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Interactions with Allied troops
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Prince, Robert Becoming a Ranger
[Annotator's Note: Robert Prince volunteered to be a Ranger while in Port Moresby, New Guinea.] They moved to...
Romano, Joseph Becoming a Sailor
Joseph R. Romano was sent to Great Lakes at Chicago, Illinois [Annotator's Note: Naval Station Great Lakes in Lake...
McKay, Wallace Becoming a Sailor
Wallace McKay left high school in 1943 and enlisted in the Navy. His enlistment was to end on his 21st birthday. His...
Dugas, Lee Becoming a Sailor and Deployment
Lee Roy Dugas was sent to San Diego for his Navy basic training. It was his first trip out of Louisiana, having never...
Taylor, Claude Becoming a Sailor and Going to War
When Claude Taylor turned 18, he enlisted in the Navy. His father had been in the Army in France in World War 1. The...
Smith, Merlin Becoming a Sailor and Unit Assignment
Merlin Smith chose to join the Navy because he wanted to avoid the difficult life of an infantryman. He also liked the...
Schicker, Tom Becoming a Shellback
Thomas Francis Schicker was told he was ready to go overseas. At Area 13 [Annotator's Note: location on Marine Corps...
Wheeler, Berle Becoming a Soldier
Berle Wheeler was sent to Camp Robinson, Arkansas for 13 weeks of boot camp. He was then sent to Camp Gordon in Augusta...
Polito, Felix Becoming a Soldier
Felix Polito was drafted into the Army in November 1942. He went to Camp Maxey for his infantry training and was there...
Brewer, Chester Becoming a Tail Gunner and Deploying to Scotland
Chester Brewer was sent to Las Vegas, Nevada and fired every gun from BB guns [Annotator's Note: air gun that fires...
Spint, Robert Becoming an M5 Tank Driver
When Robert Spint was first given his assignment and reached his company [Annotator's Note: 92nd Cavalry Reconnaissance...
Little, Keith Becoming Marines
[Annotator's Note: This interview is conducted with a group of Navajo veterans present, many of whom can be heard off-...
Sapp, Walter Behind Enemy Lines
Walter Sapp had been in his foxhole for eight days. He could not stand or walk. Two men lifted him out and he woke up...
Sandoz, James Being a Cajun in the Army
Being a Cajun [Annotator's Note: a member of self-contained communities in southern Louisiana of French Canadian...
Halloran, Walter Being a POW
Walter Halloran would carefully pick his spots as he advanced in enemy territory. He would try to keep trees and brush...
Joslin, Harold Being a POW in Japan
Harold Joslin was transported from Guam directly to Japan on the Argentina Maru. [Annotator's Note: Joslin had been...
Fulton, Robert Being a POW in Japan, the End of the War and Liberation
Robert Fulton had been brought to Japan to be interrogated by the Japanese Navy general staff in a camp called Ōfuna....
Easterling, Lewis "Tom" Being a Prisoner of War
Lewis Thomas Easterling had broken his legs when his plane was hit and he could not go anywhere when he landed. A group...
Mayer, Philip Being a Sergeant
Philip Mayer was a sergeant [Annotator's Note: in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division]...
de Jonge, Wim Being Ambushed and Wounded
Wim de Jonge accompanied an officer to Jakarta. They traveled alone in a jeep through the mountains without convoy...
Bradley, John Being an Aide and Going to Korea
John Bradley served in the Army infantry and attended jump and Ranger school. He volunteered to join the 101st Airborne...
Adams, Lynward Being an Armed Guard
Lynward Joseph "Buddy" or "Bud" Adams joined the Navy with his two friends, and they were sent to San Diego [Annotator'...
Koone, Carl Being an Instructor at Selfridge Field
Carl Koone was in the Army Air Corps for another year after his return to the United States. He spent the winter [...
Dietzel, Paul Being Based on Tinian
Paul Dietzel flew from the Hawaiian Islands over Kwajalein to Tinian. During the flight they had not had anything to...
Fatora, Jerome Being Captured, War's End and Occupation Duty
Jerome Fatora's captors, kids of 14 and 15 years old, put his platoon [Annotator's Note: Fatora was a member of Company...
Matsumoto, Roy Being Compromised
Roy H. Matsumoto was successful in his covert work against the communists [Annotator's Note: he had been called into...
Hughes, Lowell Being Discharged and the Ruptured Duck
Lowell Hughes got new uniforms when he returned to Fort Devens [Annotator's Note: Ayer and Shirley, Massachusetts]. He...
Scherer, Monroe Being Drafted and Becoming an Engineer
Monroe Scherer had lost a year of studies due to illness as a child. When he turned 18, he was still in high school. He...
Smith, Bernard Being Hit by Flak
Bernard Smith was fortunate because when he got overseas, the Luftwaffe [Annotator's Note: German Air Force] had been...
Livingston, Robert Being in the Army
Robert "Bob" Livingston volunteered for service with the US Army Air Force on 4 September 1942. He was sent to Camp...
Fili, William Being Liberated
William Fili was concerned about what his parents were feeling, but it would drive him nuts if he thought about it too...
Doolan, Robert Being Liberated and Going Home
[Annotator's Note: Robert Doolan was marched from Stalag Luft III in Zagań, Poland to Stalag VII-A in Moosburg, Germany...
Hyland, Everett Being Severely Wounded
[Annotator's Note: Everett Hyland served in the Navy as a radio operator on the USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) and was aboard...
Boitnott, Monty Being Wounded
Monty Joe Boitnott was wounded when he was bringing supplies on a mule and a mortar shell hit the path. The mule went...
Holleman, Louis Being Wounded
[Annotator's Note: There is a lot of background noise throughout this clip.] Malcolm Louis Holleman did not come across...
Shenkle, George Being Wounded
George Shenkle [Annotator's Note: serving with the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division] remembers...
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