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Interactions with Allied troops
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Galbraith, Wendell Drafted to Flight Engineer
Wendell Galbraith got his draft notice [Annotator's Note: in July 1943] and returned [Annotator's Note: to the United...
Wilkes, R. "Bud" Drive Across Germany
On 23 February 1945, R.M. Wilkes crossed the Roer River [Annotator's Note: at Roerdorf, or Rohrdorf, Germany]. Rogers'...
Doroff, Lorraine Driver for the War Department
Lorraine Doroff drove for the War Department [Annotator's Note: as a member of the Women's Army Corps; women's branch...
Beal, Marion Driving Hashmark Johnson Around
Marion Meredith Beal had a desk right next to the desk of Hashmark Johnson [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Sergeant...
Richard, Martin Dulag Luft Interrogation and Gabby Gabreski
Martin Richard was moved to several different places. They were in some town between the frontlines and Paris. They...
de Jonge, Wim Dutch East Indies
Wim de Jonge could tell when he left Holland for the East Indies that war was looming. He was not concerned with...
Gilmore, Selwyn Duties and Hospitals
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Selwyn Gilmore about the weapons he carried.] A little short rifle [Annotator's...
Cascio, Roy Duties at Port Moresby then Island Hopping to Tokyo
Roy Cascio was a dispatcher for the motor pool [Annotator’s Note: for the 27th Air Supply Squadron, 27th Air Depot...
Yudenfriend, Herbert Duties in Manila
Manila [Annotator's Note: Manila, Philippines] was a very beautiful city from the outside to Herbert Yudenfriend. There...
Stahl, Floyd Duties on Ship
Floyd Stahl stood watch with everybody else. He had a lot of different assignments. In the Atlantic [Annotator's Note:...
Browning, Earl Duties on the Gun Crew
Earl Dean Browning was on a gun crew in his company [Annotator's Note: Anti-Tank Company, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th...
Laster, John Thomas Duty After War’s End
When the war in Europe ended, John Laster and others in his gun crew were pulled off their ship in Port Said, Egypt....
Steeg, Moise Duty at Keesler Field
Moise S. Steeg, Jr. was a prosecuting officer in a rape case. He prosecuted [Annotator's Note: produced a guilty...
McHardy, Arthur Duty in China
[Annotator's Note: Arthur McHardy was stationed in Tientsin, China with the 1st Marine Division.] He was sent to guard...
Rudloff, George Duty in India
George Rudloff was sent to India via Australia. He arrived at Chandigarh which was a staging area in India. From there...
Wieland, Kenneth Duty in Japan and Home
Kenneth Weiland was assigned to the 866th Aviation Engineer Battalion attached to the 8th Army. He was in A Company....
Dendy, Lloyd Duty in Key West
After leaving the Pacific, Lloyd Dendy was sent to the Key West Naval Operating Base [Annotator's Note: Naval Base Key...
Reale, Albert Duty in the Pacific
Albert Reale remembers that the size of the Pacific impressed him, and there were many days when he saw nothing but...
Guidry, Edmond Duty in the Solomons
Edmond Guidry was 900 miles south of Honolulu [Annotator's Note: Honolulu, Hawaii aboard the USS Ellet (DD-398)] when a...
Cascio, Roy Duty in Tokyo
Roy Cascio only knew the atomic bombs ended the war [Annotator's Note: Nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and...
Hill, Marvin Duty On Board and Out of the Navy
Marvin Hill had a famous bandleader aboard his ship [Annotator's Note: the USS Harry E. Hubbard (DD-748)]. Eddie Duchin...
Lynch, James Duty on the USS Wainwright (DD-419)
James Paul Lynch was on the Wainwright [Annotator's Note: USS Wainwright (DD-419)] until June 1942 in the North...
Paynter, Don Early Bombing Missions
Donald Dean Paynter had three separate occasions where some of their enlisted men were hit by flak [Annotator's Note:...
Alison, John R. Early Flight Experiences
At Langley airbase, John Alison switched over to P-36 [Annotator's Note: Curtiss P-36 Hawk] pursuit aircraft. In a...
Grant, Lydia "Diane" Early Life
Life in Hawaii was wonderful for Lydia Grant before the war. The island was at its pristine best at that time. Grant...
Mahoney, Timothy Early Life
Timothy James Mahoney was born in April 1922 in Cambridge, Massachusetts and lived there for a few years. While still a...
Halvorsen, Gail Early Life and Air Force Career
Gail Halvorsen was born in October 1920 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He and his family moved to Garland, Utah. He competed...
Marich, Robert Early Life and Becoming a Soldier
Robert Marich was born in January 1923 in Chicago, Illinois. At the age of 16, his family moved to Beloit, Wisconsin. A...
Johnsen, Erik Early Life and Enlistment
Erik Frithjof Johnsen was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in August 1925 and had one brother who had been born in 1922....
Weiner, Reuben Early Life and Enlistment
Reuben Weiner was born in Los Angeles, California on Bastille Day [Annotator's Note: national day of France] in July...
Strausbaugh, Leo Early Life and Entrance Into Service
Leo V. Strausbaugh was a captain in charge of B Company of the 6th Ranger Battalion [Annotator's Note: Company B, 6th...
Maxwell, Robert Early Life and Mediterranean Combat
Robert D. Maxwell was born in October 1920 in western Kansas. With the winds blowing the land away, the family headed...
Doolan, Robert Early Life and Meeting His Heroes
Robert Doolan was born in March 1917 in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was wonderful to grow up in Cincinnati and he still loves...
McNeely, Marigold Early Life and Onset of War
Marigold "Margot" McNeely was born in London, England in 1926. She moved from London to a small seaside resort called...
Allen, George Early Life and the Attack on Pearl Harbor
George Allen was born in September 1925 in Alexandria, Louisiana. He had two sisters growing up there with him. His...
Auerbach, Herbert Early Life and Wartime Service
Herbert Auerbach was born in June 1922 and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He attended a local high school in what is...
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