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McMullen, Milton Hell Ship and Sabotage
Milton L. McMullen, Sr. and other men were crammed into a ship heading to Japan [Annotator's Note: as a Japanese...
Dragich, Charles Hell Ship Tottori Maru
Charles Dragich was on a “hell ship” [Annotator’s Note: unmarked Japanese ships used to transport Allied prisoners of...
Rinas, Bruno Hell Ships
Bruno S. Rinas believes some of his unit [Annotator's Note: 3rd Pursuit Squadron, 24th Pursuit Group] may have been on...
Taylor, Jack Hellcat Missions in the Pacific
Jack Taylor found the Japanese could not hold up to the F6F fighters [Annotator's Note: Grumman F6F Hellcat fighter...
Achee, Lorraine Her Brother is Killed
Lorraine Achee feels that the war helped the country out of the Great Depression. People were working in factories and...
Achee, Lorraine Her Brothers' Service
Lorraine Achee could not believe the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and she did not really understand it. They had...
Cohn, Marthe Her Sister and Fiancé Executed by Germans
Part of Martha Cohn's family successfully crossed from occupied France into unoccupied France from Saint-Secondin,...
Davis, Jack Heroics and Post Traumatic Stress
Jack Davis and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company D, 1st Battalion, 10th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry Division]...
Radford, Charles Hill 609 and Fondouk Pass
[Annotator's Note: Charles Radford served in the Army as an infantryman in Company I, 3rd Battalion, 133rd Infantry...
LaRose, Bruce Hill 609, Tunisia
Bruce LaRose [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in North Africa] had to...
Jackson, Arthur Hill 660 and Being Wounded Twice
Most of the combat they [Annotator's Note: Arthur Jackson and his fellow Marines of Company I, 3rd Battalion, 7th...
Keller, Richard Hill 700
Richard Keller [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division] did not get to see...
Denius, Franklin "Frank" His first Silver Star
[Annotators Note: Franklin Denius was an artillery forward observer in Battery C, 230th Field Artillery Battalion, 30th...
Nolan, Warren Hit by Kamikazes
Warren Nolan was part of Task Force 58 when they were making carrier raids south of Japan in preparation for the...
König, Karl Hitler Youth to German Tanks
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] went from Annaburg Annotator's Note: Annaburg, Germany] to...
Franzky, Gerhard Hitler's Germany Before the War
At the time, Gerhard Franzky thought Hitler was a great man. Franzky's father got another job and was later able to...
Dietrick, Alfred Hitting a German Patrol
A lot of men are killed because of carelessness. You get tired of lying in a hole. A cook got drunk and was then sent...
Zuras, Nicholas Hitting the Normandy Beaches
Nicholas J. Zuras obtained binoculars in Weymouth [Annotator's Note: Weymouth, England]. The wooden decks of the boats...
Mero, Robert Holding the Saint-Nazaire Pocket
When his company [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 263rd Infantry Regiment, 66th Infantry Division] got to...
Riddle, Clinton "Clint" Holland
After the 82nd Airborne Division finished combat operations in Normandy, Clinton Riddle and the men of the 325th Glider...
Burchell, Raymond Holland
Raymond Burchell returned to England [Annotator’s Note: from combat in France]. They were brought to an airfield and...
Livaudais, James Holland, Belgium and Germany
James Livaudais flew from England to Holland on 17 September 1944. Flying at about 500 feet at 150 miles per hour,...
League, Ray Holocaust and Postwar Career
Ray League never heard about the Holocaust prior to entering the Army. He did not want to know, but the Germans knew....
Chandler, Howard Holocaust Personal Impacts
Howard Chandler continues to feel the personal effects of the Holocaust. He learned to be kind and helpful to less...
Carver, Jack Holocaust Victims and Volksturm
Jack Carver had some rotten adventures during the war. There were two particularly bad ones. As he approached a...
Loring, Bud Home and Bomber Crews
[Annotator's Note: Bud Loring was in London, England after being rescued in France.] Loring was asked where he wanted...
Phillips, Robert Home and the Korean War
Robert Philips came home, took advantage of the G.I. Bill and went to the University of Oregon [Annotator's Note: in...
Daniels, Don Homecoming
Coming home from Japan was a joyous time for Don Daniels. His brother was already out of the service. They tried to get...
Somogyi, Peter Homecoming
Peter Somogyi returned to his hometown and met his mother's cousin, Mickey, and some other male survivors [Annotator's...
Hanley, Fiske Homecoming
The only help Fiske Hanley remembers getting from the Red Cross while he was overseas was the loan of two books when he...
Wilson, James Honoring Friends
James Wilson's good friend John Oliveri [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Sergeant John James Oliveri] was intelligent...
Lesniewski, Joseph Honoring His Friends
Skip Muck [Annotator's Note: Sergeant Warren H. "Skip" Muck] and Alex Penkala [Annotator's Note: Private First Class...
Ornelles, Emory Horrible Combat Experience
Emory Maurice Ornelles [Annotator's Note: in the 90th Infantry Division] was working with tanks when a driver asked him...
Armstrong, Henry Horrors of Combat
It was not Henry Armstrong's first time in combat [Annotator's Note: when his Battery B, 607th Field Artillery...
Wisnia, David Horrors of the Ghetto
David S. Wisnia was born in August 1926 in the suburb Sochaczew, outside of Warsaw, Poland. His father was a carpenter...
Kerner, John Horrors of War
John Kerner was still in Normandy, when he was told of injured civilians nearby. He took a jeep and some men and went...
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