training in the pressure...
Adams, J. Training and the War Effort
When Jones Quincy Adams, Jr. received his commission and wings from the Army Air Corps in June 1944, his mother and...
Carroll, Wesley Training as a B-24 Navigator
While training as a navigator at Mather Field [Annotator's Note: later Mather Air Force Base; near Sacramento,...
Forstall, Earl Training as a Crew Chief
Earl Forstall is from New Orleans, Louisiana. He was studying mechanical engineering at Tulane University when the war...
Steinfeld, Manfred Training at Camp Ritchie and Deployment
Manfred Steinfeld was not a citizen of the United States [Annotator's Note: having emigrated from Germany in 1938] and...
Hall, Meda Training Cadets
Meda Royce Hall was a Ground School Gunnery Instructor at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida when America went...
Fisher, Clayton Training Command and Crashing Again
Clayton Fisher spent the next two and a half years in the training command. Once, Fisher was chasing fighters and...
Pedrick, Sam Training Dogs and Handlers
Sam Pedrick [Annotator’s Note: an Army K-9 trainer] fed the dogs he trained in a progressive way varying meat content...
Bruce, John Training for Combat
[Annotator’s Note: There are various noises in the background throughout this segment.] John Bruce was born in northern...
Ammerman, Gale Training for D-Day
Gale Ammerman went to England just after Christmas 1943. He went to Scotland first. He about froze to death even...
Biondo, Frank Training for Engineering
Frank Biondo went to Fort Warren, Wyoming [Annotator's Note: now Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming...
Pike, Henry Training for Guerilla Warfare
Henry Quinton Pike was part of the 3rd Raider Battalion [Annotator's Note: 3rd Marine Raider Battalion]. He had two...
Lansford, William Training for Iwo Jima with John Basilone
After Bougainville, William Lansford went back to the United States. He was a high point guy. Back in the United States...
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