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Liberation of civilian populations
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Colbert, Hugh Going Home
After spending one day in Paris, France, Hugh Colbert boarded a train for Le Havre, France in Normandy. Upon arriving...
Venverloh, Joseph Going through France with 2nd Armored Division
Joseph Venerloh was sent to a replacement depot, from there was assigned, and loaded up into a truck. He was dropped at...
Maki, Howard Graves Registration Duty then Liberator
Howard T. Maki explored towns in Italy and found wounded and murdered local inhabitants. One individual serving with...
Jeffrey, Wallace Ground Air Support
Wallace Jeffery and the 300 or so troops in his unit got together after Paris. [Annotator’s Note: the unit was the...
de Marcken, Christian Harboring Fugitives and Feelings Toward the Axis
The children of the family did not always know, Christian de Marcken clarified, about their parents' sheltering of...
Weber, Norman Hitler Youth Camp and American Advances
Norman Weber is shocked by his experience in the Hitler Youth [Annotator's Note: a youth organization of the Nazi Party...
Heffron, Edward "Babe" Holland
Edward "Babe" Heffron jumped into Holland and spent over 78 days there. The jump into the drop zone meant kill or be...
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Importance of History
As a veteran, John Witmeyer believes in the importance and the value of history, especially the history of World War 2...
Muller, Henry Infighting between Generals
[Interviewer asks about the planning of the operation at Los Baños Internment Camp, Los Baños, Philippines] Henry...
Brooks, Curtis Initial Liberation of Santo Tomas
On 3 February 1945, nine American planes flew over the camp very low and slow. Curtis Brooks told his brother he...
Carter, Paul Initiation Into Combat
From Morocco, Paul Carter was shipped to Sicily where he was assigned to Company K, 179th Infantry Battalion, 45th...
Muller, Henry Inside Los Baños
Henry Muller was with the 11th Airborne Division, Eighth US Army, that liberated the Japanese internment camp at Los...
Acker, Charles Interactions with Civilians
The people from one of the camps [Annotator's Note: he is referring to concentration camps]. They looked like ghosts in...
Baxter, Lionel Interactions with Civilians
Lionel Baxter and his unit [Annotator's Note: Battery A, 941st Field Artillery Battalion] went through the outskirts of...
Simpson, Joseph Into Germany
When Joseph Simpson entered enemy towns as his unit advanced into the German home land, white flags would come out and...
Taliancich, Joseph Italy
Joseph Taliancich was attached to two divisions. He believes he was with the 3rd Infantry Division in Sicily [Annotator...
Chaisson, Roland Joining the Army, Learning of Pearl Harbor and the Sicilian Campaign
Roland Chaisson volunteered for the Army when he was 17. He didn't like the Navy and the Marine Corps sounded too tough...
Cohn, Marthe Joining the French Army
Marthe Cohn was able to make a living until she joined the Army [Annotator's Note: First French Army in November 1944...
Lesniewski, Joseph Jumping into Holland
Sometime in August [Annotator's Note: August 1944], Joseph Lesniewski and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company E, 2nd...
Renstrom, Keith Landing on Saipan, Witnessing Suicides, and Caring for Civilians
They did everything they could do to get off of the beach. One of the warrant officers was hit and told Keith Renstrom...
Scholl, Richard Legaspi, Philippines
Each campaign that Richard Scholl took part in in the Philippines took about two weeks to clear out completely. The...
Dahme, Maud Liberated and Reunited
[Annotator's Note: Maud Dahme and her sister were hiding from the Nazis with a Christian family in Elburg, Netherlands...
Engels, Emile Liberated by Tall, Smiling Americans
Emile Engles did not see Germans much until the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or Ardennes...
Freeman, Leslie "Vincent" Liberating Belgium and Luxembourg
Leslie Freeman's first close contact with the enemy was after crossing France and Belgium and going into the Hurtgen...
Duffy, Gowan Liberating Paris
Gowan Duffy remembers all the soldiers at Omaha Beach were seasoned German soldiers. They set up on the Allied side of...
Hatala, Albert Liberating Rome
Albert Hatala primarily built Bailey bridges while he was serving in Italy. He also ran communication wire so...
Koenigsberg, John Liberation
John Koenigsberg’s mother escaped to another region in Holland [Annotator’s Note: the Netherlands]. His father worked...
Noe, Leanne Liberation
Leanne Blinzler Noe [Annotator's note: a child internee at Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment Camp,...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Liberation
Elizabeth Lautzenheiser Irvine and other internees [Annotator's Note: in the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila...
Bailey Pratt, Caroline Liberation
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee taps a cup throughout the segment.] Caroline Bailey Pratt and her family were interned...
Szafran, Daniel Liberation and Palestine
Daniel Szafran was in Auschwitz [Annotator's Note: Auschwitz II-Birkenau in Brzesinka, Poland]. The food situation was...
Levy, Anne Liberation and Postwar
Anne Levy initially thought the Russian liberators were going to be better than the German oppressors. She would...
Giamberardino, Anna Maria Liberation and Postwar Life
One night, Anna Maria Giamberardino and a friend decided to go see where the couples would hang out. They saw some men...
Lorenzen, Angus Liberation and the Fight for Santo Tomas
On 3 February 1945, Angus Lorenzen saw a Marine Corp dive bomber fly over the internment camp of Santo Tomas, Manila,...
Ream, John Liberation to the United States
John Ream remembers when liberation started that the Japanese told them to stay in the camp because it was dangerous...
Hart, Howard Los Banos Rescue
Howard Hart remembers the rescue of the Los Banos internment camp [Annotator’s Note: The Raid on Los Baños in the...
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