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Ngai, Johnny Souvenirs and Recovering the Dead
It was a lot colder in Germany than France for Johnny Ngai. They went in August [Annotator's Note: to France in August...
Rees, Holly Souvenirs of War
Asked how he got a Japanese flag, Holly Rees said that nearly every enemy soldier carried one folded up on top of the...
Lovell, James Space Commander
James Lovell's next mission was Gemini XII. This mission scheduled to be shorter than his last 14 day excursion and was...
Davis, Jack Speeding Through France
In Normandy [Annotator's Note: Normandy, France], a friend of Jack Davis' [Annotator's Note: in Company D, 1st...
Hamilton, Richmond Squadron life, Postwar and Reflections
Richmond Hamilton describes squadron life as his first exposure to an integrated unit where he had real...
Hall, Meda Squadron Missions
Meda Royce Hall and his squadron [Annotator's Note: Composite Squadron 68 (VC-68) aboard the USS Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70)]...
Walter, Louis SS James Smith
Louis John Walter departed New York [Annotator's Note: New York, New York] on the James Smith [Annotator's Note: SS...
Quigley, Tom St. Lo Fighting
Tom Quigley and his men began moving inland through the woods and were taking fire from German snipers posted in the...
Weiner, Reuben St. Marcouf
Reuben Weiner has gone through compact disc collections of photos from World War 2 and he sees a lot of photos that...
Lichtenfeld, Seymour Stalag III-A
Seymour "Sy" Lichtenfeld reached Stalag III-A at Frankfurt an der Oder [Annotator's Note: Frankfurt an der Oder,...
Jostad, Glen Stalag IV
Glen Jostad was moved to Stalag IV after being evacuated from Stalag VI. Things got much tougher as the pressure drew...
Knutson, Caroll Stalag Luft III
Carroll Knutson was captured by the Germans after his bomber was shot down. He and other POWs had to survive in...
Heller, Robert Stalag Luft III
Being as friendly possible, Robert Heller and his crew surrendered. As far as he knew, only one of the crew had died,...
Kopp, Alois Start of the War and Loss of the USS Houston (CA-20)
Alois Kopp volunteered to go on the USS Houston (CA-30) in 1939 for deployment overseas. The ship was stationed in...
Tyler, Vernon Stationed in Germany
Vernon Leo Tyler was a cannoneer on gun crews [Annotator's Note: in the 100th Infantry Division]. Gun crew duties...
Elliott, John Stationed in India
The night John Elliott arrived at the base in India, Tokyo Rose [Annotator's Note: nickname given by Allied servicemen...
Stumpfa, James Stationed in North Africa
Jim Stumpfa was assigned to convoy duty in the North Atlantic [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Bangor (PF-16)]. They...
Stevens, Kenneth Stock Shot Off His Rifle
One time, Kenneth E. Stevens [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine...
Viera, Conrad Store Worker to Staff Sergeant
[Annotator's Note: Birds and muffled conversation can be heard in the background throughout this segment.] Conrad D....
Cohen, Jack Stories and Emotions
Jack Cohen does get emotional talking and thinking about what he went through. He also thinks about what happened in...
Kuwayama, Yeiichi "Kelly" Stories from combat
Kelly Kuwayama landed in Marseilles, France and it was rainy and miserable. When they hit combat in France, it was...
Flannigan, James Storming Normandy, A Bronze Star, and Fighting On
When he landed in Normandy with Battery A, 29th Field Artillery Battalion [Annotator's Note: Battery A, 29th Field...
Moran, John "Jack" Storming the Castle
John Moran and the 87th Infantry Division crossed the Rhine River and attacked Braubach, Germany at night. As dawn...
Albarado, Nolan Strafed by Japanese Aircraft
Nolan Albarado had no idea of the tensions between the United States and Japan as he was focused on the war in Europe....
Jones, Robert Strafing Missions
Robert Jones was a late replacement pilot and went overseas in a convoy. It was so rough that for three days, they did...
Pratt, Robert Stuck on a Reef at Okinawa
Robert W. "RW" Pratt, [Annotator's Note: assigned as the gunnery officer aboard USS LST-781] moved around the South...
Armstrong, James Stuttgart Mission and Bailout
James Armstrong's final mission to Stuttgart, Germany. When he was awakened for the mission, he didn't know what the...
Prager, Herman "Dutch" Submarine Duty
Herman Prager experienced increasing positions of responsibility as he served on more and more patrols aboard the boat...
Andrews, Dennis Submarine Patrols
In April 1942, Dennis Allen Andrews was assigned as the Electrician's Mate 3rd Class to the USS Plunger (SS-179). On...
Michal, Billy Summarized Life Story
Dr. Billy Clyde Michal was born in April 1936 in Alexandria, Louisiana and lived nearby in Zimmerman which was a major...
Francis, Norman Summer of 1963
[Annotator's Note: Dr. Norman Francis worked with the Congress of Racial Equality or CORE, an African-American civil...
Flynn, David Sunda Strait, Sinking and Survival
The USS Houston (CA-30)'s last battle, David Flynn said, was the Battle of Sunda Straits. [Annotator's Note: The Battle...
Thomason, David Sunk by Kamikazes
[Annotator's Note: David Thomason served in the Navy aboard the USS Mannert L Abele (DD-733) and took part in the...
Shenkle, George Superior Officers
George Shenkle [Annotator's Note: serving with the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division] was...
Lebow, Cleatus Supporting Pacific Campaigns
The first island the USS Indianapolis (CA-35) approached was Tarawa [Annotator's Note: Tarawa, Gilbert Islands], and...
Goss, Samuel "S. Richard Goss" Supporting the Iwo Jima Invasion
After an hour [Annotator's Note: of being stranded during the Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945, Iwo...
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