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Weber, Norman Journey to Germany
Norman Weber’s family returned to Germany despite his father wanting to stay in America forever. Weber’s parents had...
Hopkins, Ralph Kamikaze Attack
Ralph Hopkins had a relief man named Ronald Lucas. They worked well with each other. They alternated watches to best...
Celaya, Adolfo Kamikaze Damage then Repairs
After Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945; Iwo Jima, Japan], Adolfo V. Celaya...
Mancuso, Frank Korea
Once sent back to New Orleans, Frank Mancuso was assigned as a special services officer [Annotators Note: at Camp Leroy...
Cowell, Ernest Korean War, Vietnam, and Post Military Life
Ernest Cowell took a train from Fort Mason, California [Annotator's Note: in San Francisco, California], to Fort Lewis...
Uttero, Cosmo Landing at Omaha Beach
The weather was terrible [Annotator's Note: in England]. Cosmo Uttero cannot recall if he went down into the ship or...
Mc Murray, Steve Landing on Iwo Jima
While he was stationed at Camp Maui, situated on an extinct volcano, Steve McMurray said some of the units trained on...
Alter, Joseph Lead Up to D-Day
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Joseph Alter what the trip overseas aboard the RMS Queen Elizabeth was like.]...
Carlson, Clarence Leave in London and Paris
Clarence Carlson was only stationed at St. John in France [Annotator's Note: Beaumont Sur Oise Airfield, Beaumont Sur...
Shaw, Roger Leaving the SS George Gayle
Roger Shaw arrived in Bahia, Brazil aboard the SS George Gayle. He had met some associates previously in Bahia, but he...
Prager, Herman "Dutch" Leisure Time
Herman Prager and the USS Kingfish (SS-234) refitted at Guam twice, Midway once and Pearl Harbor once. While at Pearl...
Sterrie, Norman Lexington Enters Combat
Norman Sterrie thought Hawaii was a nice experience for a man from the mid-west [Annotator's Note: Sterrie was from St...
Mock, John Liberation
As they [Annotator's Note: John Mock and his fellow prisoners of war, or POWs] lay there, the 99th Infantry Division...
Marsh, Alexander Liberation and Discharge
Alexander Marsh could sense the war was drawing to a close, and his colleagues who had been in artillery could identify...
Wade, Nelsyn Life Aboard Ship
Many men on Nelsyn Ernest Brooks Wade's ship [Annotator's Note: USS Aldebaran (AF-10)] gambled. The officers tried to...
Johnsen, Erik Life Aboard Ship
Erik Johnsen was a Cadet in the US Merchant Marine and served on Liberty ships [Annotator's Note: a class of cargo ship...
Elliott, Norman Life Aboard the USS Pasadena (CL-65)
After boot camp, Norman Elliott was assigned to a newly-commissioned ship, the USS Pasadena (CL-65). From the Boston...
Hyland, Everett Life Aboard the USS Pennsyvlania (BB-38)
[Annotator's Note: Everett Hyland served in the Navy as a radio operator. He reported aboard the battleship USS...
Dendy, Lloyd Life and Death on Pelelui
Lloyd Dendy was the company bootlegger on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu, Palau]. They made a still out of aluminum...
Lebow, Cleatus Life and Entrance Into Service
Cleatus Lebow was born in 1924 in Happy, Texas. He grew up as one of 11 children during the Great Depression, but, as a...
Verlander, David Life as a Clerk on Guadalcanal
David Verlander said he couldn't really say what he did most of his days on Guadalcanal, although he can still picture...
Cook, Francis "Frank" Life as a POW
Francis J. Cook remembers the Germans treating GIs harshly in the camps. Food was sparse. He lost about 60 pounds in...
Hamilton, Richard Life as a Prisoner of War
Richard Henry Hamilton describes the Stalag Luft IV Prison Camp [Annotator's Note: Gross Tychow, Pomerania, now Tychowo...
Bradley, John Life at Camp
For food, John Bradley and the internees [Annotator's Note: in the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" Life at RAF Great Dunmow
[Annotator's Note: Floyd Horne was stationed at Royal Air Force Station Great Dunmow, or RAF Great Dunmow, Little...
Crosby, Thomas Life Before Internment
Thomas Crosby was born in September 1933 in Cagayan de Misamis, Mindanao, Philippines. His mother, grandmother and aunt...
Gantz, Walter Life Before the Army
[Annotator's Note: There is a continuous buzzing sound throughout this clip.] Walter "Babe" Gantz does not know how he...
Acevedo, Anthony Life Before the Army
Anthony Acevedo was born in San Bernardino, California and spent most of his childhood in Pasadena. His father was a...
Bailey Pratt, Caroline Life in an Interment Camp
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee taps a cup throughout the segment.] Caroline Bailey Pratt and her family were interned...
Shapiro, Lester Life in Burma
Lester Shapiro did not know anything about getting a Bronze Star [Annotator's Note: the Bronze Star Medal is the fourth...
Schmittgens, Leo Life in China on Occupation Duty
[Annotator’ Notes: This clip begins with an individual talking on a telephone. A telephone rings at 2:48:22.00 and a...
Ruiz, Nolan Life in England
[Annotator's Note: Nolan Ruiz was from Louisiana and he had joined the Army Air Corps, where he was trained as a ball...
Carlson, Donald Life in England
After the war, trolley missions were flown to show ground personnel the damage that had been done to Germany. Donald...
Swarts, John Life in England
John Stanley Lee Swarts and his crew received orders to fly overseas to England, making one stop in Iceland. They...
Baron, Judith Life in Hungary
Judith Baron and her family lived in a nice apartment in a mixed neighbor in Hungary. The landlady was not Jewish, but...
Johnsen, Erik Life in New Orleans
Erik Johnsen, a Cadet in the US Merchant Marine says that New Orleans, Louisiana in the late 1920s was active with all...
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