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Daquarna, Joseph Becoming a Sailor and Traveling the World
Joseph Daquarna enlisted in early 1945 and went to boot camp in San Diego. Afterward, he was assigned to a submarine...
Perry, Robert Becoming a Sailor on a Destroyer
Robert Perry did his Navy boot camp in San Diego [Annotator's Note: San Diego, California]. He was then sent to...
Zolkower, Maurice "Murray" Becoming a Soldier
Maurice Zolkower entered the Army at Camp Dix, New Jersey. He was surprised to be assigned to the 114th Infantry [...
Deal, James Becoming a Soldier
James Deal was inducted into the Army and sent to Fort Lewis, Washington. A tank battalion was formed out of the new...
Epperson, William Becoming a Soldier
William Epperson reported to Camp Wolters [Annotator's Note: in Mineral Wells, Texas] and found that many of the men...
Sharp, Horace Becoming a Soldier
Horace Sharp found himself in the Army on a troop train headed to the southeast [Annotator's Note: Sharp was inducted...
Mullen, Wesley Becoming a Soldier
Wesley S. Mullen underwent basic training at Fort Riley, Kansas. He was assigned to the horse cavalry, but it was soon...
Linquata, Michael Becoming a Soldier
Michael Linquata went to Boston after graduation [Annotator's Note: he graduated from high school in January 1944]. He...
Jindra, Leonard Becoming a Soldier
Leonard Jindra was listening to a radio broadcast by Walter Winchell [Annotator's Note: Walter Winchell, American...
Riggsby, Norman Becoming a Soldier
Norman Riggsby was drafted. He then went to an examination. Afterward, he went to a reception center in Michigan. From...
Moss, Roy Becoming a Soldier
Roy Joseph Moss took a long train ride to Little Rock, Arkansas [Annotator's Note: Camp Robinson] where he received his...
Ginrich, Ralph Becoming a Soldier
Ralph “Bud” Ginrich crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the Queen Mary. He had completed basic training just fine. Reaching...
Schmidt, Philip Becoming a Soldier
Before he could finish his schooling, Philip Schmidt was drafted into the Army. He knew several people that had been...
Lombardo, Samuel Becoming a Soldier and Officer
Samuel Lombardo joined the National Guard on 11 November 1939. He had a friend in the Guard who coaxed him into doing...
Memory, Frank Becoming a Submariner
Frank George Memory went through boot camp in San Diego [Annotators’ Note: San Diego, California] and was assigned to...
Brewer, Chester Becoming a Tail Gunner and Deploying to Scotland
Chester Brewer was sent to Las Vegas, Nevada and fired every gun from BB guns [Annotator's Note: air gun that fires...
Glass, Helen Becoming a WAVE
Helen Anderson Glass enlisted but could not enter active service until she was investigated by governmental security...
Jostad, Glen Becoming an Airman
Glen Jostad had an abbreviated basic training before beginning radio training at Scott Field [Annotator's Note: near...
Dymnicki, Francis Becoming an Airman
Francis Dymnicki attempted to become a pilot in the Air Force. Half of his friends wanted to do the same. Dymnicki was...
Finesmith, Max Becoming an Airman
Max Finesmith was drafted into the Army infantry but ended up in the Air Forces. He trained at Fort Jackson, South...
Cahoon, Robert Becoming an Airman and Overseas Deployment
Robert Cahoon was drafted into the Army on his 21st birthday. When he reported to Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: near...
Underwood, Antoinette Becoming an Army Nurse
Antoinette Underwood signed up for the Army a day or two after Pearl Harbor. She had to go to West Point for an...
Spint, Robert Becoming an M5 Tank Driver
When Robert Spint was first given his assignment and reached his company [Annotator's Note: 92nd Cavalry Reconnaissance...
Rogers, John Becoming Company Commander, Interactions with German Civilians and Going Home
John Rogers was fighting on Christmas Day [Annotator's Note: 25 December 1944] during the Battle of the Bulge. They...
Geiger, John Behind Enemy Lines
John Geiger [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 6th Army Special Reconnaissance Unit, known as the Alamo Scouts] and...
Martin, Oscar Being a Combat Medic
Oscar Otto Martin remembered that on his first day in combat, they were scheduled to attack at two in the afternoon,...
Rougas, Beverly Being a Marine
The war was on and all of the men were being drafted. After the first year, women were allowed to join the military, so...
Carter, Paul Being a Prisoner of War
While he was a prisoner in Italy, Paul Carter nearly starved. Before leaving Rome [Annotator's Note: Rome, Italy] his...
Gilbert, Lawrence Being a Prisoner of War
Lawrence Richard "Red" Gilbert was put on a work detail building houses on a Jewish cemetery. They used the tombstones...
Easterling, Lewis "Tom" Being a Prisoner of War
Lewis Thomas Easterling had broken his legs when his plane was hit and he could not go anywhere when he landed. A group...
Vaadi, Eugene Being a Prisoner of War in China
Eugene Vaadi and his crew were shot down by MiG-15s [Annotator's Note: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15, NATO name: Fagot] over...
Hirabayashi, Grant Being a Translator for the British in New Delhi
While in India, Grant Jiro Hirabayashi worked as a translator for the British Air Force after being in Burma [Annotator...
Armstrong, James Being Aided by French Civilians
James Armstrong had bailed out of his B-17 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber], which was shot...
Myrick, Thomas Being an Asset to Society
After college, Thomas Myrick took a job in Shreveport, Louisiana with the U.S. District Clerk of Court's Office for two...
Bradley, John Being an Only Child in Manila
John Bradley was born in Manila [Annotator's Note: Manila, Philippines] in May 1936. Bradley's father enlisted in the...
Brooks, Curtis Being Aware of World Events
Curtis Brooks and his family had been on a vacation trip aboard the SS Potsdam and encountered a Nazi ceremony taking...
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