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Interactions with Allied troops
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Smith, Jacques New Guinea
Jacques Brewster Smith [Annotator's Note: with the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne Division] boarded a...
Fristoe, Claud New Guinea
Claud Neal Fristoe, Jr. arrived in New Guinea at an airbase formed out of the jungle [Annotator's Note: he was a tail...
Votrobek, Jr., John New Guinea and Australia
After John Votrobeck graduated, he took a train through Omaha, [Annotator's Note: Omaha, Nebraska] and on 20 April [...
Johnson, Burton New Guinea and the Philippines
Burton Johnson arrived in Finschafen, New Guinea in the South Pacific after completing his stateside training. This was...
Bellecci, John New Guinea and the Philippines
John Bellecci boarded a ship from California to Australia. The ship went alone in September 1943. It was a converted...
Raner, Norman New Lieutenant
To Norman Raner, the enemy [Annotator's Note: the German Army forces he faced in the deserts of North Africa] was...
Willett, Richard New Orleans and Le Havre
When Richard Willett was at Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: Camp Shelby, near Hattiesburg, Mississippi], he would go to...
Engels, Emile News of the War and Hiding Downed Airmen
Emile Engles' parents took care to tell their children that when dealing with the Germans, and particularly the Gestapo...
Goebel, Robert Nicknames and Red Cross Girls
Robert J. "Bob" Goebel's plane's [Annotator's Note: in the 308th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, 12th Air Force]...
Colburn, George Night Action on Iwo Jima
George Colburn called for a stretcher. One of the ones who brought the stretcher got hit. They put his friend,...
Sapp, Walter Night Attacks
Walter Sapp was assigned to Company C, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry Division as a rifleman. He took over the...
Shaw, Claude Night Battle Off Guadalcanal
Claude Bufford Shaw was born in Marie, Arkansas, in 1918. When his Midshipman class graduated on 13 December 1941, he...
Hackler, Maurice "Hack" Night Moves
When Maurice Hackler got to England, he stayed at Bovington for about a week, and experienced air raid warnings for the...
Harold, Paul Nijmegen and the Bulge
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Hyland, Everett Nine Months Recovering in Naval Hospitals
[Annotator's Note: Everett Hyland was hospitalized after being wounded on the USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) during the...
Creekmore, Thomas Nineteenth Mission
Thomas Creekmore [Annotator's Note: a radio operator in the 365th Bombardment Squadron, 305th Bombardment Group, 8th...
Klenoski, Richard Ninth Mission Crash
[Annotator's Note: Richard Klenoski joined his bomber crew in Casper, Wyoming in late 1944.] He was married on New Year...
Romano, Joseph Nissei, Blacks, Whites, and Germans
Joseph Romano went to Germany after Italy. He was on guard duty there. He went to Le Havre, France from there. [...
Fili, William No Parachute Training and Thoughts of Switzerland
William Fili had not been trained how to bail out of an aircraft. They had one bit of instruction. OSS [Annotator's...
Sparacino, Paul No Protection from Radiation
When readying for nuclear test, Paul Sparacino and the crew [Annotator's Note: Sparacino served aboard the USS...
Johnson, Erwin Nobody Ever Died of Filth
Erwin Johnson was on the Tottori Maru hell ship [Annotator's Note: an unmarked ship with extremely inhumane living...
Scholl, Richard Noemfoor Island
Richard Scholl does not recall the Battle of Lone Tree Hill by name specifically [Annotator's Note: also known as...
Lochra, Albert Non-combat Flights
Albert Pultz Lochra, Jr. had several good, non-combat-related flights [Annotator's Note: with the 351st Bombardment...
Harry, Peter Normandy
Peter Harry spent six months in England then crossed the Channel to Omaha Beach in Normandy. He landed about two days...
Schultz, Philip Normandy
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Philip Schultz what the D-Day landings in Normandy, France on 6 June 1944...
Gerhard, Winnecken Normandy
Winnecken Gerhard was sent to Normandy around 15 May 1944, only a few weeks prior to the D-Day invasion [Annotator's...
Jeffrey, Wallace Normandy Breakout
As the front moved, Wallace Jeffery and his unit moved. [Annotator’s Note: Jeffery was a radioman in a direction...
Carter, Donald Normandy Experience
Don Carter arrived in Falmouth, England, boarded a trained and went to Barry, Wales [Annotator's Note: Wales, England]...
Cruise, Leslie Normandy Invasion
[Annotator's Note: The video is out of focus and Leslie Cruise continuously refers to a book that he has off camera.]...
Luce, Dwain Normandy then England
Going into this invasion [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June 1944] was not...
Roach, Paul Normandy to Belgium
Paul Roach was a city engineer. He was in the reserves for two weeks in the summer. He was taking classes in command...
Abate, Sam Normandy to the Rhineland
Sam V. Abate was attached to the 1st Infantry Division [Annotator's Note: Abate was a member of Reconnaissance Company...
Luce, Dwain North Africa
Dwain Luce left for North Africa from New York [Annotator's Note: New York, New York]. The battleship USS Texas (BB-35...
Boitnott, Monty North Africa
Monty Joe Boitnott found out through mock ups and charts what their destination and code name were going to be before...
Boitnott, Monty North Africa
Monty Joe Boitnott never got the Garand rifle in his outfit. The first things they got did not even have a bayonet but...
Woolf, Basil North Africa
Basil Woolf left Mers-el-Kébir and went to a place called Digelli. He left the landing craft [Annotator's Note: LCH-269...
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