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Interactions with Allied troops
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Pryor, Robert Africa to Normandy
In 1942, Robert Clifford Pryor was sent overseas to Africa [Annotator's Note: with the 92nd Armored Field Artillery...
Alison, John R. After Burma
John Alison's departure from Burma occurred when he was behind enemy lines. He left in a damaged RAF [Annotator's Note...
Sadler, Richard After D-Day
Burt Richard Sadler remained on the ship all night. The next day, he heard the anchor rise, and the ship went into the...
Griffith, Leon After the Cabanatuan Raid
[Annotator's Note: Leon Griffith was a member of Company A, 6th Ranger Battalion and took part in the Raid at...
Lee, James After the Pearl Harbor Attack
Right after the attack [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941], martial law...
Puckett, Hubert Aftermath of Pearl Harbor Attack
In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941],...
Saik, Ogden Afterthoughts
Ogden Saik had a few other items he wanted to cover. He said he considered himself a member of the "Poor Man's Navy."...
Nesser, William Air and Submarine Attacks
[Annotator's Note: William Nesser served aboard the SS Kalliopi in Russia where they loaded lumber for England.] They...
Leese, Robert Air Attacks on Rabaul
Robert Leese was based on New Guinea [Annotator's Note: with the 822nd Bombardment Squadron, 38th Bombardment Group,...
Hoff, Donald Air Combat at Pearl Harbor
Donald Hoff [Annotator's Note: a rear seat gunner and radio operator on Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers in Scouting...
Oney, James Air Raids and Bougainville
James Oney was scared when bombs were falling [Annotator's Note: during air raids on Stirling Island, Treasury Islands...
Brooks, Curtis Air Raids on Manila During the First Week of the War
The morning of 9 December 1941 was calm for the most part in Pasay, Luzon, Philippines. Curtis Brooks and his brother...
Machaud, Albert Air Traffic Controller in the Pacific
[Annotator's Note: Throughout the segment, a chirp sound can be heard.] Albert "Al" Machaud is not sure of the unit he...
Sharp, Chester Air War over Europe
[Annotator's Note: There is a sound of a clock ticking in the background]. After being assigned to an air crew, Chester...
Stege, John Air Warfare in North Africa
John Arthur Stege flew across the Atlantic to England then on to Gibraltar and to North Africa [Annotator's Note: as a...
Sharp, Chester Aircraft Commander
[Annotator's Note: There is a sound of a clock ticking in the background]. Chester Sharp and his crew [Annotator's Note...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" Airplane Mechanics and Pearl Harbor
[Annotator's Note: Floyd Horne enlisted in the Army Air Forces at Chanute Field in Champaign County, Illinois in July...
Shirkey, Robert Alamo Scout Missions
Robert Leroy Shirkey and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company E, 2nd Battalion, 158th Regimental Combat Team] began...
Kerner, John Alcohol and Armies
Besides morphine and cigarettes, John Kerner also carried along scotch. Back in England, they were worried the Germans...
Bucksell, Norris Alcohol Use and Separatism
Norris Bucksell was in Italy during World War 2 as a litter-bearer in the 370th Regimental Combat Team, 92nd Infantry...
McHardy, Arthur Aleutian Islands
After Marine Corps boot camp, Arthur McHardy was sent to Seattle, Washington to a Navy yard as an MP [Annotator's Note...
Rudloff, George Allied Troop Interactions
George Rudloff saw a competition between the American and British soldiers. The territory of India belonged to the...
Auerbach, Herbert Allied Troops in Burma
While in Burma, Herbert Auerbach saw American transport aircraft resupply Allied troops with airdrops. Bags of rice...
Hever, John Allies and Enemies
During his time in the China-Burma-India Campaign, John Hever rarely had contact with the local adults; but he did...
Doundoulakis, Helias Almost Captured
[Annotator's Note: A squeaking door can be heard throughout this segment.] Helias Doundoulakis [Annotator's Note:...
Inge, Herndon Almost Liberated by Task Force Baum
Herndon Inge, Junior heard scuttlebutt [Annotator's Note: a period slang term for a rumor] that the Americans were...
Beck, Carl Alsace-Lorraine
On 5 January 1945, Carl Beck and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry...
Lansford, William Ambushing the Japanese with the Help of the Solomon Islanders
William Lansford served as a machine gunner in the weapons platoon of Company E, 2nd Marine Raider Battalion on...
Bradley, John American Arrival at Santo Tomas
On the day American forces arrived [Annotator's Note: 3 February 1945 at the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila...
Peters, Madeleine American Liberation
Madeleine Peters remembers the Allies landing in France [Annotator's Note: The Normandy D-Day invasion began the...
Brooks, Curtis American Occupation of Santo Tomas
On 4 February [Annotator's Note: 4 February 1945] Curtis Brooks looked out and saw all of the American military. Right...
König, Karl American Prison Camps to Home
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] does not remember much about arriving in Norfolk [...
King, William Americans and Parisians
William King never experienced any discrimination while in the service. He never thought about it. He wrote home...
Sparks, Bennett "Bud Sparks" Amphibious Aircraft Operations
Depth charges were generally under the wings of the aircraft, according to Bennett Sparks. The pilot, given location...
Tarkington, Frank Amphibious Training to Tinian
Frank V. Tarkington [Annotator's Note: a radioman in the US Navy] was at Oceanside, California which is across from...
Cole, John Anecdotes
John H. Cole was in Company M, 3rd Battalion, 381st Heavy Weapons [Annotator's Note: Company M, 3rd Battalion, 381st...
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