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Stefaniak, Joe Graignes and Carentan, France
Joseph Stefaniak's guys blew up an armored car and took all of the money out of it. They thought the money was no good...
Olson, Bud Grave Registration Detail and Reflections
Bud Olson [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 401st Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne...
Maki, Howard Graves Registration Duty then Liberator
Howard T. Maki explored towns in Italy and found wounded and murdered local inhabitants. One individual serving with...
Brantley, Vernon Great Britain, France and Belgium
Vernon Brantley went to Europe on a British ship manned by sailors of all nationalities. They got two meals a day. The...
Jeffrey, Wallace Ground Air Support
Wallace Jeffery and the 300 or so troops in his unit got together after Paris. [Annotator’s Note: the unit was the...
Bradley, John Growing Up in Manila
John Bradley [Annotator's Note: born in Manila, Philippines to an American father and Australian mother in 1936] would...
Lombardo, Samuel Growing up in Pennsylvania
Samuel Lombardo appreciated his boyhood in Pennsylvania. He grew up admiring the forefathers of the United States. They...
Warne, Therese Growing Up in the Philippines
Therese Wadsworth Warne was born in February 1934 in Mindanao, Philippines. During the Depression [Annotator's Note:...
Brooks, Leonard Growing Up in the Philippines
Leonard Brooks was born in the Philippines in 1924. His parents had gone to the Philippines in 1922 as missionaries and...
Fruge, Weldon Growing Up Through Combat
While Weldon Fruge was in France, he served with C Company of the 180th Infantry Regiment [Annotator's Note: Company C...
Williamson, Leon Guadalcanal
Leon Williamson returned to Ewa [Annotator's Note: Ewa Field, Oahu, Hawaii] in late June [Annotator's Note: June 1944...
Marolda, Theodore Guadalcanal Assault
Theodore Marolda received orders to board a transport bound for the Solomon Islands after it was discovered the...
Tatum, John Guadalcanal to Fiji
John Wesley Tatum used a Tommy gun [Annotator's Note: .45 caliber Thompson submachine gun; while serving in Company H,...
Dyer, Jimmie Guadalcanal to Okinawa
Jimmie Dyer went from Guadalcanal to Okinawa. All of their equipment was on the deck of the ship and it rained the...
Morgan, Thomas Guadalcanal, Malaria and a New Division
Thomas Edgar Morgan, Sr. was assigned to the 1st Marine Division (Reinforced) and took part in the Battle of Midway....
Heath, David Guadalcanal, New Zealand and Tropical Illnesses
David Heath was stationed near Henderson Field [Annotator's Note: American airfield on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands...
Parra, Pedro Guam and Okinawa
They [Annotator's Note: Pedro Parra and the rest of the 854th Engineer Aviation Battalion] left Kwajalein [Annotator's...
Roslensky, Marvin Guam Before the War
Marvin A. Roslansky [Annotator's Note: a US Marine] was assigned to Insular Patrol [Annotator's Note: with the Guam...
Lutz, William Guam to Okinawa
William Lutz remembers that his unit [Annotator’s Note: 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division] was constantly...
Fadem, Leroy Guam, New Guinea and Morotai
Leroy Fadem and the USS Stevens (DD-479) were part of the invasion force attacking Guam [Annotator's Note: in July 1944...
Baxter, Lionel Guard Duty at Buchenwald
The worst thing [Annotator's Note: about the war] for Lionel Baxter was that after the war was over, he was a guard at...
McMullen, Milton Guerilla Warfare
The Japanese had snipers and other soldiers in the Philippines before the invasion [Annotator's Note: Fall of the...
Sparacino, Paul Guinea Pigs for Nuclear Tests
There were still natives on Johnston Island [Annotator's Note: Johnston Atoll, United States Minor Outlying Islands]...
Hardy, George Gunnery Meet in Texas
George Hardy always considered himself a fighter pilot. The bigger guys were being trained to be bomber pilots. He only...
Braitman, Simon Gunskirchen and Liberation
As the Russians were nearing Auschwitz in 1945, Simon Braitman and 765 others were sent to Mauthuasen [Annotator's Note...
Johnson, Kaare Hailstorm and Chablis
Kaare Allan Johnson finally reunited with his unit [Annotator's Note: 596th Parachute Combat Engineer Company, 517th...
Freeman, Leslie "Vincent" Halting at the Elbe River
After the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive, 16 December...
Willett, Richard Handling Combat
Different people handle combat in different ways. Richard Willett had a cousin who was a deeply religious family man...
Stern, Herbert Hanover and Salzwedel
Herbert Stern and his units [Annotator's Note: atthis time Stern was commanding the 909th Field Artillery Battalion and...
König, Karl Hard Fight then Captured
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] and his regiment [Annotator's Note: Panzer-Regiment 5,...
Adam, Adolf Hardship and Hitler
Before and during to World War 2, Adolf Adam's father worked as a mechanic in a neighboring town and was able to...
Winestone, Ted Hardships with Partisans
Ted Winestone moved to another encampment because he felt like he was not hidden well enough [Annotator's Note: after...
Fisch, Robert Harsh German Treatment
Robert Fisch had contracted a fever. [Annotator's Note: He had been exposed to typhus at the Austrian border on his way...
Scales, James Hawaii and the War's End
Returning to Maui [Annotator's Note: returning to Maui, Hawaii from Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands] was the first...
Beard, Oral Hawaii to New Guinea
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip, a person off-camera answers a lot of the interviewer's questions or gives...
Campbell, Donald Headed for Iwo Jima
After a 24 hour leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time], Donald Campbell reported to...
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