Military service stateside

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At the conclusion of World War 2, Kenneth Beckman stayed in the Air Force and eventually wound up in Japan with his...
Mark Maynard was one of 27 chiefs in the SUBPAC [Annotator’s Note: Submarine Command Pacific] when only nine were...
Ed Rendelman stayed in the Army after the war. After being wounded, he was sent to a hospital in Bristol, England. It...
Heywood Mason [Annotator's Note: assigned to a Machine Records Unit] was guarding German prisoners of war at Camp Lee [...
Henry Quinton Pike returned to the United States to be trained as a platoon instructor but he did not like that duty....
Forrest Villarrubia was home from the Pacific by December 1945, but he had to continue in the service because he did...
After Grover Tyner left the Army and signed up for the Reserves, he attended seminary school in the fall of 1946 on the...
When the war ended in Europe, Homer Cole was sent to Alexandria, Louisiana to begin training on B-29s [Annotator's Note...
Frank H. O'Leary took a job as the clothing quartermaster at Camp Lejeune [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Base Camp...
After Paul James Grubb returned home on a transport [Annotator's Note: after completing 50 missions in Europe as a tail...
Calvin Moret was still a 19 year old teenager when his mother pinned his wings on him. The war in the Pacific ended...
Samuel Lombardo did not think much of the German people. He felt they were negligent in allowing Hitler's [Annotator's...
George C. Ward remained in Burma after the war [Annotator’s Note: he was deployed to the China-Burma-India Theater in...
Frederick Hollis was drafted in August 1952. He had 16 weeks of Army basic training in Fort Bliss, Texas, eight weeks...
After a brief furlough [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time], Eugene J. Gemperline was...
James H. "Jim" Pritchard's unit [Annotator's Note: 28th Infantry Regiment, 5th Marine Division] was sent to Sasebo on...
While in Charleston [Annotator's Note: Charleston, South Carolina], Roger A. Lewis did guard duty at a German POW [...
Clifford Albert Hahn was on Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan] when he heard about the dropping of the atomic...
Walter Bala enjoyed going to his bomb group [Annotator's Note: Bala was a member of the 732nd Bombardment Squadron,...
Alfred Taddeo became an instructor at Melbourne, Florida where he met several former VF-10 [Annotator's Note: Fighting...
Frank Finklang had intentions to go to pilot training but learned that the Air Force closed pilot school. He decided to...
John LeBure knew that work was being reduced so he left the company [Annotator's Note: Higgins Industries in New...
Isadore Bronstein and the 97th Infantry Division [Annotator's Note: Bronstein was an assistant BAR man in Company C,...
Rodney Charles Fraser had nightmares after his time in combat [Annotator’s Note: Fraser was serving with the 29th...
Jack Appel transitioned to the United States through Camp Lucky Strike [Annotator's Note: one of the transit and...
After the war ended, Henry "Buck" Weaver spent the next six months disposing of airplanes at the Ground Forces...
Howard T. Maki wanted to stay in the Army but was convinced by family to leave. He missed the service though. He...
Alfred Raymond Mosher lost about 30 or 40 pounds while he was a prisoner. Mosher remained in the Navy for an additional...
Robert Francis Jones was a Chief Petty Officer stationed at Martha’s Vineyard Naval Air Station [Annotator’s Note:...
After Richard "Dick" Loges was discharged from service, he did not take advantage of the G.I. Bill [Annotator's Note:...
Olin Pickens dealt with nightmares for years after his time in captivity as a prisoner of war, often dreaming about...
John Langston Harrison, Jr. was able to cope and made stronger [Annotator's Note: by being underestimated by people...
Walter Bowsher worked on an effort called the Mount Fuji Project which was supposedly building a children's playground...
Billy Michal's paternal grandfather worked his way up the ladder in the local lumber business [Annotator's Note: in...
Linwood S. Inscoe was in Memphis, Tennessee on VJ-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory Over Japan Day, 15 August 1945]. He...
James Mather joined the V-5 Program [Annotator's Note: V-5 US Navy Aviation Cadet Program, 1939 to 1943] and flew...
