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Ross, George Guam and Iwo Jima then Home
During George Vincent Ross's first night there [Annotator's Note: on Guam, mariana Islands], Marines were killed...
Parra, Pedro Guam and Okinawa
They [Annotator's Note: Pedro Parra and the rest of the 854th Engineer Aviation Battalion] left Kwajalein [Annotator's...
Stevens, Kenneth Guam to Iwo Jima
Kenneth E. Stevens and his outfit were the first Marines to get into the Poway Valley [Annotator's Note: in Poway,...
Lutz, William Guam to Leyte
William Lutz thought there would be more firing of weapons. He sat behind a machine gun. It was different from the...
Lutz, William Guam to Okinawa
William Lutz remembers that his unit [Annotator’s Note: 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division] was constantly...
Walker, Mort Guarding POWs and Investigating Crimes
When Mort Walker was in charge of the POW camp [Annotators Note: see segment titled Overseas Duty in Italy] there were...
Mermelstein, Seymour "Cy" Guarding the Border
Seymour Mermelstein was on night patrols most of the time and says they are all pretty much the same. He went out on...
Moskin, Alan Guilt, PTSD, and Fear
Alan Moskin says there is something called "guilt" [Annotator's Note: for killing in combat]. It is hard to put into...
Bussel, Norman Gunnery School, Mexico, Death of Pilots
After leaving Scott Field [Annotator’s Note: now Scott Air Force Base, St. Clair County, Illinois], Norman Bussel was...
Langrehr, Henry Guns Jamming and Reaching His Limit
Henry Langrehr had times his guns jammed and by the grace of God, he never got shot. The Thompsons [Annotator's Note: ....
Braitman, Simon Gunskirchen and Liberation
As the Russians were nearing Auschwitz in 1945, Simon Braitman and 765 others were sent to Mauthuasen [Annotator's Note...
Swift, Robert Gunskirchen Death Camp
Robert Swift witnessed the atrocities at the Gunskirchen death camp. There were two different kinds of camps. In the...
Leefe, Guy Guy Leefe, Jr.'s Most Intense Battle
While flying hs last patrol on the Weser River one day, Guy Leefe, Jr. had an experience that made him realize how...
Freeman, Leslie "Vincent" Halting at the Elbe River
After the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive, 16 December...
Willett, Richard Handling Combat
Different people handle combat in different ways. Richard Willett had a cousin who was a deeply religious family man...
Bradley, John Hanging Out With the Soldiers
After liberation [Annotator's Note: 3 February 1945 at the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment Camp,...
Lefever, Paul Happy Homecoming
When Paul Lefever saw Patton [Annotator's Note: US Army Lieutenant General George S. Patton, Jr.] and his tanks, he...
Auld, Lorene Happy to Have Served
Lorene Auld and her sister were not aware of anything they could join for the war effort where they were in Oklahoma....
de Marcken, Christian Harboring Fugitives and Feelings Toward the Axis
The children of the family did not always know, Christian de Marcken clarified, about their parents' sheltering of...
Young, James Hard Fighting on Peleliu
During his first night on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Battle of Peleliu, codenamed Operation Stalemate II, September to...
Winestone, Ted Hardships with Partisans
Ted Winestone moved to another encampment because he felt like he was not hidden well enough [Annotator's Note: after...
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Hating the Enemy
John Witmeyer led his platoon through a break in a concrete wall out into a wheat field after being assured by an...
Woolf, Basil Hating the Germans
Since the war, Basil Woolf never met a German who would admit to him that they were a Nazi. He hated Germans because...
Daniels, Don Hawaii to Iwo Jima
In Hawaii, Don Daniels was at Camp Tarawa. Before getting there, he was loading ships for Iwo [Annotator's Note: Iwo...
Kern, Frank Hawaii, Saipan and Tinian
Frank Kern, [Annotator's Note: with A Battery, 1st Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division] traveled to...
Rice, Darold Heading Inland
Darold Rice and his men made their way over the sand dunes and passed by the bodies of several dead Germans. They came...
Pena, William Heading to Elsenbourne
William Pena’s two sergeants were taken from him after one night and were transferred so he was given a new sergeant...
Duffy, Gowan Heading to Saint-Lo
Gowan Duffy remembers the German planes would start at one end of the beach strafing and go on to the other end. [...
Shirley, John Heading to Strasbourg
John Shirley [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division] was moving toward...
Landry, Marian Headquarters Assignment
Jean "Marian" Alva Yancey Landry went to a huge building where she was assigned to a job with Marine Corps headquarters...
Lents, Robert Health Issues
After liberation, Robert Lents was flown to Calcutta, India where he spent six weeks in a hospital. At the time he was...
Knudson, Robert Health Perils, Shellbacks and Daily Routines
Robert Knudson remembers the shellback ceremony when he crossed the equator as being theatrical and funny. He was...
Harris, Robert "Bob" Heartaches and Casualties
Robert H. "Bob" Harris lost a friend and former classmate in an event he will never forget. During a mission briefing...
Alter, Joseph Hedgerow Combat
The hedgerows were maybe 1,000 years old and enclosed every acre or two. Joseph Alter says some of them were eight feet...
Baron, Judith Hell at Bergen-Belsen
Judith Baron was imprisoned at Bergen-Belsen. It was absolutely hell. When they first arrived, they slept in tents. It...
Tatum, John Hell Itself at Peleliu
John Wesley Tatum went to Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Battle of Peleliu, codenamed Operation Stalemate II, September to...
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