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Leopold, Vernon Overseas Service
Vernon Leopold and his outfit [Annotator's Note: I...
Bebko, Robert Overseas to Cherbourg
Robert Stephen Bebko had not heard about the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German...
Squire, Vernon Overseas to England
[Annotator's Note: Vernon Squire was drafted into the Army in December 1942.] Squire was given a week off and then went...
Whitworth, Vaughan Overseas to Hawaii and Saipan
Vaughn Whitworth boarded a troop train to Norfolk, Virginia where he loaded onto the USS James O'Hara (APA-90) and...
Talley, Chester Overseas to North Africa and Italy
After enlisting the Air Force, Chester L. Talley was sent overseas to Casablanca [Annotator's Note: Casablanca, Morocco...
Kelley, John Overseas to the Pacific
When John Kelley and his unit [Annotator's Note: Battery D, 457th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion, 11th Airborne...
Annas, Floyd Overseas to the Pacific
[Annotator's Note: Floyd Annas was training for air sea rescue at Keesler Field, now Keesler Air Force Base, in Biloxi...
Friedenberg, Bernard oving Through Normandy as a Medic
Bernard Friedenberg and his unit [Annotator's Note: Medical Detachment, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st...
Rice, Darold P-47 and Shelling
Eventually the German fire lifted, and Darold Rice and his men moved on. They later caught a German convoy at a bridge...
Banyas, Martin Pacific Combat and War's End
Martin Banyas enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1942 because he liked the fighting Marines. The first job for his ship [...
Blakey, Thomas Parachuting into France
There were 18 or 19 men on Thomas J. Blakey's plane [Annotator's Note: from the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd...
Tipper, Edward Parachuting into Normandy
Edward Tipper and the troops of the 101st Airborne were very confident about jumping into France. Their training was...
Gile, Richard Patrolling Missions
Richard Edward Gile was a replacement in the 104th Infantry Regiment, 26th Infantry Division in Europe during World War...
Dietrick, Alfred Patrolling to Capture Germans
After his first combat [Annotator's Note: during Operation Avalanche, 9 to 16 September 1943, Salerno, Italy], Alfred...
McConn, John "Jack" Patrols
John McConn and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company C, 1st Battalion, 410th Infantry Regiment, 103rd Infantry...
Womack, Charles L. "Red" Peleliu and Flamethrowers
Charles Womack remembers that the bunkers and emplacements were often different from one to the next. He came across...
McEnery, James Peleliu and Ngesebus
[Annotator's Note: James McEnery served in the USMC as a rifleman in Company K, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st...
Burgin, Romus "R.V." Peleliu and the Assault on Ngesebus Island
Romus Burgin and the 5th Marines [Annotator's Note: 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] were among the first to...
Mayer, Philip Peleliu Invasion
Philip Mayer and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] were...
Wise, Curtis Peleliu, Palau
After basic training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Curtis Winfred Wise went to Fort Rucker, Alabama to a new company...
Hurley, Wallace Performance of Troops and Weapons and Killing Two Enemy Soldiers
Wallace Hurley was discharged at San Antonio after returning to the United States. Men were given various strange...
Danegger, Alfred Photographing Koblenz
Immediately after the war, Alfred "Al" Danegger started taking college students to Europe on bicycle trips. On one of...
Hazard, Mark Pop Bowers and a Lucky GI
[Annotator's Note: This segment begins with Mark Gordon Hazard, Jr.'s wife asking if he had any idea how long he had...
Leopold, Vernon Positions Overlooking Lanzerath
Vernon Leopold vividly remembers the positions of the foxholes and emplacements that his platoon [Annotator's Note: the...
Fraser, Rodney Postwar and Reflections
Rodney Charles Fraser had nightmares after his time in combat [Annotator’s Note: Fraser was serving with the 29th...
Mayes, Robert Postwar Life
After the war, Robert Mayes returned to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee and got his degree. He then...
Stone, Leno Postwar Life
Leno E. Stone attended Washington State College [Annotator's Note: now Washington State University in Pullman...
Benson, Norman Postwar Life and Reflections
Norman Gustaf Benson used the G.I. Bill after the war to attend the University of Maine [Annotator's Note: in Orono,...
Jenkins, Samuel Postwar Vist to Belgium and Germany
Samuel Jenkins has only been back to Belgium once. It was a very eerie feeling. They saw where their foxholes had been...
Wilkins, Byron POW and Interrogation
Byron Othello Wilkins made sergeant on 3 December [Annotators Note: 3 December 1944] and met the new captain around...
Cardenas, Louis POW Camp
Louis Cardenas remembers that they were taken from the capture site to Bucharest, Romania, the capital city. They were...
Ledford, Robert POWs and Combat
When Robert Ledford was stationed in Italy [Annotator's Note: with the 3rd Infantry Division] he was issued a Thompson...
Hazard, Mark Prayer and Fate
For the Rhine crossing, the 17th Airborne Division was supposed to jump before they [Annotator's Note: the 313th...
Pena, William Pre-War Life and Enlistment
William Pena was born in Laredo, Texas and attended a Catholic middle school and public high school. He was the editor...
Espree, Elmo Prejudice
Elmo Espree was impressed with the huge size of the first camp he trained at. Customarily, the service facilities are...
Evans, Donald Preparing for Sicily
Before Donald Evans and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division] got to go on the...
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