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Interactions with Allied troops
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Goyette, Donald Bombing the Japanese Mainland
Bombing Japan was a joint effort, according to Donald F. Goyette. He remembers loading bombs onto his squadron's [...
Lesniewski, Joseph Bonn Hospital
Joseph Lesniewski kept no records about where they were going. In one battle, he got hit twice [Annotator's Note: he...
Mikus, John Boot Camp
When John Mikus, Jr. enlisted in the Marine Corps, war was different than it is today. The whole country went to war....
Wayne, William Boot Camp
William Wayne was drafted and went to Fort Leonard Wood in Saint Louis [Annotator's Note: Saint Louis, Missouri] for...
Guidry, Edmond Boot Camp
Edmond Guidry joined the Navy in July 1942. He went to boot camp in San Diego [Annotator's Note: San Diego, California...
Smith, Arthur Boot Camp and Overseas
Arthur Smith was 17 when World War 2 broke out for the United States. He volunteered so he could get in the Navy. He...
Jones, Johnnie Boot Camp at Camp Claiborne
The draft board gave Johnnie A. Jones, Senior a letter of integrity to take to boot camp. [Annotator's Note: Jones...
Moore, Calvin Boot Camp at Montford Point
When Calvin Moore arrived at Camp Lejeune [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North...
Colburn, George Boot Camp at Parris Island
George Colburn had never been away from home until arriving at Parris Island [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Recruit...
Weber, Ed Boot Camp to 4th Marine Division
Marine Corps boot camp was not bad for Ed Weber. They needed bodies then, so it was not that bad. Today, boot camp is...
Hall, Clayton Boot Camp to a Ship Overseas
[Annotator's Note: This clip starts with Clayton Hall mid-sentence talking about growing up on a farm.] Clayton Hall...
Thrift, Clem Borneo, War’s End and Postwar Life
Clem Thrift's last combat assignment was off of Borneo. There was concern because Japanese soldiers were swimming out...
Tognoli, Paris Bougainville to Leyte
Paris Tognoli and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 182nd Infantry Regiment, Americal...
Steeg, Moise Branded a Communist
Moise S. Steeg, Jr. went to Officer Candidate School in Miami, Florida. He finished in the upper one percent of the...
Muller, Henry Breaking the Japanese Code
Henry Muller was in Papua New Guinea undergoing intensive training. Shortly after arriving, Muller was concerned about...
Linkous, Melvin Brest and Paris
Melvin Linkous and his company [Annotator's Note: Cannon Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division]...
Quigley, Tom Brest Fighting and Departure
Tom Quigley recalls how when they were approaching Brest, he saw a soldier who was directing traffic get hit by an 88...
Singlaub, John British Training Methods
John Singlaub was asked by OSS [Annotator's Note: Office of Strategic Services, pre-runner of the Central Intelligence...
Yeagley, Richard Buchenwald and Occupation Duty
Richard Yeagely was at Buchenwald [Annotator's Note: Leipzig-Thekla, subcamp of Buchenwald concentration camp in...
Bass, Leon Buchenwald and Transformation
They [Annotator's Note: Leon Bass and the 183rd Engineer Combat Battalion (Colored)] stopped near Weimar [Annotator's...
Thurston, Stanley Buchenwald Liberation and War's End
Stanley James Thurston participated in the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp [Annotator's Note: Buchenwald...
Berkman, Harold Buchenwald then End of War
Harold Berkman and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd Battalion, 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry...
Chandler, Howard Buchenwald, Theresienstadt and Liberation
Howard Chandler was marched out of Auschwitz [Annotator's Note: Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp...
Tsubota, Thomas Burma and Myitkyina
Thomas Kiyoshi Tsubota [Annotator's Note: with Merrill's Marauders, the 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional)] walked...
Espree, Elmo Burma Road
Elmo Espree's troop ship sailed from Australia for the Bay of Bengal in India. In India, Espree went through the Ganges...
Rudloff, George Calcutta Recreational Areas
While in Calcutta, George Rudloff developed physical activities in which the American soldiers could participate. There...
Poston, Charles Call to Active Duty
After Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941], Charles Poston...
Whitman, Philip Camaraderie Among Pilots
Philip Whitman flew a mission to Blechhammer, Germany and they hit bad weather. They got into the clear and a pilot...
Johnson, John Camp Kiangwang
John S. Johnson remained in Camp Kiangwang until May 1945. Their workload eased up and conditions improved as more and...
Tomkiewicz, Micha Camp Life and Liberation
Micha Tomkiewicz was about three years old when he was put in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp with his mother and...
McCarthy, George Camp Life as a Prisoner
After the attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941],...
Bueker, Robert Camp News and Liberation
Robert Bueker [Annotator's Note: while a prisoner of war in Stalag Luft I in Barth, Germany] and the men in the camp...
Stern, Debra Camp Shanks
Debra Stern [Annotator's Note: in the Women's Army Corps; women's branch of the US Army, 1942-1978] was at Camp Shanks...
Keller, Richard Camp Shelby to the Pacific
Richard Keller was at Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, Mississippi] when he was asked to be...
Kelley, John Campaign on Luzon
John Kelley did not see any combat action until he was on Luzon [Annotator's Note: Luzon, Philippines]. He wore the...
Payne, Robert Camps and Paris
Robert Payne went to one concentration camp and it was as has been described. He never saw any Americans who had been...
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