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Malcolm Johnson was a civilian contractor working on Wilkes Island when the Japanese attacked Wake Island. He...
Emile Engles said that as long as his parents were calm under enemy fire, he was not very afraid. Sheltering in a...
For William McCowen's [Annotator's Note: as a US Air Force copilot in the 307th Strategic Bomb Wing stationed at Kadena...
That attack on the Japanese fleet off Guadalcanal was a turning point in Martin Carmody’s life. He felt bad about...
They headed back down the path to an opening where there was a house. Mark Gordon Hazard, Jr. dropped the men off away...
Melvin Linkous and the 2nd Infantry Division [Annotator's Note: Linkous was a member of Cannon Company, 38th Infantry...
While on Bougainville [Annotator's Note: Bougainville, Solomon Islands], the island was not fully secured. Haney...
Samuel Ukrop's outfit [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Marine Regiment, 6th Marine Division] was not...
Walter Joseph Patrick Curley Junior [Annotator's Note: with the Military Police Company, Headquarters Battalion, 5th...
While fighting on Iwo Jima, Roy Stewart can recall one time when his company [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd...
[Annotator's Note: Leslie Cruise continuously refers to a book that he has on his lap.] Leslie Cruise remarks that...
After the attack, Robert Powers continued moving south towards the battalion CP [Annotator's Note: command post]. They...
David R. Saunders saw his first combat at Lingayen Gulf [Annotator's Note: Luzon, Philippines]. He was not injured...
John Geiger remembers when he was in New Guinea [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 6th Army Special Reconnaissance...
Biddle was born in Daleville, Indiana on November 28th, 1923. Daleville had about nine hundred people. He lived there...
Joseph Diamond served with the 104th Infantry Division, which is the Timberwolf Division. He was born in Camden, New...
William Disanza was born on 120th Street in Manhattan and grew up in the Bronx. In 1950 he got married and moved to New...
Stegmeier was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1922. At the time of the interview he is 85 years old. He attended Grandview...
Lyle Bouck did not like the taste of the food. The men were marched to a town east of Losheim and put in the basement...
The river crossing [Annotators Note: the 20 September 1944 crossing of the Waal River in Holland during Operation...
Richard Ford notes that they really got nailed at the Elbe River. They moved up to an area one afternoon and the next...
Yellin went to witness the ceremony in 2006. He met a few different Japanese soldiers and American military personnel...
Quintana believes that it is important that people continue to study and research World War II however he does note...
Mack is the chaplain of the Sixth Marine Division Association. He notes that the ranks are getting very thin. The...
It turned out that a small piece of shrapnel had severed Burgess's spinal chord. Burgess was 18 years old. Karr had...
The Laffey escorted a ship named the Dashing Wave [Annotator's Note: SS Dashing Wave] all the way back to the States [...
Any little thing William Disanza could do to help the natives he did. They loved it as well. It was American ingenuity...
The general population was preparing, women too, to defend that island. Myers feels that if they did not drop the...
Of the 3 guys that went with Kanaya to bring back the wounded, one was a Caucasian from a supporting company. They...
Out of all the men Galloway knew and the men around him, no one was killed on the first day of the Bulge. Galloway met...
Richard Candelaria thinks it is a shame that the American public did not get to see their 8th Air Force. They were able...
The second day they were run out by the Japanese again [Annotator’s Note: On Okinawa, April 1945]. Deen notes that it...
Childers was placed in a basket and hoisted onto the deck of the destroyer that had picked him and his crew up. He was...
Richard Ford was pinned down by a German machine gun. He was up against a hedgerow so tight that he could not move. The...
The local principal got him to come up there and then teachers started asking him to speak to their classes. The...
Yellin is not sure if he was fired upon during landings and take offs from Iwo Jima. Yellin recalls that one of his...
