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Dead Japanese soldiers in the Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Dead Japanese soldiers. Philippines. 1945
Dead Japanese soldiers lying in front of an American tank, New Britain, 1943
Photograph. Corpses of two Japanese soldiers lying on the side of a dirt road in front of an American tank with several...
Dead Japanese soldiers on the Philippines in 1945
Photograph. A GI stands on the edge of a trench and looks down on the bodies of dead Japanese soldiers. Philippines....
Dead Japanese soldiers strewn across a field, Tinian, 1944
Photograph. War-damaged field with the bodies of dead Japanese soldiers strewn throughout. Official caption on front: "...
Dead Japanese soldiers, 1943
Photograph. Corpses of three dead Japanese soldiers. Philippines. 1943
Dead serviceman in a field
Photograph. Dead serviceman lying facedown in a field. Location unknown. No date
Dead serviceman in a field
Photograph. Dead serviceman lying facedown in a field. Face was blurred out during development. Location unknown. No...
Dead serviceman in a field
Photograph. Dead serviceman lying facedown in a field. Face was blurred out during development. Location unknown. No...
Dead serviceman lying on the ground in front of a tank
Photograph. Dead serviceman lying on his back in front of a tank that has crashed against a building; rubble surrounds...
Dead serviceman on the side of a road
Photograph. Dead serviceman, presumably German, lying on his back on the side of a dirt road. Location unknown. No date
Dead serviceman on the side of a road
Photograph. Close-up of a dead serviceman, presumably German, lying on his back on the side of a dirt road. Location...
Dead servicemen in a field
Photograph. Dead American servicemen lying in field covered by cloth next to downed plane. Personal caption on reverse...
Dead servicemen in a field
Photograph. Dead American servicemen lying in field covered by cloth next to downed plane. Location unknown. No date
Dead US Army soldier lying face down on a beach, Normandy, 1944
Photograph. Body of a dead United States Army soldier lying face down on a beach near an obstacle; other soldiers are...
Dead US Army soldier lying on a beach, New Guinea, 1944
Photograph. Body of a dead United States Army soldier lying face down on a beach near fallen palm trees; other soldiers...
Dead US soldier lying face down on a beach, Normandy, 1944
Photograph. Deceased American soldier lying face down on a beach; crossed rifles lie nearby; other soldiers are...
Dead US soldiers lying next to a German trench on a beach, Southern France
Photograph. Bodies of two dead United States servicemen lying on stretchers next to a German trench on a beach; other...
Deceased Japanese soldiers outside a bunker on a Pacific island, 1942-1945
An American serviceman (perhaps a war photographer), with a camera around his neck, views the bodies of deceased...
Deceased soldier in the snow
Photograph. A deceased soldier lying on his back on the ground next to bombed jeep; the soldier and jeep are covered in...
Deceased soldier in the snow
Photograph. A deceased soldier lying on his back on the ground next to bombed jeep; the soldier and jeep are covered in...
Deceased US soldier is carried down a mountainside by comrades, San Pietro, Italy, 1943
Photograph. Deceased US soldier is carried down a mountainside by comrades. Official caption on front: "MM-5-152024 [...
Deceased US soldier is placed on litter, Italy, 1943
Photograph. Deceased US soldier is placed on litter. Official caption on front: "MM-5-151237." Official caption on...
Decomposing cow
Photograph. Decomposing cow carcass off the side of a road. Location unknown. No date
Dozens of soldiers walk through the cemetery at Cape Gloucester, New Britain in September 1944
Dozens of soldiers walk through the cemetery on Cape Gloucester. "Army cemetery at Cape Gloucester, New Britain Island...
Entrance to the 5th Marine Division cemetery, Iwo Jima, Japan, 1945
Photograph. 5th Marine Division cemetery with American flag at half-mast on Iwo Jima; Mount Suribachi in background. "...
Filipino litter bearers carry out the dead of 25th Division in the Philippines in 1945
"Filipino litter bearers carry out dead of 25 Div[Division]." [1945]
Firing party of the USS Rutland fire weapons during burial at sea in February 1945
Firing party of the USS Rutland fire weapons during burial at sea ceremony a week after the initial invasion of Iwo...
Flag-draped bodies of US Navy sailors on the USS Hancock, Pacific Ocean, 1944
Photograph. Two rows of flag-draped bodies of United States Navy sailors in a hangar aboard the USS Hancock (CV-19); a...
Four US Marines stand on a beach over the bodies of dead Japanese soldiers, Pacific Theater, 1943-1945
Four US Marines stand on a beach over a hole which holds the bodies of two or more dead Japanese soldiers. There are...
Funeral service at the 7th Infantry Division cemetery, Leyte, 1944
Photograph. United States Army soldiers kneeling during a funeral service at the 7th Infantry Division cemetery....
German civilian men move bodies of concentration camp victims, Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Blurry image of German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims laid out on...
German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims, Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims laid out on the ground in...
German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims, Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims laid out on the ground in...
German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims, Buchenwald, Germany, May 1945
Photograph. Blurry image of German civilian men using a litter to move bodies of concentration camp victims laid out on...
Grave marker for Lt. Gen. Simon Buckner, Okinawa, 1945
Photograph. A grave on the side of a road covered in rough concrete and a large stone; the stone has two plaques; one...
Gravesite of a US Marine at Lunga Point, Guadalcanal
Photograph. Rocks piled on a grave with a cross grave marker that reads "RIP / Here Lies a Devil Dog." Official caption...
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