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Japanese child and mother stand outside, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Small Japanese child hugging the leg of their mother. Japan. 1945
Japanese civilians and US servicemen at busy plaza, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Japanese ex-soldiers and civilians grouped together on street with US sailors and officers nearby. Japan....
Japanese civilians being escorted, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. A line of Japanese civilians walk along the edge of a road by the side of a cliff; a Japanese man wearing a...
Japanese civilians in a city, Japan
Photograph. Japanese civilians gathered outside of city building with sign out front in Japanese. Japan. 1945
Japanese civilians outside of a wood hut, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. An elderly Japanese man and woman are seated on the step outside of a wooden hut; a young girl sits in the...
Japanese fire fighters and US Marines fight a fire, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Japanese fire fighters and United States Marines holding a fire house in front of smoldering debris....
Japanese house, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. Entrance to a traditional Japanese house. Okinawa, Japan. 1945
Japanese military policeman circa September 1945
Japanese military policeman. From donor's notes: "Military Police, Jap [Japanese] style." Circa September 1945
Japanese police officer leaving his station, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Uniformed Japanese police officer walking past two lines of armed United States Marines as he leaves his...
Japanese police officers and military police waiting to greet US Marines, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Line of Japanese police officers and military police waiting outside to greet United States Marines....
Japanese prisoners, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. View of Japanese prisoners behind barbed wire fence. Personal caption on photo reverse: "1945 Japanese...
Japanese village with US sailors walking by, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Village scene of buildings along perimeter of large plaza. US sailors walk around. Japan. 1945
Japanese village, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. Japanese children watch as a man chops wood; thatched huts and other civilians are in the background....
Japanese woman wears baby, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Smiling Japanese woman stands outside with a baby strapped to her back. Japan. 1945
Japanese women in a city, Japan, 1945
Photograph. Japanese women smile and greet each other on street as US sailors walk past. Japan. 1945
Jewish men praying at the Wailing Wall in Old City, Jerusalem
Photograph. Jewish men praying at the Western Wall/Wailing Wall. Personal caption on reverse: "Wailing wall Jerusalem...
John G. Guidotti serving coffee in the yard near Florence, Italy circa September 1944
John Guidotti, a charming Italian gentleman who befriended the American doctors of the 24th General Hospital. He...
John Janik sitting on curb in uniform
Photograph. John Janik sitting on curb, probably on a United States Base. Unknown location. No date
John Janik sitting with two local boys on a half track in Belgium, January 1945
Photograph. John Janik sitting with two local boys on a half track. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Me on H. Track...
John Janik stands outside with a Belgian family, Belgium, January 1945
Photograph. John Janik poses with a Belgian family outside in the snow. Personal caption on photo reverse: "P.S. The...
John Janik, probably on a United States military base
Photograph. John Janik stands outside in work fatigues. Probably on a United States military base. Unknown location. No...
Kachin women in Burma in 1944
Photograph. Kachin women in Burma in 1944.
Karenni and Kachin men in Burma in 1944
Photograph. Karenni and Kachin men in Burma in 1944.
Knocked out German tank
Photograph. Knocked out German Tiger I in front of a forest. Location unknown. No date
Knocked out German tank in a trench
Photograph. American serviceman standing in front of a knocked out German Tiger I stuck in a trench. Location unknown....
Large building
Photograph. Civilians walking in the drive of a large building; several cars are parked in the front. Presumably the...
Large crowd of Chinese civilians welcoming US Marines, Tianjin,1 October 1945
Photograph. Large crowd of Chinese civilians cheering in a street; commercial buildings are in background. Official...
Large house with a garden
Photograph. Side of a large, two-story house with a side garden; a woman is walking up the stairs to the house's...
Large residential building, Philippines
Photograph. Two-story residential building with corrugated tin roofs; A woman is walking on the tin above the first...
Liberated French greet their liberators in France in June 1944
473.Photograph. 'File No: 59434 June 15, 1944 Liberated French Greet Their Deliverers The welcome extended the...
Lion and Sun Majles entrance, Iran
Photograph. Civilians walking outside the Lion and Sun entrance of the Iranian Majlis. Personal caption on reverse: "...
Local boy in India, 1944-45
Local boy posing for picture; there is a thatch-walled hut behind him. India. 1944-45
Local boys and girls in the ETO, 1945
Photograph. Local boys and girls at edge of street; U.S. Army soldiers visible at left. ETO. 1945 [See also 2013.221....
Local boys helping move bombs, India, 1944-45
Local boys assisting in movement of large bombs. "Indian ord. [ordnance] workers." India. 1944-45
Local children at a train station in India in 1944
Photograph. Local children at a train station in India in 1944.
Local children play outside of their home, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. Local people outside of their home. Official caption: "Kodacolor Print. T.M. Regis, U.S. Pat. Off. Made by...
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