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Westbrook, James Deployment to the Pacific
In January [Annotator's Note: January 1944], James Roland Westbrook [Annotator's Note: in Company F, 2nd Battalion,...
Giroir, J. Deployment to the Pacific
After his examinations, J. L. Giroir was sent to San Diego, California for basic training. Because he had been a...
Altmann, Judith Deportation
On the morning after the last day of Passover in 1942, two SS officers and two Hungarian gendarmes knocked on the...
Chandler, Howard Deportation
On 27 October 1942, Howard Chandler was on his way to work when he observed more soldiers in town than usual. [...
Griffith, Ralph Describing Captivity
Ralph Griffith said the worst part of being a prisoner was the uncertainty. They never got any news. They had no idea...
Bederson, Benjamin Developing an Atomic Bomb
Benjamin Bederson's first job at Los Alamos, New Mexico was exploding steel tubes using a primer cord and strain gauges...
Roberts, George Different Planes and Different Pilots
George Roberts took part in the 6 March [Annotator's Note: 6 March 1944] raid over Berlin during which 69 bombers were...
Colgan, William Difficult Missions
William Colgan served overseas with the 79th Fighter Squadron, 86th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force and flew in P-40s [...
Cart, William "Bill" Difficult Missions and Losses
William Cart thinks his most difficult mission was to Maloelap [Annotator’s Note: Maloelap or Maleolap Atoll, Marshall...
Piazzo, Lincoln Direct Theater Orders
Once assigned to the 17th Reconnaissance Squadron [Annotator's Note: 17th Reconnaissance Squadron, 71st Reconnaissance...
Wulf, Lawrence Disaster on His 50th Mission
Formosa [Annotator's Note: Republic of Formosa; present day Taiwan] had not been hit and was going to be hit for the...
Alison, John R. Disastrous Glider Mission at LZ Broadway
John Alison’s duties also resulted in him being a glider pilot despite never having flown one before. He flew a glider...
Simons, F.M. Disc Jockey and Thoughts on War
F.M. Richard Simons was a disc jockey for a while and then had enough points [Annotator's Note: a point system was...
Moskin, Alan Discovering Gunskirchen Lager
On 4 May 1945, near the end of the war, Alan Moskin and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 66th Infantry Regiment, 71st...
Schicker, Tom Disease and Insanity on Pavuvu
Thomas Francis Schicker and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine...
Ruiz, Roberto Distinguished Flying Cross Mission
Robert "Bob” Ruiz [Annotator's Note: a pilot in the 389th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force, stationed in England] flew...
Hajiro, Barney Distinguished Service Cross
Barney Hajiro was involved in major combat prior to the battle of 29 October. [Annotator's Note: On 29 October 1944,...
Borders, Charles "Wes" Ditching His Plane
Charles Wesley Borders was strafing a target in New Guinea and got hit. He nursed the airplane back to a temporary base...
Miralles, Richard Dive Bombing
Richard Miralles was bombing the Philippines. A pilot had dropped two bombs into his bomb bay. The bombs blew up and...
Fisher, Clayton Dive Bombing Enemy Destroyers
[Annotator's Note: Clayton Fisher served in the Navy as a Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber pilot in Bombing Squadron 8...
Franklin, Ralph Division Headquarters and Returning Home
Ralph C. Franklin became an adjutant in Division Headquarters [Annotator's Note: Headquarters, 3rd Marine Division]....
Reitman, Seymour Do Not Shoot the Mailman
Seymour Reitman was a platoon runner [Annotator's Note: in the weapons platoon of Company G, 2nd Battalion, 395th...
Goebel, Robert Dog Fight Close Calls
The 85 gallon fuselage tank [Annotator's Note: on the North American P-51 Mustang fighter aircraft] was an afterthought...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" Doolittle Raid and Coral Sea
Bill Norberg [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6)] arrived in Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl...
Pilcher, Joseph Downing a Fw-190-D Over Germany
On the day Joseph Pilcher shot down an Fw-190 [Annotator’s Note: German Focke-Wulf Fw-190 fighter aircraft], he was...
Somogyi, Peter Dr. Josef Mengele
Peter Somogyi met Dr. Mengele [Annotator's Note: Dr. Josef Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death] while he was in...
Somogyi, Peter Dr. Josef Mengele's Escape
Peter Somogyi talks to school children. He feels it is important for them to hear the testimony of survivors. What he...
Galbraith, Wendell Drafted to Flight Engineer
Wendell Galbraith got his draft notice [Annotator's Note: in July 1943] and returned [Annotator's Note: to the United...
Breard, Reneau Drop into Holland
Reneau Breard was in Leicester [Annotator’s Note: Leicester, England] training to jump into Europe. The training was...
Marks, James Duties of a Chaplain
Most of the time, James Marks was the only chaplain assigned to the USS Nassau (CVE-16). If there was another it would...
Browning, Earl Duties on the Gun Crew
Earl Dean Browning was on a gun crew in his company [Annotator's Note: Anti-Tank Company, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th...
Jeffrey, Wallace Duty in England and D-Day
Wallace Jeffery arrived in Scotland and was transported by train to his new camp in England. He stayed there for four...
Sylvest, Thomas Duty in the Pacific
Near Christmas of 1944, Thomas Ard Sylvest's unit [Annotator's Note: 302nd Fighter Control Squadron, 7th Fighter...
Long, Thomas Duty in the South Pacific
His duty in the Aleutians lasted for about seven months, after which Thomas Long was sent to Coronado, California for...
Wesselhoeft, Adolf "Wes" Duty in Vietnam
The next conflict Adolf Wesselhoeft became involved in was the Vietnam war. He was sent to Korat Royal Air Base [...
Hill, Marvin Duty On Board and Out of the Navy
Marvin Hill had a famous bandleader aboard his ship [Annotator's Note: the USS Harry E. Hubbard (DD-748)]. Eddie Duchin...
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