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Laster, John Thomas Firing in Anger
John Laster said he would not like to go back through it, but his service during World War 2 was quite an experience,...
Bryan, Donald Firing in anger
When Donald Bryan was going to junior college the US was paying for pilot training [Annotator’s Note: the Civilian...
Burgin, Romus "R.V." First Action at Cape Gloucester
Romus Burgin and the men of the 5th Marine Regiment shipped out from Melbourne in September 1943 and were stationed for...
Burgin, Romus "R.V." First Action at Okinawa and Getting the Bronze Star Medal
[Annotator's Note: Romus Valtin Burgin served in the United States Marine Corps as a mortar section leader in Company K...
Amsden, Ben First Air Strike Missions
The F6F Hellcat [Annotator's Note: Grumman F6F Hellcat fighter aircraft] was very tough [Annotator's Note: when...
McCorriston, James "Fran McCorriston" First battle
James Francis McCorriston was happy to be aboard a fighting ship like the USS Salt Lake City (CA-25). The first place...
Durocher, Edmund First Big Firefight on New Britain
To Edmund Durocher, New Britain was just as bad as Guadalcanal. They went to New Guinea before they landed on New...
McLaurine, Luke First Bombing Mission
Luke Layton McLaurine, Jr. landed in Algiers [Annotator's Note: Algiers, Algeria] in North Africa and was billeted [...
Sykes, Ralph First Combat
After a couple days, Ralph Sykes crossed the river [Annotator's Note: Roer River] on a pontoon boat. His first combat...
Moskin, Alan First Combat
The first time Alan Moskin realized he was in combat and war, something hit the top of his head. There were mortar and...
Womack, Charles L. "Red" First Combat
Charles Womack shipped out from San Diego. He does not remember what he thought about as he left the United States. The...
Ledesma, Trinidad First Combat
Trinidad Ledesma received orders to ship out from Fort Ord [Annotator's Note: in California] at around three or four o'...
Malec, Henry First Combat
Henry Malec, along with three or four other men, was transported by truck to his first combat experience. It was very...
Dietrick, Alfred First Combat
Alfred Dietrick boarded his landing craft about two in the morning [Annotator's Note: with Company B, 1st Battalion,...
Simons, F.M. First Combat
F.M. Richard Simons was in the 3rd Platoon, 2nd Squad [Annotator's Note: of Company G, 3rd Battalion, 87th Mountain...
Stern, Herbert First Combat
Herbert Stern was in the 325th Field Artillery Battalion as a battery commander under General Foster [Annotator's Note...
Draxler, Donald First Combat
In November [Annotator's Note: November 1943], Donald Draxler was told he would be going into combat as a reserve...
Moxon, Milton First Combat
Around the second week of September [Annotator's Note: September 1944], Milton Moxon and the 94th Infantry Division...
Genrich, Howard First Combat Action
Howard Genrich experienced his first battle on 7 December [Annotator's Note: 7 December 1944] when they captured a town...
Caponigro, John First Combat Action
Out of the 135 men in John Caponigro's company [Annotator's Note: Company F, 2nd Battalion, 346th Infantry Regiment,...
Haines, George First Combat Action
George Haines received jungle training on Goodenough Island, New Guinea. He and his unit [Annotator's Note: 34th...
Jaber, Anton First Combat and Being Bombed
Anton Jaber went ashore [Annotator's Note: across Omaha Beach, Normandy, France] around 13 July 1944. He went to an...
Arst, Paul First Combat and Being Wounded
Paul Arst joined his unit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 120th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division...
Raner, Norman First Combat and Casualty
Norman Raner got off the ship in Oran [Annotator's Note: Oran, Algeria]. He went to an old school and billeted [...
Hartzell, Frank First Combat and Losing Friends
Frank Hartzell and his battalion [Annotator's Note: Hartzell served on a machine gun crew in Company B, 21st Armored...
Snyder, Harry First Combat Experience
According to Harry Snyder, anyone entering combat in Normandy between D-Day [Annotator's Note: Allied invasion of...
Shirley, John First Combat Experience
John Shirley [Annotator’s Note: a sergeant with the 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division serving in Italy]...
Bache-Wiig, John First Combat Heroics
John Bache-Wiig, Jr.'s first combat objective was at Philippsbourg, France. On 4 and 5 January [Annotator's Note:...
Abate, Sam First Combat Loss
Sam V. Abate would walk guard duty. The Germans would come at night with PT-Boats [Annotator's Note: E-boat; Allied...
Roberts, George First Combat Missions
The worst part of the mission to Bremen for George Roberts was the fighters. Roberts operated his gun from the radio...
Hahn, Clifford First Combat on Attu
Clifford Albert Hahn reached Dutch Harbor [Annotator's Note: Dutch Harbor, Alaska] on 11 May [Annotator's Note: 11 May...
Rickel, Robert First Couple of Missions
Robert "Bob" Rickel wanted to fly with his friend, Tony [Annotator's Note: US Army Air Forces Staff Sergeant Anthony J...
Samet, Judah First Deportation Trip
Judah Samet and his family were in a gathering place for Jews [Annotator's Note: between April and June 1944 they were...
Hoff, Donald First Dive on a Target During the Battle of Midway
When Donald Hoff's plane went into its dive, it did not last long. At 250 miles per hour the dive goes by quick. When...
Rice, Darold First Firefights
Darold Rice remembers his first experience with combat as he and his crew were ordered to fire their .30 caliber into...
Johnson, Malcolm First Japanese Attack on Wake Island
Malcolm Johnson was a civilian contractor for Morrison-Knudsen [Annotator’s Note: American civil engineering and...
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