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Interactions with Allied troops
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Lockhart, Richard Prisoner of War Experience in Stalag IX-B
Richard Lockhart disposed of his weapons and marched off into captivity [Annotator's Note: following his capture on 19...
Clift, Gilbert Prisoner of War in Germany
After becoming a POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war], Gilbert Clift was taken back to the German positions where he...
Gerhard, Winnecken Prisoner of War in the United States
Winnecken Gerhard was captured by the Americans. He still had a rifle grenade in his pocket after being searched. He...
Ginrich, Ralph Prisoner of War--POW
Ralph “Bud” Ginrich made a few friends in the prison camps [Annotator’s Note: he had been captured at Sidi Bou Zid,...
König, Karl Prisoner to America
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] said to himself the Americans had no manners or did not...
Redmond, Leroy Prisoners and German Jets
[Annotator's Note: Leroy Redmond served in the Army as a tank crewman in Combat Command A, 14th Armored Division and...
Willett, Richard Problems with a Lieutenant
Richard Willett got into a mountainous area. His jeep driver was from North Carolina. A Lieutenant decided to ride in...
Becker, Clarence Promoted to Operations Officer
Clarence Becker was promoted to G-3, Operations Officer, in January 1945. He had been a Flight Commander until that...
Hoff, Donald Promotion and Discharge
Donald Hoff [Annotator's Note: a rear seat gunner and radio operator on Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers in Scouting...
O'Donnell, Joseph Proud American
[Annotator's Note: Joseph O'Donnell was a prisoner on the Black March in February 1945.] One officer guard got them...
Cowan, John Proud Germans and Eisenhower
The Germans were very proud people. They always managed to put on hats and some kind of gloves. Somehow or other, John...
Brannan, Joseph PT Boat Action in the Mediterranean
Joseph Brannan returned to Melville, Rhode Island as a PT boat instructor [Annotator's Note: at the Motor Torpedo Boat...
Schneider, Irwin PT Patrol Injury and New Guinea
Irwin Schneider was injured on a PT boat patrol out of Milne Bay [Annotator’s Note: in Papua New Guinea]. He went to...
Bronder, Benedict PT-305 Patrols
Benedict Bronder would usually patrol at night while on PT-305. They would be accompanied by three other boats. They...
Hecht, Lester Putting on Shows
Lester Hecht's commanding officer's name was John L. Smith [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Colonel John Lucian Smith...
Jagers, Robert Quarantined During Training
Robert Jagers went to boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Training Center [Annotator's Note: Naval Station Great Lakes in...
Wilson, Bobby Quartermaster Life
Bobby C. Wilson was responsible for keeping inventory and books. He was sent to Pendleton [Annotator's Note: Marine...
Smith, Bernard Quirks of War
On one raid, Bernard Smith remembers a plane behind them burst into flames. His first reaction was that it was pretty....
Tatum, John Rabaul and Cape Gloucester
John Wesley Tatum left Fiji [Annotator's Note: Fiji, Oceania] to go to Goodenough Island [Annotator's Note: Goodenough...
Wells, Raymond Race Relations and Being Wounded
While Raymond Wells was in the hospital a driver picked him up and when he got back to his company [Annotator's Note:...
Parham, Henry Race Relations and Returning Home
When Henry Parham's unit [Annotator's Note: 320th Antiaircraft Barrage Balloon Battalion, Very Low Altitude (Colored)]...
McKinnon, Lee Race Relations in the Navy
Lee O. McKinnon stayed in the Navy until 1947. The Navy made good progress. When he first enlisted, there was no Navy...
Espree, Elmo Racial Confrontation
During another incident experienced by Elmo Espree in a Bombay restaurant, a British, an American and a South African...
Alter, Joseph Racing Across Europe
After Saint-Lo [Annotator's Note: Saint-Lô, France], Joseph Alter and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 1340th Engineer...
Whitworth, Vaughan Racism
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Vaughn Whitworth if he experienced racism from other Marines while serving in...
Talley, Chester Radioman
Chester L. Talley was not too anxious to go overseas and serve in World War 2, but since he had no choice, he tried to...
Leskovic, Elvia Railroad Incident
Elvira Maria Katarina Algermissen Leskovec, her sister, and a friend were walking along a river [Annotator's Note: in...
Foster, Robert Rattlesnakes and Ranger School
Robert E. Foster's first assignment was at Camp Phillips in Kansas [Annotator's Note: in Salina, Kansas]. The 94th...
Wheeler, Berle Reaching India
Berle Wheeler was company clerk in his outfit [Annotator's Note: 967th Engineer Maintenance Company] when it arrived at...
Prince, Robert Reaching the Prison Camp
Planning for the raid on Cabanatuan [Annotator's Note: Cabanatuan Prison Camp, Cabanatuan City, Luzon, Philippines]...
Lansford, William Ready to Fight and Joining the Marine Raiders
When William Lansford was in Iceland, he and the other Marines spent their time building their own Quonset huts and...
Dillon, Gerard Readying for the Rhine River
Gerard Dillon and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th...
Biernacki, Chester Reassignment to Minesweeper and VJ-Day
Chester Biernacki returned to the United States and was based at Treasure Island near San Francisco. While there on...
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Receiving a Battlefield Commission
In July of 1944, John Witmeyer and his men were some of the first American troops to cross the Seine River in France....
Nesser, William Receiving His Draft Notice
The draft board sent William Nesser a notice to report. He disregarded it, because he had his time in [Annotator's Note...
Clapper, Joe Recollections
Traveling back to the United States, Joe Clapper said they had a mixed complement aboard ship; there were many Navy...
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