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Wade, Nelsyn Life Aboard Ship
Many men on Nelsyn Ernest Brooks Wade's ship [Annotator's Note: USS Aldebaran (AF-10)] gambled. The officers tried to...
Pierce, Jack Life aboard ship
Jack Pierce had a good job offer on the West Coast. He tried to get discharged there, but they would not do it. He...
Reissig, Floyd J. Life Aboard Ship
Floyd James Reissig was a Petty Officer 3rd Class in the Navy. He served as a Coxswain [Annotator's Note: person in...
Smith, Dale Life Aboard Ship
Dale Smith was aboard the USS Proteus (AS-19) 99 percent of the time. They had movies and a huge mess hall. If no...
Fishman, Arthur Life Aboard the USS Robinson (DD-562)
Arthur Fishman's bunk [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Robinson (DD-562)] was near the engine room below deck. He...
Schmitt, Warren Life after the war
Warren Schmitt was one of 14 survivors from his battery [Annotators Note: survivors of the Malmedy Massacre]. All 14 of...
Wells, Raymond Life After War
Raymond Wells retired from the service in June 1983. After retiring, he moved to Fort Worth, Texas but eventually...
Peak, Betty "Betty Taylor" Life After War
Betty Peak had one thing happen that made her life enjoyable. She met a service officer from World War 2. He had flown...
Scholle, Donald Life and Combat on the USS Spadefish (SS-411)
Donald Scholle was responsible on his submarine [Annotator's Note: USS Spadefish (SS-411)] for manning the conning...
Finder, Rena Life and Death in the Cracow Ghetto
The Cracow ghetto was part of the old city, and Rena Finder said the Germans put a wall around the area where the Jews...
Dendy, Lloyd Life and Death on Pelelui
Lloyd Dendy was the company bootlegger on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu, Palau]. They made a still out of aluminum...
Lebow, Cleatus Life and Entrance Into Service
Cleatus Lebow was born in 1924 in Happy, Texas. He grew up as one of 11 children during the Great Depression, but, as a...
Moran, John "Jack" Life and Thoughts
John Moran was home on leave when Japan surrendered [Annotator's Note: on 15 August 1945]. He had left Europe around 1...
Morehead, James B. Life as a Combat Pilot
The 71st Fighter Squadron [Annotator's Note: 71st Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Group, 15th Air Force] usually guarded...
Cook, Francis "Frank" Life as a POW
Francis J. Cook remembers the Germans treating GIs harshly in the camps. Food was sparse. He lost about 60 pounds in...
de Jonge, Wim Life as a POW
Wim de Jonge's Japanese captors disrespected the POWs [Annotator's Note: prisoners of war]. Prisoners would be beaten...
Steele, Ben Life as a POW
Ben Steele was on a detail when he passed out on the side of the road, stricken with malaria. When he was finally able...
Edwards, Randall Life as a Prisoner in Mukden
Randall Edwards likened the old Chinese army camp where he was held prisoner to a group of American-style hog houses....
DeMott, Joseph Life as a Prisoner of War
Joseph DeMott worked in the farming fields, dug trenches, and built fences as a prisoner of war [Annotator's Note: in...
Splichal, William Life as a Soldier
William Splichal was right in the war room. It was full of bright lights. There were maps all over the wall. They had...
Altmann, Judith Life at Auschwitz-Birkenau
Judith Altmann's life in Auschwitz started at 6:30 every morning. It could be very cold, especially when one's only...
Bollich, James Life at Camp O’Donnell
It took five and a half days for James Bollich to reach Camp O'Donnell [Annotator's Note: American instillation used as...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" Life at RAF Great Dunmow
[Annotator's Note: Floyd Horne was stationed at Royal Air Force Station Great Dunmow, or RAF Great Dunmow, Little...
Synder, Harold Life Becomes Cheap
A Jewish boy joined Harold Daniel Snyder's group [Annotator's Note: 71st Bombardment Squadron, 38th Bombardment Group,...
Gantz, Walter Life Before the Army
[Annotator's Note: There is a continuous buzzing sound throughout this clip.] Walter "Babe" Gantz does not know how he...
Jameson, Andrew Life During the Bulge
Andrew George Jameson and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company L, 3rd Battalion, 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry...
Knobler, Paula Life During the Holocaust
Paula Knobler is a Holocaust survivor born in the city of Lodz, Poland in 1928. She was 82 years of age at the time of...
Baham, Marietta Life During the War
Marietta Baham worked in the mail and communications department [Annotator's Note: at Jackson Barracks in New Orleans,...
Lazarus, Rachel Life in a Concentration Camp
During World War 2, Rachel Lazarus and her mother were in a concentration camp together. Her mother worked in the...
Klepper, Manfred Life in America
Manfred Klepper adjusted easily to American life because he went to school and learned the language. His parents had a...
Gross, Ernest Life in America and Sharing His Experiences
In 1947, after being liberated from Dachau [Annotator's Note: Dachau; first concentration camp; Dachau, Germany] just...
Alexander, Joseph Life In and After Concentration Camps
Joseph Alexander went through searches with American Red Cross [Annotator's Note: Red Cross, an international non-...
Hagans, Benjamin Life in Cabanatuan POW Camp
Benjamin Hagans remembers they were in the sea and the Japs [Annotator's Note: a period derogatory term for Japanese]...
O'Rorke, James Life in Colorado
James Richard O'Rorke [Annotator's Note: a prisoner of war] labored at a Japanese port with an American prisoner named...
Scully, William Life in England
William Scully [Annotator’s Note: serving with Company C, 1st Battalion, 406th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry...
Garbo, William Life in Foxholes
The Battle of the Driniumor River lasted for 45 days. William Garbo was attached to a regiment of the Army's Dixie...
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