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Winestone, Ted Labor Camp and Reflections
Ted Winestone [Annotator's Note: a Polish Jewish immigrant to the United States] was in a labor camp during World War 2...
Moose, Warren Laboratory Dental Technician
Warren Sanford Moose was given orders to go overseas as a replacement laboratory dental technician. He first stopped in...
Wilson, Anderson Landing at Normandy
When Anderson Wilson and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 23rd Headquarters Special Troops], they were told not to go...
Uttero, Cosmo Landing at Omaha Beach
The weather was terrible [Annotator's Note: in England]. Cosmo Uttero cannot recall if he went down into the ship or...
Reynolds, Harley Landing at Omaha Beach
Harley Reynolds and his unit were given a specific assignment. The planners were aware that their beachhead was...
Wells, Raymond Landing at Salerno
On 1 April 1943 Raymond Wells boarded a troop train to New York where they went aboard a ship. His brother Irwin, who...
Tweedt, Vernon T. Landing at Salerno, Italy
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Vernon Tweedt how difficult the landing at Salerno, Italy in Operation...
Hatch, Norman Landing at Tarawa
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 2nd Marine Division] was with Major Jim Crowe [Annotator's Note:...
Jagers, Robert Landing at Utah Beach
Robert Jagers landed on Utah Beach [Annotator's Note: Utah Beach, Normandy, France aboard the USS LST-351 on D-Day; the...
Boeke, Robert Landing in France
Robert Boeke was shipped to France [Annotator's Note: with the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division]. When...
Sakato, George Landing in Italy then Invading Southern France
The 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Battalion [Annotator's Note: 100th Infantry Battalion] came together in...
Vaughn, Odell Landing in North Africa and the Battle of Kasserine Pass
Odell Vaughn and the 178th Field Artillery Battalion boarded an LST, Landing Ship Tank, vessel in England. The...
Compton, Bryan Landing in Sicily
Bryan Compton and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 120th Medical Battalion, 45th Infantry Division] arrived in...
Alaniz, George Landing on Attu
George Alaniz landed on the beach at Attu. [Annotator's Note: Alaniz was a rifleman in Company G, 2nd Battalion, 32nd...
Higgins, Richard Landing on Guadalcanal and Rations
Richard Higgins occasionally wants to forget what he has seen. Higgins remembers being on Cape Gloucester hiding behind...
Haslauer, Warren Landing on Guam
Warren J. Haslauer [Annotator's Note: with Company M, 3rd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division] was...
Stewart, Roy Landing on Iwo Jima
In 1944, Roy Stewart was shipped out with the 24th Marine Regiment, although he was not attached to that regiment. They...
Scales, James Landing on Iwo Jima
James Shelton Scales boarded a troop ship on New Year's Eve, 1944. He boarded APA-154, the Lowndes [Annotator's Note:...
Mc Murray, Steve Landing on Iwo Jima
While he was stationed at Camp Maui, situated on an extinct volcano, Steve McMurray said some of the units trained on...
Hatch, Norman Landing on Iwo Jima
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 5th Marine Division] stopped in Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan...
Lansford, William Landing on Iwo Jima and the Death of John Basilone
Basilone [Annotator's Note: Medal of Honor recipient John Basilone] and his guys went ashore in the third wave. William...
Wicklund, John Landing on Leyte
It was a beautiful day with calm seas when John Wicklund and the 96th Infantry Division [Annotator's Note: at the time...
Twigger, William Landing on Okinawa
William J. Twigger [Annotator's Note: and Company F, 2nd Battalion, 29th Marine Regiment, 6th Marine Division] came...
Bender, Harry Landing on Okinawa
Harry Bender [Annotator's Note: an assistant BAR man, or Browning Automatic Rifleman, with Company K, 3rd Battalion,...
Pierce, William "Bill" Landing on Okinawa
William Pierce had steak and eggs before boarding the Higgins Boat [Annotator's Note: Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel...
Schicker, Tom Landing on Okinawa
Aboard ship, the head [Annotator's Note: naval slang for toilet or bathroom] was full. Nobody showed any fear...
Chaisson, Roland Landing on Omaha Beach and Fighting Through the Hedgerows
In late April 1944 they [Annotator's Note: Roland Chaisson and the rest of the 1st Infantry Division] were put on...
Pomroy, Frank Landing on Peleliu
Frank Pomroy relates how the amphibious tanks [Annotator's Note: Landing Vehivle, Tracked, or LVT] went out of the LSTs...
Mace, Sterling Landing on Peleliu
Sterling Mace had various individuals in his platoon for the assault on Peleliu. There was Jim McEnery, the platoon...
Renstrom, Keith Landing on Saipan, Witnessing Suicides, and Caring for Civilians
They did everything they could do to get off of the beach. One of the warrant officers was hit and told Keith Renstrom...
Aigner, Leslie Landsberg and Kaufering Camps
Leslie Aigner walked through the outskirts of Landsberg. A fellow prisoner pointed out the prison where Hitler [...
Payn, Thomas Last Attack
All through his service, Thomas Payn corresponded with his family, but he couldn't say too much about his activities....
Hartzell, Frank Last Battles in Germany
Frank Hartzell cannot remember his last battle of the war. He does not remember shooting at many people after leaving...
Stovroff, Irwin Last Bombing Mission
Irwin Stovroff flew his last mission on 13 August [Annotator's Note: 13 August 1944]. He felt great that it was to be...
Aldous, Robert Last Bombing Mission
Robert G. Aldous and his crew flew their last mission out of Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan]. It was going...
Wulf, Lawrence Last Combat Mission
Another squadron hit Formosa [Annotator's Note: Republic of Formosa; present day Taiwan]. [Annotator's Note: Lawrence...
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