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Maxwell, Robert Italian Campaign and Being Wounded
Robert Maxwell was sent to western Sicily to defend an airfield along with General Patton's [Annotator's Note: US Army...
Clark, Merrill Italian Spring Offensive
Merrill J. Clark made a slit trench and put half a tent over the top of it [Annotator's Note: in Italy with Company K,...
Peters, Bernard Italy
Bernard Peters still has some of the daily news sheets they put out regarding the war. They had to zig-zag [Annotator's...
Burriss, Thomas Italy
Romano, Joseph Italy
Joseph Roman was in Africa for a few months before going to Naples, Anzio, Apennines – all over [Annotators Note: Italy...
Leonard, Edward Italy to France
Edward J. Leonard was shipped to Italy in May 1943. The first day they were in combat. Leonard had a map of the area he...
Horn, Arnold Italy to Southern France
Arnold Horn remembers the Italians did not want to fight. He saw the Italians hang Mussolini [Annotator's Note: Italian...
Nummer, Richard Iwo Jima
Since Richard Nummer had been separated from his original unit [Annotator's Note: Weapons Company, 28th Marine Regiment...
LaNier, Joseph Iwo Jima
Joseph LaNier had no training or explanation concerning how to perform as a Seabee [Annotator’s Note: Seabee is a twist...
Carson, Benjamin Iwo Jima
Benjamin Carson had never heard of Iwo Jima before he was told that the Marines would be invading that part of Japan....
Reissig, Floyd J. Iwo Jima
The 3rd Marine Division was loaded up and brought to Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan on 22 February 1945...
Wheeler, James Iwo Jima
After picking up the 3rd Division [Annotator's Note: 3rd Marine Division], the Marines landed on the island [Annotator'...
Gubish, Charles Iwo Jima
Charles Gubish was in the 3rd Marine Division [Annotator's Note: 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division] when he...
Ciotta, Angelo Iwo Jima
After boot camp, Angelo Ciotta was sent Camp Pendleton, California for advanced training. He left there in October 1944...
Varone, Francis "Dick" Iwo Jima
After the battle of Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945, Iwo Jima, Japan],...
Ronson, Harold Iwo Jima
When Harold Ronson got onto the beach at Iwo [Annotator's Note: Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945, Iwo...
Lepore, Louis Iwo Jima
In 1944, Louis R. Lepore loaded his division [Annotator's Note: 5th Marine Division] into a ship and set sail. He...
Pryor, Frank Iwo Jima
Frank Pryor was well supplied on Iwo Jima. The SeaBees [Annotator's Note: members of US naval construction battalions]...
Scales, James Iwo Jima
James Shelton Scales did not have to make the initial landing [Annotator's Note: on Iwo Jima, Japan]. He and his...
Westbrook, James Iwo Jima
James Roland Westbrook [Annotator's Note: of Company F, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division]...
Wilson, Adolph Iwo Jima
Adolph Wilson and the 5th Marine Division assaulted Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: on 19 February 1945]. The island was...
St. Germain, John Iwo Jima
John St. Germain was wounded while advancing up Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Battle of Iwo Jima; 19...
Eads, Arthur Iwo Jima and Occupation Duty
On 19 February 1945, Arthur L. Eads [Annotator's Note: as a first class shipfitter for the 133rd Naval Construction...
Born, James Iwo Jima and Occupation Duty in Japan
James Born installed water units that changed saltwater to fresh water for various buildings like barracks, bases, and...
Currier, William Iwo Jima and Okinawa
William Currier [Annotator's Note: while serving as a radarman aboard the USS Hall (DD-583)] headed to Iwo Jima [...
Trahan, Horace Iwo Jima and Tokyo
[Annotator's Note: Horace Trahan serevd in the Navy aboard the USS Briscoe (APA 65) in the Pacific.] They stopped in...
Pritchard, James Iwo Jima and War's End
James H. "Jim" Pritchard was sent to Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands] after it had been...
Fitch, Mason Iwo Jima Landing
Mason Brownell Fitch and his bomber crew [Annotator's Note: of the 504th Bombardment Group] returned from a mission...
Smith, Thomas Iwo Jima to War's End
Thomas J. Smith, Junior was sent back to Maui [Annotator's Note: Maui, Hawaii] which was their [Annotator's Note:...
Morgan, George Iwo Jima UDT
George Morgan was tasked at Iwo Jima to swim to a peninsula in the island and place a battery operated light on it. It...
Burke, Murphy Iwo Jima, Ramming the USS Ringgold (DD-500) and Back to the States
At 19 years of age, Murphy Burke witnessed the fight at Iwo Jima. He described the day as breaking grungy, with low...
Denault, Leo Japan
Leo Denault was shipped to Ieshima [Annotator’s Note: Ieshima, Japan]. They were still clearing the jungle. This is...
McMullen, Milton Japan
It took 41 days for Milton L. McMullen, Sr. to reach Kobe, Japan [Annotator's Note: as a prisoner of war or POW]....
Delaune, Lawrence Japanese and Filipinos
[Annotator's Note: Lawrence J. Delaune, Sr. served on Luzon, Philippines with the 25th Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized...
Schicker, Tom Japanese and Food on Okinawa
Thomas Francis Schicker and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine...
Hall, William Japanese Assault on Midway
William Hall heard a Japanese bomber fly a scouting mission over Midway Island. The squadron [Annotator's Note: Marine...
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