Life in the Field/aboard ship

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Oran Harris did not know the exact nature of his mission on Palawan Island until he reached the prison. A Navy ship in...
James "Jim" L. Brooks [Annotator's Note: a fighter pilot] was assigned to the Panama Canal Zone. He was part of a...
Richard Scholl was in basic training at Camp Wolters, Texas. Training was not bad. It was bad doing jungle training in...
James Anthony Gabour's one year enlistment was extended for four more years. He was stationed in Panama as the Mess...
Going across the Pacific [Annotator's Note: Pacific Ocean] to the Philippines, Kenneth Raymond Goodwin stopped in Guam...
John Steven Getway [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper with the 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, attached to the 504th...
Wilbur Thomas was assigned to supervise and maintain all the utilities including the pipeline, water, electricity, and...
Florence MacCallum [Annotator’s Note: a citizen of England working for the U.S. Army Joint Chiefs of Staff in London,...
During Operation Varsity [Annotator's Note: Operation Varsity, 24 March 1945, Wesel, Germany], the glider pilots of one...
John T. Fallon had to wait to go home. He had enough points [Annotator's Note: a point system was devised based on a...
In his advanced training, Guy Stern had to interrogate prisoners. They were taught four or five methods and were given...
Leon J. Neiman met the native populations of Tinian [Annotator's Note: Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands] numerous times...
After the clean-up of Pearl Harbor, John Cassidy chose to stay in the Pacific on the USS Vincennes (CA-44) which...
The boats were scattered around little islands, each with a pier, and Richard McEwen said the sailors ate their meals...
Jack Raskoph was not much help in the radio room. He was a Radioman 3rd Class. His channel was operated by the British...
Just before sunset, Arthur Frongello's boat [Annotator's Note: PT-302, Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 22 (MTBRon 22)]...
On one patrol, Melvin C. Whitman shot a big rat off a fence. The shot scared a hiding Japanese soldier and one of...
Charles White went through Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June 1944]....
The operation on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu Island, Palau] was supposed to be in conjunction with the offensive...
The intelligence group was on Thomas Francis Schicker's outfit's [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 1st...
Harry Bender [Annotator's Note: after joining Company K, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division on...
James Wilson got off Cape Gloucester [Annotator's Note: Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, February 1944]...
Hugh Wingo was stationed in Galveston [Annotator’s Note: Galveston, Texas] for three or four months. They got the news...
Two weeks after the attack at Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December...
Marvin Westcott describes his experiences and observations of the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He...
They [Annotator's Note: Vernon Tweedt's family] had a Philco radio. When he heard the news [Annotator's Note: of the...
Warren J. Haslauer [Annotator's Note: with the 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division] was sitting in the mess hall...
Ernest Jackson was sitting in a movie theater watching a musical when the movie was stopped and it was announced that...
Hersey Goodwin was in high school, and they talked current events in the mornings. They knew about it [Annotator's Note...
Gene Alair did not find Navy life difficult. He really enjoyed it. After recieving his commission, he was assigned to...
Henry Malec felt the BAR [Annotator's Note: Browning Automatic Weapon] was heavy at ten pounds. He took the bipod off...
Richard O'Hara and his father were in the kitchen and heard the news of the bombing of Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note:...
Lloyd Dendy met people from different parts of the country. They had different accents and different ways of doing...
Charles Womack remembers that the bunkers and emplacements were often different from one to the next. He came across...
Eugene Corson remembers seeing a USO show [Annotator's Note: United Service Organizations] in the Russel Islands where...
When the USS Foote (DD-511) got to Pearl Harbor, Wilbur Rogers remembered they stripped the 20mm off its fan tail and...
