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Willett, Richard First Kill
Richard Willett does not recall exactly where they crossed the border into Germany. They had not been told they were...
Burke, Murphy First Leave and Last Operation
Murphy Burke had been gone for two years when he got his first leave in April 1945. While overseas he had stayed in...
Jones, Gerry First Mission
Gerry Jones' first mission was on Cape Gloucester [Annotator's Note: Cape Gloucester, New Britain, Papua New Guinea]....
Gust, Darrell First Mission
If the aviators saw a plane hit, they would count the parachutes that came out. According to Darrell D. Gust, if the...
VanDuzer, Raymond First Months in Combat
Once Raymond VanDuzer and his fellow soldiers cleared the beach they started marching or moved out on trucks. They went...
Wayne, William First Night on Iwo Jima
William Wayne had joined the Marine Corps with John Shepperly who got shot through the arm landing on Iwo Jima, Japan....
Hatch, Norman First Night on Tarawa
After Norman Hatch landed with Major Jim Crowe [Annotator's Note: Major Henry Pierson Crowe commanded 2nd Battalion,...
Dickinson, Robert First Patrol and Rescue
When on attack, Robert Dickinson was usually at the helm or on one of the bow or stern planes. When on the surface, he...
Carmody, Martin "Red" First Patrol Off Guadalcanal
Martin Carmody was briefed that there were no available carriers for them to fly off of. The Saratoga [Annotator's Note...
Hazard, Mark First Prisoner from Haguenau Patrol
As the division [Annotator's Note: the 79th Infantry Division] was preparing to enter Haguenau, Mark Gordon Hazard, Jr...
Heath, David First Skirmish on Guadalcanal
David Heath made it ashore [Annotator's Note: Heath landed on Guadlacanal, Solomon Islands with Company C, 1st...
Fagerstrom, Stanley First Time in Combat
Stanley Fagerstrom was a corporal going into an outfit that was already established in combat. He was attached to...
Spinato, Angelo First Two Days of the Bulge
Angelo Joseph Spinato [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 4th Platoon, 2nd Battalion, 394th Infantry Regiment, 99th...
Lucas, Jack First Two Days on Iwo Jima
They [Annotator’s Note: Jacklyn Lucas and his fellow Marines of Company C, 1st Battalion, 26th Marine Regiment, 5th...
Del Monte, Jack First Unit Assignment to War's End
Jack Albert Del Monte felt he had finally made it when he was assigned to the 191st Tank Battalion [Annotator's Note:...
Jaccarino, Richard First Week on Okinawa
Introduced to Okinawa through a rubberized topographical map, Richard Jaccarino could see where they would be landing,...
Rosendahl, Robert First Weeks as a POW
When Robert Rosendahl and his fellow survivors were told to destroy their weapons they threw them all out into the bay...
Pendleton, Arthur Fishing with the Natives
Arthur Pendleton participated in a lot of covert operations. It was interesting work. Pendleton did not know the...
Bath, Garland Flag Raising on Suribachi
Garland Bath was on an LST [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship, Tank] near the battleship Tennessee [Annotator's Note: the...
Heilbrun, Herbert Flak Damage
Herbert Heilbrun went through the cadets with Lyle Pearson. On 29 December [Annotator's Note: 29 December 1944],...
Childs, Charles "Chuck" Flak Damage on every Mission
Charles Childs was told he would be leading the Group [Annotator's Note: 2nd Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force] soon....
Pigott, Joe Flashbacks
Asked to recount the occasion when he was taken prisoner, Joe Pigott recalled that it was after they blew the bridge at...
Lesser, Benjamin Fleeing the Germans
Benjamin Lesser and his family left the city of Krakow in a wagon with few belongings but with hidden money in a...
Kibort, Reva Fleeing the Ghetto
Reva Kibort left the Warsaw Ghetto and made her way to the Aryan side. Her mother had provided them with some valuable...
Heming, Barbara Fleeing the Russians
Barbara Krueger [Annotator's Note: unsure of spelling] Heming was born in Cammin, Pomerania in 1941. She grew up on a...
Leefe, Guy Flight Hours, Units Attached To, and Playing Pranks
Guy Leefe, Jr. accumulated about 4,000 hours of flight time during his time in the service. He was discharged in...
Kiplinger, Austin Flight School
Austin H. Kiplinger went to Anacostia Naval Air Station [Annotator's Note: now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Anacostia...
Whitman, Philip Flight Training
Philip Whitman first flew in June 1943. It was very difficult for him, but he blamed his instructor. He could feel his...
Reeder, John Flight Training and Deploying to the Pacific
Arriving at Corpus Christi, Texas, John Reeder underwent "primary training," which was made difficult by some of the...
Heim, Henry Flight Training and Deployment
Henry Heim suffered all night long [Annotator's Note: Heim is referring to being injured during the Japanese attack on...
Cleveland, Carleton Flight Training to Combat
[Annotator's Note: It is very difficult to understand Carleton Cleveland due to sound issues throughout this clip.]...
Harrell, Edgar Floating to Stay Alive
Edgar Harrell was floating in the Pacific Ocean with a life jacket while other were not [Annotator's Note: after he...
Wood, Edward Florida Boy to Navy Sailor
Edward O. Wood, Senior was born in January 1927 in Orlando, Florida. He had two younger siblings. During the Great...
Heath, David Florida Island and Tulagi
David Heath arrived at Tulagi, the capital island of the Solomon Islands. Not long after arriving, shells started...
Taffel, Nathan Flossenburg
Nathan Taffel worked at a huge camp in Flossenburg, Germany. The camp included many different types of individuals...
Whitcomb, Robert Flying 20 Combat Missions
Robert Whitcomb went overseas on a converted cruise liner. After arriving in Liverpool he was sent to Chelveston Air...
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