Interactions with local populations

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Whayland Harvel Greene [Annotator's Note: assigned to the 126th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Infantry Division] was slightly...
Henry Malec was atop a hill when the war ended. He was with several other men and Lieutenant Lewis [Annotator's Note:...
[Annotator's Note: Howard Warren Stokes served in the 27th Infantry Division. Soon after the war's end, he was sent...
When Bernard Friedenberg [Annotator's Note: a medic with the Medical Detachment, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment...
Lillian Hoover was kept informed of what was going on in the war. Her base [Annotator's Note: Naval Air Technical...
The news [Annotator's Note: of the atomic bombs being dropped] reached Thomas J. Bostick's unit [Annotator's Note:...
Anne Levy and her sister were on a journey for two days before her sibling became ill and began running a fever. [...
John Holton Ford was deployed to France and joined the 3rd Army [Annotator’s Note: he was a second lieutenant battalion...
Josefine "Piepsi" Joyce went to work outside Vienna, Austria for the Luftwaffe [Annotator's Note: German Air Force]....
Antoinette Underwood and the hospital staff [Annotator's Note: of the 129th General Hospital] knew an invasion was...
Philip Schultz reviews photographs in his collection of various on and off duty activities while in Europe during and...
Teddy Kirkpatrick reflects on the events in his life during World War 2, beginning with the attack on Pearl Harbor. He...
Dr. Kenneth Arrow was surprised when war came with Japan. Japan's actions had been terrible but the anticipation was...
James Gaffney was born in 1924 in Texarkana, Texas. His family moved to several places in Texas. By the time he was six...
John Edmund Murman, assigned to the USS Wilkes-Barre (CL-103), left Pearl Harbor [Annotator’s Note: Pearl Harbor,...
After Richard Jaccarino was released from the hospital, he was sent to a replacement depot on Saipan, and within a...
Hugh Ettinger was assigned to an LST [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship, Tank] in the Pacific Theater. After a couple of...
William M. Barnett [Annotator’s Note: with the 222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division] first saw a dead G.I. [...
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear ringing from interviewee’s hearing aid throughout segment.] George N. Boutwell [Annotator’s...
[Annotator's Note: The audio level of this interview is very low.] On VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day,...
Roy Stewart was back on Maui [Annotator's Note: the 4th Marine Division occupied an area of Maui, Hawaii unofficially...
James Warren David recalled a time while he was in Pool Boat 12 when a Chaplain and local representative wanted to go...
Malcolm Johnson had been a civilian contractor on Wake Island when he was wounded and taken prisoner by the Japanese....
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip, a person off-camera answers a lot of the interviewer's questions or gives...
When Herman Pbert was going back to Germany [Annotator's Note: in 1950], he said he would be so bad against them [...
On 13 February 1943, they took off for a raid on Shortland Harbor [Annotator's Note: Shortland Harbor, Shortland Island...
On the day she was discharged [Annotator's Note: from the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES);...
Norman Weber’s father was drafted into the German Army in 1941. The family was with him in Poland during 1944. He was...
Emiline Ann Bourgeois was stationed at West Point [Annotator's Note: as an Army nurse at the hospital of the United...
Joyce Leblanc followed her husband to America after a year of more paperwork and several trips to London for approvals...
Richard Scholl arrived in New Guinea to constant rain. They were experimenting with canvas boots. They would wear them...
When he arrived in Paris, France, Robert Sweatt's escorts introduced him to three young men of the French Resistance...
For Dracos Burke, the Nuremberg trials were fascinating, because he was interested in the law. President Roosevelt [...
John Hever never saw any Japanese soldiers until after the war was over. They had no weapons, and were walking around...
Lloyd Dendy stayed in Australia about two months [Annotator's Note: April to June 1943]. He did a lot of night training...
Malcolm Johnson had been a civilian contractor on Wake Island when he was wounded and taken prisoner by the Japanese....
