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Dahlberg, Melvin Various Thoughts on War
Melvin Dahlberg was in the battle for Hill 1098 [Annotator's Note: part of Maritime Alps in Southern France]. They were...
Williams, Robert Vierville and Carentan
The second day, Robert L. Williams and the others went to the town of Vierville. They had gotten reports that Vierville...
Coolidge, Charles Vosges Mountains, the Medal of Honor and Lemberg
[Annotators note: Charles Coolidge starts this segment in the middle of conversation as the camera started recording...
Borne, Edwin Wake Island
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. was assigned to Wake Island as a member of the Marine Corps' 1st Defense Battalion. He had...
Skaggs, Jack Wake Island
Jack Skaggs was assigned to L Battery on Wilkes Island in the Wake Island atoll. The battery had an old 5 inch 51 gun [...
Ehlers, Dorothy Walter Ehlers
Dorothy Ehlers met her future husband, Walt [Annotator's Note: Medal of Honor Recipient Walter Ehlers], while she was...
Stewart, Roy War Dogs on Iwo Jima
Roy Stewart's unit [Annotator's Note: in the 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division] moved out [Annotator's Note:...
Bauer, Wynn War Ends
[Annotator's Note: Wynn Bauer served in the Army as an assistant driver on an M4 Sherman medium tank in the 36th...
Joyce, Josefine War in Germany
In seeing the movies [Annotator's Note: referring to the documentaries and Beyond all Boundaries 4D experience...
Moran, John "Jack" War is a Lousy, Dirty Business
During the Battle of Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or Ardennes Counteroffensive, 16 December 1944 to 25...
Trindal, Wesley War is chaos
When Wesley Trindal joined his unit on the front lines as a replacement he did not see many people who were not also...
Wilkins, Byron War Reflections
Byron Othello Wilkins helped form a club with Corps Commander Troy Middleton who was University Controller. The club...
Nummer, Richard War's Brutality
Richard Nummer experienced the brutality of war on Iwo Jima. He and his buddies witnessed Japanese soldiers lying with...
Donovan, Robert War's End
Robert L. Donovan remembers that the Filipinos would take the leftovers from the soldiers after they would liberate an...
Fristoe, Claud War's End
Claud Neal Fristoe, Jr. left New Guinea and was assigned to Leyte Gulf in the Philippines [Annotator's Note: Fristoe...
Cohen, Benjamin War's End
Benjamin Wolf Cohen and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company A, 320th Engineer Combat Battalion, 95th Infantry Division...
Drake, Joseph War's End
Joseph J. Drake fought all the way through to Pilsen, Czechoslovakia [Annotator's Note: Plzeň (Pilsen), Czech Republic...
Cox, Neil "Jack" War's End
Neil Cox made it through the Siegfried Line [Annotator's Note: a series of defensive fortifications roughly paralleling...
Freeman, Bradford War's End
After being wounded in Belgium, Bradford Clark Freeman was sent back to England and didn't return to his company [...
Thomas, Wilbur "Will" War's End
Wilbur Thomas recalled the difficulties of managing the French Army while he supervised the pipelines. He also...
Simpson, Joseph War's End
Joseph Simpson witnessed little resistance after his unit crossed the Rhine River. There were hardly any battles. The...
Pummill, William War's End and Postwar
William "Bill" Arthur Pummill and his unit [Annotator's Note: Weapons Company, 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division...
Mason, Alfred War's End and Return Home
Heywood Mason [Annotator's Note: a Private 1st Class in the US Army 88th Infantry Division] recovered from a case of...
Sussman, Marvin War's End and Returning Home
Following VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945], Marvin Sussman was stationed in the town of...
Brunt, Julian War's End and Returning Home
During the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive, 16 December...
Brown, Charles War's End in Europe
Charles R. Brown [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 66th Armored Infantry Battalion, 12th Armored Division]...
Blake, Christopher Wartime Service
Christopher Blake [Annotator's Note: a novelist and playwright who served in Europe with the 6th Tank Destroyer Group]...
Wicklund, John Weaponry and Therapies
John Wicklund says the most effective weapon the infantry used was the Browning Automatic Rifle [Annotator's Note: BAR...
Hollis, Frederick Willow Run
Fredrick Hollis did not witness much family talk about the conflict during World War 2. Some of his relatives served in...
Hillenbrand, Bernard Wins and Losses
Bernard Hillenbrand does not recall too much of when he landed on Omaha Beach [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied...
Hihn, Stewart Winter 1944 in Eastern France
Stewart Hihn's unit [Annotator's Note: 222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division] was transferred from 7th [...
Dabney, William G. Witnessing war
William Dabney had a couple of close calls when they were on the beach. A bomb fell and scared a lot of people. It left...
Dendy, Lloyd Woodlark Island Bombings
Lloyd Dendy stayed in Australia about two months [Annotator's Note: April to June 1943]. He did a lot of night training...
Dillon, Gerard Worst Number of Casualties
On the morning of D plus 4 [Annotator's Note: 10 June 1944], the 90th Infantry Division moved into the area where...
Parker, William Wounded and Redeployed
After the D-Day invasion [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June 1944], William "...
Wilson, James Wounded at Guadalcanal
James Wilson landed in Wellington, New Zealand [Annotator's Note: on 11 July 1942] and it was cold and raining. They [...
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