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Lombardo, Samuel Assault Into Germany
Samuel Lombardo and his regiment [Annotator's Note: 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th Infantry Division] experienced light...
Segal, Harvey Assault into Germany
Harvey Segal knew nothing of the concentration camps before he entered Germany. When he and his battalion [Annotator's...
Raby, Glynn Assault into Germany
[Annotator's Note: Glynn G. Raby, Jr. was with Company H, 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division...
Frey, Robert Assault into Germany
Robert G. Frey crossed the Rhine River in March [Annotator's Note: March 1945]. The Air Force had taken out most of the...
Honea, Chafer Assault into Germany and the Death of President Roosevelt
Whenever the 939th Field Artillery Unit [Annotator's Note: 939th Field Artillery Battalion] moved, Chafer Honea and C...
Wolczyk, Stanley Assault on Attu
The assault of Attu went well as Stanley Wolczyk landed at Massacre Bay. It was unopposed on the beach. They went over...
Bowsher, Walter Assault on Wake Island
Prior to becoming the postmaster, Walter Bowsher had manned three inch antiaircraft guns. He was familiar with those...
Hochadel, Joseph Assault Toward Monte Cassino
Joseph Hochadel and his squad started down the road and a German tank began to shell them. It was traumatic and they...
Forman, Edgar Assaulting Germany
Edgar R. "Ross" Forman's unit [Annotator's Note: Company A, 319th Engineer Combat Battalion, 94th Infantry Division in...
Bertz, Richard Assaulting Germany
Richard O. "Otto" Bertz when through the backstreets of Paris [Annotator's Note: Paris, France] on a truck. It was...
Nummer, Richard Assaulting Iwo Jima
While heading to the invasion of Iwo Jima, Richard Nummer's convoy of ships was joined by numerous ships at Saipan....
Hatch, Norman Assigned to Tarawa
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 2nd Marine Division] was stationed in New Zealand. They portioned...
Barnhart, Clyde Assignment and Deployment
Clyde Barnhart was assigned to the 20th Air Force at the Overseas Replacement Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some of...
Lee, Arthur Assignment in Korea
After Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan], Arthur Lee was sent to Seoul, Korea, where the American mission was...
Brannon, Mark Assignment to the 8th Naval District
When the overhaul on the USS Hutchins (DD-746) was complete, Mark Brannon took off for its next assignment, operating...
Lee, Arthur Assignments on Leyte and Okinawa
On Leyte in the Philippines, Arthur Lee, along with a major, served as liaison for the XXIV Corp with the 32nd Infantry...
Spencer, John Assuming Battle Stations on the USS Maryland (BB-46)
John Curtis Spencer said the USS Maryland (BB-46) was inboard of the USS Oklahoma (BB-37), and because the Oklahoma...
Riedl, Edward Atomic Bombs
Edward Riedl felt that if they did not kill, they would be killed themselves. The Japs [Annotator's Note: a period...
Hayashi, Nobuo Atomic Bombs and Surrender of Japan
Nobuo Hayashi was suppressed with no freedom [Annotator's Note: growing up in Japan during World War 2]. He remembers...
Johnson, Burton Atomic Bombs, Chinese Communists, and Home
Burton "Burt" Johnson was with his unit [Annotator's Note: 1st Marine Division] on Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa,...
Breen, Vernon Atrocities of War
The next shocking thing Vernon Breen remembers was that as the war was winding down, a lot of the Germans got out of...
Puckett, Hubert Attack at Pearl Harbor
On 7 December 1941 [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941] at six o'clock in...
Cale, Sterling Attack on Pearl Harbor
Sterling Cale was on night duty at the shipyard dispensary in the Navy yard before the attack on Pearl Harbor. He had...
Leaming, Jack Attack on Pearl Harbor
Jack Leaming was launched off the deck of the Enterprise on the morning of 7 December [Annotator's Note: 7 December...
Lee, Lewis Attack on Pearl Harbor
Lewis M. Lee, Sr. was stationed at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, and vividly remembers the attack. He was slated to...
Childs, J. Attack on Pearl Harbor
On the battleship, J. W. Childs said, it was mandatory for a sailor to wear his white hat if he went outside of his...
Barksdale, Battle Attack on Pearl Harbor
Battle Malone Barksdale was married to his wife Grace for 66 years. They were married on 29 August 1939. After they...
Heim, Henry Attack on Pearl Harbor
Henry Heim was a waist gunner for nine months in Hawaii. Then came Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack...
Boreen, Roy S. Swede Attack on Pearl Harbor
On the morning of 7 December 1941, Roy Boreen enjoyed an early breakfast of pancakes. After breakfast, he went to the...
Hogan, Moses Attack on Pearl Harbor
Moses Hogan was on the USS Montgomery (DD-121) when Pearl Harbor was attacked. As one of three stewards, he cooked and...
Williams, Earl Attack on Pearl Harbor
Earl Williams was a B-17 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber] assistant crew chief flying with...
Huval, Rudy Attack on Pearl Harbor
Rudy Huval was born in Covington, Louisiana in February 1934. There were nine children in the family. His father was a...
Stratton, Donald Attack on Pearl Harbor
Donald Stratton recalls that none of the men were sleeping [Annotator's Note: when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor...
Alexander, Samson Attack on Pearl Harbor
Samson Alexander was at the Lincoln Theater when he heard of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. They showed pictures...
Downing, James Attack on Pearl Harbor
For the year prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the attack was on Sunday, 7 December 1941], James...
Long, Donald Attack on Pearl Harbor
Donald Long completed his radio training at Alameda and was transferred by ship to Pearl Harbor as part of VP-12 [...
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