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Robert Templet was on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor when the Japanese bombed Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands [Annotator's...
They [Annotator's Note: Vernon Tweedt's family] had a Philco radio. When he heard the news [Annotator's Note: of the...
Stephen Ananian was a freshman at NYU [Annotator's Note: New York University in New York, New York] as aeronautical...
On the morning of 7 December [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941],...
Hersey Goodwin was in high school, and they talked current events in the mornings. They knew about it [Annotator's Note...
Gene Alair did not find Navy life difficult. He really enjoyed it. After recieving his commission, he was assigned to...
Arles E. Cole missed breakfast and woke a few minutes before eight o’clock in the morning [Annotator’s Note: Cole was a...
Louis Conter arrived onboard the USS Arizona (BB-39) in Pearl Harbor on 5 December 1941 following practice firing and...
Walter Bud Gafford was present on the morning of 7 December 1941 when the Japanese attacked [Annotator's Note: the...
Edwin McAuliffe was in Covington [Annotators Note: Covington, Louisiana] visiting friends. The news came across the...
The first time Jack Weiss returned to San Francisco [Annotator's Note: San Francisco, California]; an English ship was...
James Downing thought time was compressed during the attack. [Annotator's Note: During the Japanese attack on Pearl...
On 7 December 1941, Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii] was attacked by the Japanese and the...
Donald G. "Mac" McWilliams was in high school in 1941 in Ozona [Annotator's Note: Ozona, Texas]. They were shocked [...
Even though he was a small boy, William Hussey was aware that there was a fear that the Japanese would invade Hawaii....
John Finn says that all of the outfits in Hawaii were on limited alert and knew that something might happen. Previously...
The ongoing hostilities in Europe and Japan were not discussed in Otis Gatewood's circles until Japan attacked Pearl...
Lloyd Dendy met people from different parts of the country. They had different accents and different ways of doing...
[Annotator's Note: Melvin C. Whitman was on Peleliu, Palau with Battery L, 3rd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st...
Donald G. "Mac" McWilliams and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Headquarters and Service Company, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st...
Charles Womack remembers that the bunkers and emplacements were often different from one to the next. He came across...
Eugene Corson remembers seeing a USO show [Annotator's Note: United Service Organizations] in the Russel Islands where...
Romus Burgin and the 5th Marines [Annotator's Note: 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] were among the first to...
[Annotator's Note: George Peto served in the US Marine Corps in a machine gun section in 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine...
Philip Mayer and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] were...
When the USS Foote (DD-511) got to Pearl Harbor, Wilbur Rogers remembered they stripped the 20mm off its fan tail and...
When Robert H. "Bob" Harris finished his induction training, he was assigned to single-engine planes. He was happy with...
Robert Addison [Annotator’s Note: with the 1st Marine Raider Battalion] had his share of close calls on Bloody Ridge...
Wallace Hurley was discharged at San Antonio after returning to the United States. Men were given various strange...
Pearl Harbor was "a mess," and John Cassidy said he learned that one of his classmates from officers' candidate school...
Like many other veterans in a similar condition, Odell Vaughn felt sensations in his legs even though both were lost...
William Leibold has been contacted numerous times by groups attempting to research various things. Leibold noted how...
After going aboard they were given some soap and a half a towel [Annotator's Note: Raymond Bailey and many of the other...
Oscar Otto Martin took part in the fighting on the Siegfried Line [Annotator's Note: a line of fortifications...
[Annotator's Note: There is a background humming noise throughout this interview.] Edwin “Pete” Goldberg [Annotator’s...
James Patterson remembers classification was the hardest part of becoming a cadet. They were considered privates as far...
