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Balfour, Fred Moving into Germany
Fred Arthur Balfour [Annotator's Note: with SHAEF – Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force] was building huts...
Aalders, Johannes Moving the Dead
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Johannes Aalders about the Battle of Arnhem, part of Operation Market Garden,...
Smith, William S. Moving the Front Lines
William C. Smith, Junior [Annotator's Note: a forward observer with the 1st Infantry Division] was on the beach [...
Tindal, Sullivan Moving through Europe
Sullivan Tindal left Le Havre [Annotator's Note: Le Havre, France] and traveled across Europe with little resistance...
Willis, Meade Moving through France
Meade Willis dug a foxhole, which was always the first thing he did when he arrived somewhere. Mortars [Annotator's...
Ollar, Vernon Moving through France
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee speaks slowly and pauses several times throughout segment.] Assigned as a gunner in the...
Bebko, Robert Moving Through Germany
Robert Stephen Bebko went to one town they [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd Battalion, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th...
Breen, Vernon Moving Toward the Front
Vernon Breen knew a little about driving a car, but when he was assigned to transport a captain and a radio...
Dragich, Charles Mukden
Charles Dragich saw burials every day [Annotator’s Note: while a prisoner of war of the Japanese at Camp O’Donnell in...
McConn, John "Jack" Munich and Dachau
John McConn arrived after Munich and the nearby terrible death camp had been captured and cleaned up. [Annotator’s Note...
Kracov, William Munich, Dachau and Postwar
William Kracov [Annotator's Note: as a scout for heavy weapons Company M, 3rd Battalion, 232nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd...
Bouton, Helen Munkacs to Auschwitz
[Annotator's Note: Helene Bouton and her family were placed in a small ghetto in their neighborhood in Irshava,...
Uthes, Roy Myitkyina
Roy Uthes arrived in Myitkyinā without any combat experience. His unit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 209th Engineer...
Kinney, Gabriel Myitkyina
[Annotator's Note: Gabriel Kinney served in the Army as a BAR man and fought with the 25th Infantry Division on...
Clay, Russell Naval Battles off Guadalcanal
Russell Clay and his wife were together while the USS Helena (CL-50) underwent repairs and upgrades on the West Coast....
Murphy, Paul Naval Campaigns and Repair
Paul J. Murphy had his first campaign [Annotator’s Note: as a fire controlman aboard the USS Indianapolis (CA-35)] in...
Amoss, Walter "Jimmy" Naval Training, Combat, War's End
Walter Amoss was 17 years of age when the war started. Like his fellow students, he wanted to join the military and go...
Anthony, Ray Navy Bandmember
Ray Anthony joined the Navy rather than the Army. He went to the Great Lakes and Chicago. Eddie Peabody was a...
Clay, Russell Navy Buddies and Friendships
At Pearl Harbor, Russell Clay's battle station was on the 1.1 inch pom-pom guns. [Annotator's Note: Clay was a crewman...
Rupp, William Navy IBM Specialist
William Rupp was trained to maintain, repair, and operate IBM machines by the Navy. He also attended night school...
Gibfried, Paul Navy Life Through the War
In May 1944, Paul Gibfried was asked to put together a report [Annotator's Note: while working in the Office of the...
Cook, Harold Navy Service
Harold C. Cook entered the Navy shortly after Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,...
St. Germain, John Navy Training and Deployment
After enlisting in the Navy, John St. Germain had his boot camp training in Farragut, Idaho [Annotator’s Note: Farragut...
Phillips, Cass Navy Training and Pearl Harbor
Cass Phillips did his Navy training in San Diego [Annotator’s Note: San Diego, California.]. He was given a test for...
Winslow, Lawson Navy V-12 Program
Lawson Tracy Winslow, Junior was at the lowest enlisted rank - E1 - when he participated in the Navy V-12 program [...
Spera, George Nazi Atrocity
George Spera and the troops of the 102nd Infantry Division passed through the town of Gardelegen, Germany without...
Kaufman, Luna Nazi Brutality
Luna Kaufman was not frightened when the Germans first entered Poland [Annotator's Note: on 1 September 1939]. At that...
Foy, John Nazi Concentration Camps
When John Foy's unit [Annotator's Note: Company A, 1st Battalion, 347th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division] came...
Klepper, Manfred Nazi Persecution
In the early part of 1939, Manfred Klepper and other Jews were made to wear the Star of David on their clothes. Some...
Haydu, Bernice Near Death Experience and the Disbanding of the WASPs
Bernice Haydu had only one flying occasion when she feared for her life and that was after the war. She and her husband...
Arledge, Mahlen Near Misses in Combat
Mahlen Arledge experienced his first combat on Angaur. He had no idea what to expect in combat. The first night on the...
Courtney, Melbourne Nearly Missed, then Wounded
Outside of Granville, [Annotator's Note: Granville, France], Melbourne Sanford Courtney and his unit [Annotator's Note...
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Nebelwerfers and 88s
While in combat in the Normandy's hedgerow country, an entire patrol from John Witmeyer's unit was killed by a German...
Grass, Philip Negros
Philip Grass remembers the fighting was fierce on Negros [Annotator’s Note: Negros, Philippines]. The Japanese tried to...
Slay, Charles Never Got a Scratch
Charles Slay found out the war was over by radio. He had come down from Oregon through the desert. At night the wind...
Schleider Jr., Benjamin Never Withdraw
[Annotator's Note: Benjamin Schleider was served in the Army in the 6th Armored Division as an aid to the division...
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