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Breard, Reneau Hospital Stay and the Mountains of Italy
[Annotator’s Note: There is a video break at 1:03:53.000.] While stationed in Naples, Italy, Reneau Breard [Annotator’s...
Linker, George Hospital Stay then Return to Action
George Linker was sick with yellow jaundice while he was on the front. He was pulled back from the action [Annotator's...
Malec, Henry Hospitalization
It was dark when Henry Malec was removed by stretcher from the cellar where he had been treated after being wounded at...
Schicker, Tom Hospitalized with Malaria
Thomas Francis Schicker knows there is a lot he has forgotten to tell. They took Kunishi [Annotator's Note: Kunishi...
Brooks, Leonard House Arrest and Contraband News
Leonard Brooks had Filipino friends who he continued to visit throughout his time on house arrest. One friend put on...
Courtney, Melbourne House-to-House Fighting
When Melbourne Sanford Courtney 's company [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th...
Moskin, Alan How Did This Happen?
[Annotator's Note: Alan Moskin took part in the liberation of Gunskirchen Lager, a subcamp of the Mauthausen-Gusen...
Sapp, Walter How Did We Ever Win
Walter Sapp was in a very difficult battle at the Remagen Bridge [Annotator's Note: Ludendorff Bridge in Remagen,...
Muri, James How to Attack Naval Vessels
James Muri and his crew got on the first B-17 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber] they could...
Moskin, Alan Hugs Not Hate
Alan Moskin thought we [Annotator's Note: the United States] had gotten rid of all of it [Annotator's Note: the hatred...
Raquepau, John Hung Torpedo
John "Jack" Raquepau was just bombing in the Gilbert [Annotator's Note: Gilbert Islands] and Marshall Islands [...
Gross, Ernest Hunger and Liberation
Ernest Gross, a prisoner at Kaufering [Annotator’s Note: Kaufering; subcamp of Dachau; Landsberg am Lech, Germany] says...
Alter, Joseph Hürtgen Forest
Joseph Alter lost men in his platoon. He lost two men in the Hurtgen Forest [Annotator's Note: Battle of Hürtgen Forest...
LaRose, Bruce Hurtgen Forest
Bruce LaRose [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, veteran of North Africa...
Floravante, Emile Hurtgen Forest
Alfred Anthony Alvarez became a lawyer after the war. In Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam War, or Second Indochina...
LaRose, Bruce Hurtgen Forest and Battle of the Bulge
Bruce LaRose [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division] would go out to do...
Bowling, Don Hürtgen Forest to Home
The Hurtgen Forest [Annotator's Note: Battle of Hürtgen Forest, 19 September 1944 to 10 February 1945, Hürtgen (Hurtgen...
Kenney, Clyde Hurtgen Forest to Schmidt
He had had a few experiences with combat when Clyde Kenney's division [Annotator's Note: Kenney was a member of Company...
Pena, William Hurtgen Part 2
William Pena followed a trail through the woods and kept encountering groups of men asking for the two platoons on the...
Walter, Robert I had never seen so many planes
Guillory, Lloyd Ie Shima and Missions Over Japan
Lloyd Guillory made one flight against Rabaul. Rabaul was a Japanese airfield that was a very hot spot. It was bypassed...
Braitman, Simon Immigrating to the United States
Simon Braitman says that the Jews were marched from Zwoleń to Garbatka [Annotator's Note: both in Poland] by foot and...
Peto, George Importance of World War 2
While approaching Wana Draw on Okinawa, George Peto noticed some movement in the brush off to his left. He realized...
Baum, Irving Important Prisoners and Entertainment
The night when Irving Baum [Annotator's Note: as a prisoner of war] got to Stalag Luft III [Annotator's Note: in Sagan...
Marsh, Alexander Imprisonment at Stalag IX-A
The American troops were taken prisoner, and Alexander Marsh said he marched for three days into the interior of...
Clancey, Michael In the Field
Michael Clancey and Greg Dust [Annotator's Note: phonetic spelling; unable to identify] once went together to fill a...
Hanley, Fiske Incarceration and Interrogation
During his interrogation, Fiske Hanley was asked some military questions, but the Japanese interest centered mostly on...
Amore, Frederick Incidentals and Postwar Life
Frederick Amore was transferred to Payne Field in Cairo, Egypt and, because there were too many mechanics there, he did...
Shown, Donald Indianapolis and the Atomic Bomb
Donald Herbert Shown and his ship [Annotator’s Note: USS Indianapolis (CA-35)] completed delivery of atomic bomb [...
Lewter, Robert Induction and Japan
Robert Lewter was inducted in Georgia. From there he got on a train to Camp Polk, Louisiana [Annotator's Note: now Fort...
Johnson, Kaare Infantry Life
Kaare Allan Johnson and his unit [Annotator's Note: 596th Parachute Combat Engineer Company, 517th Parachute Infantry...
Dyer, Jimmie Infantry Training and Overseas Deployment
Jimmie Dyer went through infantry training at Camp Pendleton, California. When he landed at Guadalcanal, where the 6th...
Simons, F.M. Infantry Training to Pisa, Italy
F.M. Richard Simons had infantry training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia [Annotator's Note: in Macon, Georgia]. On the rifle...
Bondola, Thomas Infantry Training, Deployment and Capture
Thomas Bondola received his training with a regiment in his division [Annotator’s Note: 26th Infantry Division, no...
Damonte, Emmanuel Initiation to Combat
The replacement center was just outside of Manila [Annotator's Note: Manila, Luzon, Philippines], and once he was...
Keller, Richard Injuries and Losses
[Annotator's Note: Richard Keller served in the Army as the company commander of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 148th...
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