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Interactions with Allied troops
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Muelder, Milton E. Anecdotes
Around the time of the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive...
Ronson, Harold Anti-Semitism and Race Relations
Harold Ronson experienced one of the most anti-Semitic incidents in his life going into Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note:...
Hirschmann, Peter Anti-Semitism in Germany and the US
Peter Hirschmann and his Jewish family were an accepted part of the German population prior to Hitler's [Annotator's...
Pedersen, Allen Anzio
Allen Pedersen and his company [Annotator's Note: 476th Ordnance Evacuation Company] were recovering American tanks and...
Jagers, Robert Anzio
At the time of Robert Jagers' landing [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS LST-351] at Anzio [Annotator's Note: Battle of...
Hughes, Lowell Anzio
There was not much going on when Lowell Hughes landed at Anzio, Italy [Annotator's Note: 22 January 1944]. The landing...
Baker, Bernard Anzio and Rome
Bernard Baker went to Anzio [Annotator's Note: Anzio, Italy] and remained there for about three weeks. It was a...
Ledford, Robert Anzio Beachhead
During the Anzio [Annotator's Note: Battle of Anzio; 22 January 1944 to 5 June 1944; Anzio, Italy] breakout, Robert...
Boitnott, Monty Anzio to Monte Cassino
Monty Joe Boitnott was on tour [Annotators Note: on an overseas tour of duty] for 16 months. The only member of...
Hochadel, Joseph Anzio, Being Wounded and Being Evacuated to Naples
Joseph Hochadel landed in the second wave at Anzio and they unpacked their aid station into a jeep. They commandeered...
Lansford, William Aola Bay and Henderson Field
William Lansford continued training while he was in Hawaii waiting for the Raiders who had carried out the raid on...
Jagers, Robert Approaching Sicily
In the middle of June [Annotator's Note: June 1943], Robert Jagers and the other crewman [Annotator's Note: aboard the...
Thompson, Thomas Arabs, Germans, and Japanese
There were two things about a boat of the type [Annotator's Note: Motor Torpedo Boat, or PT-Boat] that Thomas D....
Traina, Joseph Arctic Circle Mission
[Annotator's Note: Joseph Traina served in the US Coast Guard as a radioman aboard the USCGC Comanche (WPG76).] In...
Dolsen, Frank Army Air Corps Training
After enlisting in the Army Air Corps, Frank Dolsen was sent to Jefferson Barrack in St. Louis, Missouri [Annotator's...
Nussenbaum, Seymour Army Anti-Semitism
[Annotator's Note: There is a loud hissing noise throughout this clip.] In headquarters [Annotator's Note: Headquarters...
Vancheri, Edith Army Nurse in Karachi
[Annotator's Note: There is a lot of background noise in this interview.] Edith Vancheri [Annotator's Note: an Army...
Burnett, Marshall Army Training and Overseas Deployment
After Marshall Burnett's induction at Camp Shelby [Annotator's Notes: Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, Mississippi], he...
Byrnes, William Army Training in the South
William E. Byrnes took a train to Camp Wolters [Annotator's Note: in Mineral Wells, Texas] and it took forever. There...
Pena, William Arrival and Deployment
William Pena traveled on the Queen Elizabeth over to England where he was given lots of food. Only one day he remembers...
Willette, Edward Arrival in Europe
Edward G. Willette lived in tents [Annotator's Note: in Cherbourg, France], and the closest he came to combat at the...
Bucksell, Norris Arrival in Naples, Faith and Roses Blessed by the Pope
Norris Bucksell and the 370th Regimental Combat Team, 92nd Infantry Division, crossed the Arno River in Italy. There...
Schicker, Tom Arriving at Pavuvu
Thomas Francis Schicker heard that they changed course four different times [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS General...
Kopp, Alois Arriving in Burma and Survival
Alois Kopp escaped from a sinking Hell Ship and swam to the beach on Burma only to be recaptured by the Japanese. The...
Bosworth, Paul Arriving in England and Interacting with the Locals
Paul Bosworth and his crew flew their B-17 [Annotator’s Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber] to Wales. The...
Grunte, Leon Arriving in Germany
[Annotator's Note: Leon Grunte was a Latvian prisoner in a labor camp in the Soviet Union after World War 2.] There...
Dearman, Alfred Arriving in Japan
When Alfred Dearman got to Japan, he went to a replacement depot. He waited around there with his friend he had gone to...
Lafleur, Richard Arriving in Japan for Occupation
Richard Lafleur could smell Japan as they got close. Before long they could see the coastline. He envisioned what the...
McGee, Joseph Arriving in New Guinea and Flying Experiences
On the way out of the United States, Joseph F. McGee Junior reunited with his old high school football coach in Hawaii...
Gilmore, Selwyn Arriving on Guam
Selwyn Gilmore and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 52nd Bombardment Squadron, 29th Bombardment Group, 314th Bombardment...
Reluga, Matthew Artillery and Russians
The first rounds of artillery fire are often shot way over where you think the troops are and then you fire back to...
Tweedt, Vernon T. Artillery Training and Comradeship
Vernon Tweedt got his artillery training at Camp Edwards [Annotator's Note: in Cape Cod, Massachusetts]. There were...
Albarado, Nolan Artillery Training and USO Shows
Nolan Albarado was in the Army but was cooking for the Navy in Hawaii. He returned home to the United States in 1943...
Sharp, Horace Assault into Germany
Horace Sharp and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division]...
Raby, Glynn Assault into Germany
[Annotator's Note: Glynn G. Raby, Jr. was with Company H, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division...
Honea, Chafer Assault into Germany and the Death of President Roosevelt
Whenever the 939th Field Artillery Unit [Annotator's Note: 939th Field Artillery Battalion] moved, Chafer Honea and C...
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