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Kaslow, Solis "Sol" Loss of PT-509
It was while operating out of Cherbourg in August [Annotator’s Note: Cherbourg, France in August 1944] that Solis “Sol...
Schneider, Richard Loss of Schneider's Crewmates
In July 1944, Richard "Dick" Schneider found himself with an extremely painful wisdom tooth. The dentist had a terrible...
Conter, Louis "Lou" Loss of the USS Arizona
Louis Conter left the USS Arizona (BB-39) via a liberty boat after her fatal bombing. He boarded the boat near number...
Alair, Gene Loss of the USS Astoria (CA-34)
Gene Alair was in the South Pacific for many months. He was on a Transport Division Commander's Staff, CTD8. They had...
Glass, Jack Loss of the USS Hornet (CV-8) and USS Wasp (CV-7)
The first flight Jack Glass went on was a search mission during the later stage of the Eastern Solomons campaign. The...
Roy, William Loss of the USS Lexington (CV-2)
[Annotator's Note: William G. Roy served in the Navy as a Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class aboard the aircraft carrier USS...
Sterrie, Norman Loss of the USS Lexington (CV-2)
Norman Sterrie was spotted over the forward elevator just as an explosion below lifted the elevator and him in his TBD...
Allen, James Loss of the USS Wahoo (SS-238)
James Allen was at Midway aboard the Sperry [Annotator's Note: USS Sperry (AS-12)] when the Wahoo [Annotator's Note:...
Roy, William Loss of Yorktown and Aftermath
William Roy [Annotator's Note: as a member of the salvage crew on the USS Yorktown (CV-5) on 6 June 1942] witnessed the...
Walter, Robert Lost a man
[Annotators Note: Robert Walter was a platoon sergeant in Company L, 3rd Battalion, 393rd Infantry Regiment, 99th...
Garcia, Ray Louis Fraser
Ray Garcia's worst experience happened in January 1945 when he could not fly because he had a cold. His best buddy,...
Villars, Robert Lourenço Marques and Montevideo
Robert Villars and his merchant ship pulled into the neutral port of Lourenço Marques. [Annotator's Note: Lourenço...
Werner, Jack Luck
Jack Werner often wonders if the younger generation could have done what his generation did. His story should be titled...
Pierce, William "Bill" Luck
William Pierce reveals a lucky find of a BAR [Annotator's Note: Browning Automatic Rifle] trigger assembly with a hand...
Winter, William Luck and Deploying to the Philippines
William Winter was at Fort McClellan for four months, after which they were assigned to Army units. In October 1944, he...
Groth, Walter Luzon
Walter Groth remembers that military intelligence had underestimated the number of Japanese on the island [Annotator’s...
Simon, Albert Luzon
Albert Simon was at Woodpecker Ridge in Luzon [Annotator’s Note: Luzon, the Philippines]. They landed on Leyte Island [...
Crews, Lorenzo Maginot Line
Lorenzo Dow Crews and his unit, 397th Infantry Regiment [Annotator's Note: Crews was a squad leader in Company I, 3rd...
Craig, James Maintenance Crew
James Craig was waiting to get on an LST [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship, Tank] to cross to the beach [Annotator's Note...
Borne, Edwin Major James Devereux
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. saw that he [Annotator’s Note: then US Marine Corps Major; later Brigadier General, James...
Carson, Benjamin Makin Island Raid
Benjamin Carson had trained at Pearl Harbor in preparation for the raid on Makin Island. They boarded the submarines...
Reluga, Matthew Malmedy Massacre
Matthew A. Reluga did not take a shower after Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy,...
Kawamoto, Yukio Manila
As far as Yukio Kawamoto could tell, he did not experience too much racism or ill feelings towards him. Most of his...
Laborde, John Manila and Loss
John Laborde was assigned to General MacArthur's [Annotator's Note: US Army General Douglas MacArthur] advance echelon...
Marich, Robert Manila and Raid on Los Baños
Robert Marich's unit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 11th Airborne...
Moshovitis, James Manila, the Atomic Bomb, Occupation Duty and Home
After cruising around the Marshall Islands, James Moshovitis' crew was repairing the Higgins boats [Annotator's Note:...
Marr, John W Manoir La Fiere
John Marr landed in water up to his armpits on D Day after the jump [Annotators Note: into Normandy] and immediately...
Hughes, Lowell Many Close Calls
Lowell Hughes first encountered Germans in Sicily, Italy. He never had any face to face contact with them but he dealt...
Langrehr, Henry Man’s Inhumanity to Man
All Henry Langrehr knows about Auschwitz [Annotator's Note: Auschwitz I; Oświęcim, Poland]] is what he saw. The people...
McGlohon, John Mapping Missions Around the World
In early 1942, John McGlohon's squadron [Annotator's Note: 3rd Photo Mapping Squadron] was assigned a mapping mission...
Klein, Gerda Marched Out of the Camp
[Annotator's Note: Gerda Klein, who was in slave labor camp in Poland, can be very difficult to understand at points...
Johnson, Erwin Marched to Camp O'Donnell
On 10 April [Annotator's Note: 10 April 1942], Erwin Johnson and his fellow prisoners of war started their march away [...
Smith, Rothacker Marching into Captivity
Rothacker Smith suffered from pains in his foot. In the Army, they would play with the explosives out of hand grenades...
Anthony, Ray Marilyn Monroe and Others
Ray Anthony had contacts with 20th Century Fox because he had made movies there with “Sun Valley Serenade” [Annotator’s...
Carson, Benjamin Marine Raider Training
Benjamin Carson volunteered to become a Marine Raider without even knowing what that duty entailed. He was soon...
Beard, Oral Mariveles
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip, a person off-camera answers a lot of the interviewer's questions or gives...
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