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Bonelli, William Mission Tactics
Early on, William Patrick Bonelli had to teach the pilot about flying, which he believes lead to him not being asked to...
Bussel, Norman Mission to Berlin
Norman Bussel’s first mission was to Brunswick (Braunschweig), Germany. He was anxious as he had no idea what to expect...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Missions After Being Shot Down
DeQuindre McGlaun [Annotator's Note: with the 333rd Bombardment Squadron, 94th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force]...
Buschmeier, Frank Missions and Being Captured
Frank William Buschmeier served with the 350th Bombardment Squadron, 100th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force during...
Caudle, John Missions and Secrets
The Air Force had a habit of giving flyers a shot of whiskey before they went into a debriefing. John Caudle went...
Sweatt, Robert Missions in Europe and Africa
Scheduled to take part in the bombing of German held oil fields in Romania, Robert Sweatt left Portreath, England on a...
Kaiser, Raymond Missions in India
[Annotator's Note: Raymond Kaiser completed his pilot training and flew out of Miami, Florida for his next assignment...
Micklich, Richard Missions in the Aleutians
Shortly after the attack on the ammunition ship at Darwin, Australia, Richard Micklich [Annotator’s Note: serving as a...
Buckner, Jack Missions into Sicily and Italy
Jack Buckner and his aircrew only flew missions in support of ground troops in invasions. For the invasion of Sicily,...
Fitzpatrick, Thomas Missions Out of Italy
Dr. Thomas Fitzpatrick was assigned as the radio navigator in the 96th Bombardment Squadron, 2nd Bombardment Group,...
Coop, Willard Missions over Europe
Willard Haul "Jack" Coop joined the 418th Bombardment Squadron, 100th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force in January 1945...
Ebersole, William Missions Over Japan
William Ebersole flew his first mission in May 1945. It was a dive-bombing mission to Chichi Jima which is where George...
Fitch, Mason Missions over Japan
Mason Brownell Fitch flew over Kobe [Annotator's Note: Kobe, Japan] on his first mission over Japan [Annotator's Note:...
Waldman, Leon Missions to Germany
Leon Waldman was able to take leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time] after 25...
Chester, Daniel Mobilization and Combat in Normandy
When the invasion [Annotator's Note: the invasion of Normandy, France] took place on 6 June 1944, Daniel Chester...
Somogyi, Peter Mock Trial of Dr. Josef Mengele
Peter Somogyi and his brother attended the mock trial held for Dr. Mengele. [Annotator's Note: Dr. Josef Mengele was a...
Coolidge, Charles Monte Cassino and Anzio
For Charles Coolidge, success [Annotators Note: success in combat] continued in Italy. His unit [Annotators Note:...
Hochadel, Joseph Monte Cassino and Treating Wounded
The GIs would direct Joseph Hochadel to where the wounded were and then he would apply aid and do what he needed to do...
Polito, Felix Monte la Difensa and After
Felix Polito and the Force [Annotator's Note: 1st Special Service Force] became famous for climbing Monte la Difensa in...
Harold, Paul Montebourg and Saint-Saveur
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Goodrich, James Mop Up Duties on Guadalcanal
James Goodrich thinks that people had a greater hatred for the Japanese than the Germans in America. He credits hearing...
Burgin, Romus "R.V." Mopping Up Peleliu and Preparing for Okinawa
After eliminating the remainder of the artillery positions on Ngesebus Island, the 5th Marine Regiment returned to...
Leibold, William More Details about the Last Patrol
William Leibold was topside with O'Kane [Annotator's Note: US Navy Rear Admiral Richard O'Kane had been the commanding...
Cottrell, Edwin More Flight Training
[Annotator’s Note: Birds chirping in the background is audible throughout this segment.] By October 1943, Edwin B....
Johnson, Burton Mortar School to Peleliu
Burton "Burt" Johnson went to mortar school [Annotator's Note: M2 60mm mortar at Camp Elliot in San Diego, California...
Clark, Merrill Mount Belvedere
Merrill J. Clark's first operation [Annotator's Note: with Company K, 3rd Battalion, 85th Mountain Infantry Regiment,...
Johnson, John Mount Fuji Project
John S. Johnson became disillusioned with some of his battery mates while working the Mount Fuji Project. The "Beast of...
Wells, Raymond Mount Rotundo and the Rapido River
Raymond Wells and his men [Annotator's Note: Wells' was a squad leader in Company H, 2nd Battalion, 141st Infantry...
Ukrop, Samuel Mount Yae-take on Okinawa
Samuel Ukrop [Annotator's Note: while serving with Company F, 2nd Battalion, 22nd Marine Regiment, 6th Marine Division...
Tomkiewicz, Micha Moved to Bergen-Belsen
Micha Tomkiewicz and his mother were in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw, Poland when his father was killed after escaping...
Zygmuntowicz, Itka Moved to the Nowe Miasto Ghetto
Itka Zygmuntowicz lived in Ciechanów, Poland when the Nazis started rationing food. There was a lot of starvation. They...
Snyder, Harry Movement Through Northern France
Operation Cobra was the big breakout, and Harry Snyder said there were "thousands" of big bombers filling the skies and...
Jameson, Andrew Moving Across France to Holland
Normandy was bocage country [Annotator's Note: a terrain of mixed woodland and pastures] and was divided by stone...
Jindra, Leonard Moving Inland
Leonard Jindra could not tell where he was but he stayed up that first night after landing [Annotator's Note: D-Day;...
Ricks, Howard Moving Inland on Iwo Jima
Howard Ricks reached the island of Iwo Jima and discovered that the Japanese opposition was nearly invisible. Their...
Hihn, Stewart Moving into Germany
Stewart Hihn's [Annotator's Note: with the 222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division] clothing was inadequate....
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