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Peto, George Four Battles Without Being Wounded
Lieutenant Hagerty was promoted as a liaison officer for the 1st Marine Division and coordinated all of the regiments...
Peto, George Four Campaigns in 32 Months
George Peto served in the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. He spent 32 months overseas and...
Lesniewski, Joseph Four Feet of Snow
[Annotator's Note: Joseph Lesniewski served in the Army as a paratrooper in Company E, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute...
Prager, Herman "Dutch" Four War Patrols Aboard USS Kingfish (SS-234)
Herman Prager was transferred aboard the Kingfish [Annotator's Note: USS Kingfish (SS-234)] after she had returned from...
Dickinson, Robert Fourth and Final Run, Court-Martial and Reassignment
Robert Dickinson's fourth patrol [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Queenfish (SS-393)] included the sad story of the...
Carver, Jack France
Jack Carver arrived at Utah Beach about six weeks after D-Day [Annotator's Note: D-Day was the Allied invasion of...
Lichtenfeld, Seymour France and Belgium
Seymour "Sy" Lichtenfeld had a horrible experience in the English Channel. He, along with many other troops, got very...
Davis, Romay France and Postwar Life
Romay Catherine Johnson Davis [Annotator's Note: a Private in the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion of the...
Aleksandrowicz, Frank France to Belgium
Frank Aleksandrowicz remembers that they moved from France to Belgium for the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note:...
Forcinella, Frank France to Germany
Before he got to Saint-Lo [Annotator's Note: Battle of Saint-Lô, 7 to 19 July 1944; Saint-Lô, France], Frank Forcinella...
Horn, Arnold France to Germany
Arnold Horn and his unit [Annotator’s Note: 45th Infantry Division] moved about 20 miles a day once they were in France...
Madden, Paul French Legion
Paul Hilton Madden Jr. was assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 379th Infantry Regiment, 95th Infantry Division as a...
Hurley, Wallace Friendly Fire
Wallace Hurley recounts the story of his admired company commander who was killed while capturing two Germans. The...
Billingsley, James Friendly Fire and Decorated by General Stilwell
[Annotator's Note: This clip starts with James Billingsley midsentence in a new story.] Billingsley says that after the...
Orlando, Joseph Friends and Enemies
Joseph Orlando had two men in his squad who had been on Guadalcanal [Annotator’s Note: Battle of Guadalcanal; Operation...
Tindal, Sullivan Friends and Invasion
Sullivan Tindal developed a relationship with a family that hosted him while in boot camp in the South [Annotator's...
Medway, Irwin Friends and Tanks
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip Irwin Medway looks at photographs, mostly off-camera, and talks about the men...
Lafferty, Ralph Friendship
One of Ralph F. Lafferty's friends had been a ski instructor before the war. He was a wonderful skier, and they became...
Bucksell, Norris From Anzio to the Arno River
Norris Bucksell arrived in Italy with the 370th Regimental Combat Team, 92nd Infantry Division July 1944. They went...
Young, James From Australia to the Battle of Cape Gloucester
After his tour on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, James Franklin Young and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd...
Acevedo, Anthony From Bad Orb to Berga
Anthony Acevedo was picked to be part of a group of 350 Jewish and other undesirables being sent to Berga in the Ulster...
Cohn, Marthe From Bavaria to Vietnam
Marthe Cohn did not continue with intelligence work after World War 2 [Annotator's Note: Cohn was a spy in the 151st...
Colburn, George From Camp LeJeune to Camp Pendleton
George Colburn got a ten-day leave to go home after bootcamp. Two of his buddies were home at the same time. He then...
Parra, Pedro From Engineer Training to Kwajalein Atoll
[Annotator's Note: Pedro Parra was assigned to the 854th Engineer Aviation Battalion in February 1943.] They did not...
Rockforte, Joseph From England to France
It was Holy Week when Joseph Rockforte got there [Annotator's Note: to England] but he did not know it. When he went to...
Bartlett, Robert From France to Virginia
Bob Bartlett [Annotator's Note: assigned to USS Barnett (APA-5)] participated in the invasion of Southern France [...
DeForest, Harold From Guadalcanal to Bougainville
Harold DeForest landed in New Caledonia and was sent to a replacement center. There, he and another guy volunteered to...
Weatherwax, Clarence "Uncle Herb" From Hawaii to Europe
Clarence Herbert Weatherwax served in the 298th Infantry Regiment which was a National Guard unit in federal service....
Wold, Vernon From Le Havre to Linz
On 10 January 1945, Vernon Wold went by train to Camp Shanks, New York [Annotator's Note: Camp Shanks in Orangetown,...
Wicklund, John From Leyte to Samar
As first scout, John Wicklund carried a Thompson submachine gun [Annotator's Note: .45 caliber Thompson submachine gun...
Hauberg, Harold From Leyte to the War's End
Harold Hauberg [Annotator's Note: with Company D, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division]...
Griffith, Leon From New Guinea to the Philippines
Leon Griffith was unloading mules [Annotator's Note: as part of the 98th Field Artillery Battalion] and the Japanese...
Houston, Jack From Okinawa to China
When the morning came, someone told Jack Houston that he 22nd [Annotator's Note: 22nd Marine Regiment, 6th Marine...
Spraker, Elmer From Okinawa to the Harbors of Japan
The USS Champion (AM-314) moved to the Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan] area, and Elmer Spraker said it was...
Hull, Lester From Oran to Anzio
Lester Hull and his unit [Annotator's Note: Battery C, 976th Field Artillery Battalion] spent several months in North...
Rooney, Andrew From Paris to China
Andrew A. Rooney [Annotator's Note: as a correspondent for the Stars and Stripes, American military newspaper] entered...
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