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Lansou, David Invasion at Iwo Jima
David Lansou [Assigned to the 5th Joint Assault Signal Battalion, 5th Marine Division] made an invasion on Iwo Jima [...
Jacobson, Martin Invasion of Guam and the Battle of the Philippine Sea
Martin Jacobson arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii soon after the Marshall Islands Campaign in 1944. He underwent more...
Lucas, Jack Invasion of Iwo Jima
[Annotator's Note: Jacklyn Lucas stowed away aboard the USS Deuel (APA-160) on 10 January 1945 for the trip from Pearl...
Campbell, Donald Invasion of Iwo Jima
The USS LST-809 [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship, Tank] spent 60 hours unloading its cargo of men, aviation fuel and...
Goodrich, James Invasion of Iwo Jima, Being Hit, and Untrained Replacements
James Goodrich landed [Annotator's Note: on Iwo Jima] on Red Beach 1 with the 2nd Battalion [Annotator's Note: 2nd...
Hecht, Lester Invasion of Leyte
Lester Hecht was heading to the invasion of Leyte. Halsey [Annotator's Note: US Navy Fleet Admiral William F. Halsey]...
Marovelli, Robert Invasion of Morotai and the Loss of PT-368
The invasion of Morotai had been building up, and Robert Marovelli's ship joined the convoy going to battle. General...
Milkis, Abe Invasion of Normandy
Abe Milkis landed on Omaha Beach during the invasion of Normandy on D-Day. Rather than entering France as a...
Schwartz, Bill Invasion of Normandy
Bill Schwartz was assigned to the 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division as a platoon commander and sent to a...
Tyson, Marvin Invasion of Okinawa
Marvin Tyson was in Little Creek, Virginia [Annotator's Note: Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, now Joint...
Whitman, Melvin Invasion of Okinawa
The older guys in the division [Annotator's Note: 1st Marine Division] went home after Peleliu [Annotator's Note:...
Richard, Joseph Invasion of Okinawa
Joseph Richard stayed assigned to the USS Rigel (AR-11) throughout the war until the invasion of Okinawa. He then...
Sullivan, George Invasion of Peleliu
George Joseph Sullivan went to Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Peleliu, Palau] in the invasion of the Philippines. There was...
Winestone, Ted Invasion of Poland
Ted Winestone was born in September 1929 in Baranowicze, Poland [Annotator's Note: now Baranovichi, Belarus]. His...
Cowart, Harold Invasion of Saipan
[Annotator's Note: Person offscreen interjects throughout the interview]. Harold G. Cowart and his unit headed to Maui...
Schilling, Ira Invasion of Saipan
Ira Schilling and his outfit of assault engineers landed in the third wave during the invasion of Saipan. They landed...
Hughes, Lowell Invasion of Salerno
Lowell Hughes was part of the invasion of Sicily in July 1943. His primary duty as part of the 120th Engineer Combat...
Poliseno, Dominick Invasion of Sicily
Dominick Frank Poliseno says that although the newer Rangers were trained by, and got along well enough with the older...
Spaetgens, William Invasion of Sicily
William Leo Spaetgens and his Navy crewmates aboard the SS Leslie M. Shaw (MC-0440) converted their Liberty Ship to a...
Finkbeiner, Theodore Invasion of Sicily
Theodore Finkbeiner jumped into Sicily on the first night of the invasion [Annotator's Note: 9 July 1943]. His plane...
Koukos, Harry Invasion of Southern France
Harry Koukos became part of the 7th Army [Annotator's Note: Koukos served in the 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry...
Hatch, Norman Invasion of Tarawa
When the 2nd Marine Division shipped out from New Zealand only the battalion commanders knew the specifics of the...
Bale, Edward Invasion of Tarawa
Edward Bale and his Marine Corps Medium Tank Company were told that the enemy resistance on the island of Tarawa would...
Jacobson, Martin Invasion of the Philippines
Martin Jacobson returned to Maui, Hawaii after the invasion of Guam [Annotator's Note: Second Battle of Guam, 21 July...
Linkous, Melvin Invasion Preparation and Anticipating Death
Melvin Linkous and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Cannon Company, 38th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division]...
Finkelstein, Jacob Invasion, Genocide and Sobibor
The Russians invaded the section of Poland inhabited by Jacob Finkelstein prior to the Germans entering his town. The...
Witmer, Donald Invasions of Leyte, Iwo Jima and Okinawa
Donald Witmer said the Japanese decided on a last-gasp attempt at interrupting the invasion of Leyte with three prongs...
Callender, Alvin Invasions of Sicily and Italy
From Gozo Air Field on the island of Malta, Alvin Callender flew patrols in support of the invasion of Sicily. On the...
Semiatin, Morris Ira Hayes
Morris Semiatin [Annotator's Note: wounded in the Battle of Iwo Jima, Japan, 19 February to 26 March 1945, while...
Fagerstrom, Stanley Island Hopping
Stanley Fagerstrom left New Guinea on 15 November 1944. The Japanese came across the Pacific in the beginning. They...
Mestayer, Angus Island hopping
Angus Francis Mestayer remembers the New Zealanders were not too friendly. They had been fighting in South Africa for...
Lutz, William Island Hopping
William Lutz remembers the battles on Leyte [Annotator’s Note: Leyte, the Philippines] were not bad. One man got out of...
Dawson, Ruffin Island Hopping
Ruffin Walker Dawson [Annotator's Note: with the 51st Defense Battalion] found out he was going overseas in February...
Gafford, Walter Island Hopping Campaign
Walter Bud Gafford [Annotator's Note: while serving aboard the USS Maryland (BB-46)] witnessed combat off Okinawa [...
Haines, George It's Not Easy to Kill
George Haines was offered a promotion to sergeant, but he did not want it. He liked being a scout and figured the men...
Koukos, Harry Italian Campaign
Just before Christmas 1943, Harry Koukos landed in the Naples-Salerno area of Italy and while disembarking, a German...
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