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Giamberardino, Alfiero Life in Italy During the War
Alfiero Giamberardino was born in May 1936 near Rome [Annotator's Note: Rome, Italy]. The American and British bombers...
Giamberardino, Anna Maria Life in Italy During the War
Anna Maria Giamberardino was born in May 1931 in Ventimiglia, Italy, near France. Her father worked for the railroad,...
Leskovic, Elvia Life in Nazi Germany
Elvira Maria Katarina Algermissen Leskovec's sister wanted to study medicine, but it was not permitted at the time and...
Hayashi, Nobuo Life in Nishinomiya During War
Nobuo Hayashi remembers listening to the radio and hearing how Japan had to attack Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the...
Lents, Robert Life in Prison Camp
Robert Lents said that for a year and a half the prisoners did everything from building an underground radio station to...
Heming, Barbara Life in Schleswig-Holstein
Germany was changing for the better at that time. Barbara Heming's mother still had to work but was no longer working...
Zygmuntowicz, Itka Life in Sweden
After being liberated from Malchow [Annotator's Note: the Malchow concentration camp in Malchow, Germany, a sub-camp of...
Slack, Otis Life in the Aleutian Islands
In 1935, General Billy Mitchell [Annotator's Note: Brigadier General William Lendrum Mitchell] told Congress [Annotator...
Neste, Norman A. Life in the Bulge
Norman Neste had no preconceived ideas of what the German military would be like. Once he had encountered them, he...
Komito, Joseph Life in the Camps
Joseph Komito was at Natzweiler [Annotator's Note: Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp near Natzweiler and Struthof...
Mason, Alfred Life in the Field
Heywood Mason [Annotator's Note: a Private 1st Class in the US Army 88th Infantry Division] dug foxholes, and when rain...
Acker, Charles Life in the Field
Charles Acker went through live-fire training. They had a little town set up and they would fire live machine guns and...
Mahoney, Timothy Life in the Field
Timothy Mahoney only went on a flight after he did repairs to the radar equipment. The pilots did not like doing those...
Schraub, Jesse Life in the Field
Jesse Schraub served in the Army as a mortar man in Company A of the 91st Chemical Mortar Battalion and took part in...
Zoltz, Hana LIfe in the Ghetto
Hana Zoltz lived in the ghetto [Annotator's Note: the Lodz ghetto in Poland] as a young girl. She made few friends...
Gibfried, Paul Life in the Navy
Paul Gibfried worked at the Executive Office of the Secretary of the Navy. It was a data center that informed him of...
Lehigh, David Life in the Pacific
David Lehigh was friendly with officers and enlisted men. One of his friends was flying over Saigon [Annotator's Note:...
Frydman, Louis Life in the Polish Ghettos
Louis Frydman was called Lolak [Annotator's Note: unsure of spelling] during the war. It was a nickname his brother had...
Brooks, Curtis Life in the Santo Tomas Internment Camp
While there [Annotator's Note: in the Santo Thomas Internment Camp], Curtis Brooks and the other children started to...
Keller, Jack Life Inside the B-17
[Annotator's Note: Jack Keller's wife assists him throughout this clip as he had a stroke and has trouble remembering...
Halberg, Norma Life of a WASP
Just before she went into the WASPs [Annotator's Note: Women Airforce Service Pilots], Norma Halberg and another girl,...
Scales, James Life on Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan] only had black sand in the southern part of the island. Iwo Jima means...
Riedl, Edward Life on Leyte
When Edward Riedl went ashore [Annotator's Note: during the landing on Leyte, Philippines], Zeros [Annotator's Note:...
Dunne, Edward Life on Ship During D-Day
Edward Dunne's ship [Annotator's Note: the USS LST-53] had a big ramp that the tanks would go off of. There were six...
Nolan, Warren Life on the Bunker Hill
When Warren Nolan first boarded the USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) he thought it was massive. He watched the first flight...
Hamilton, Richard Life on the Farm
Richard Henry Hamilton was born in September 1922 in Brattleboro, Vermont with three brothers and one sister. His...
Rankart, Marie Life on the Home Front
Marie Rankart did not smoke but her sister did. Her sister would ask her to get her cigarettes when she came across...
Edwards, Mary Life on the Home Front and Rationing
Mary Edwards and the home front had to deal with rationing during World War 2. Often, her mother would go to the...
Linscott, Jack Life on the Ship
Jack Linscott remembers that the Liberty ships [Annotator's Note: a class of quickly produced cargo ships] were not...
O'Hara, Richard Life on Tinian
Richard O'Hara and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 18th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion] saw very little action. When...
Joyce, Josefine Life with John Joyce
Josefine “Piepsi” Joyce lived with him [Annotator’s Note: she is referring to her husband, John Joyce, whom she met in...
Davis, Edna Life with the WASPs
[Annotator's Note: Edna Davis had completed the Civilian Pilot Training Program and wanted to join the US Army Air...
Beard, Oral Lingayen Gulf and Olongapo
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip, a person off-camera answers a lot of the interviewer's questions or gives...
Gruber, Harper Little Pigs, a Monkey and Multiple Invasions
After Leyte, Harper Gruber's vessel [Annotator's Note: USS YMS-339] took part in the second invasion [Annotator's Note...
Hill, Jennings Liverpool and Iceland
After his return [Annotator's Note: from a convoy run to Russia], Jennings Paul Hill, Sr. took some time off and then...
Childs, Charles "Chuck" Living Day by Day
Charles Childs did not like the Nazis. He admired the Luftwaffe [Annotator's Note: German Air Force] pilots, but did...
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