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DeMott, Joseph After Effects of Captivity
Joseph DeMott eventually lost track of the friends he made in the prison camps on Java. One of the men, who had part of...
Sgobbo, Dominick After Liberation
The Red Cross came in to the prison camp and Dominick Sgobbo was treated for dysentery. His buddies had been taking...
Taylor, Amelia After Pearl Harbor
Amelia Taylor discussed the developments of the war while she was in high school. It was very real to them. They...
Pendleton, Arthur After the Tenaru River and Prisoner Snatches
Arthur Pendleton does not remember who was in the hole with him [Annotator's Note: during the Battle of the Tenaru...
Killam, Arthur After the war
[Annotators Note: Arthur Killam served in the US Navy as an Electricians Mate aboard submarines. After the war he was...
Franzky, Gerhard After the War
For many years, Gerhard Franzky put the war in the back of his mind. He was more concerned with building a future. He...
Schmittgens, Leo Aftermath of Combat
Leo William Schmittgens remembered after all the firing ceased [Annotator's Note: after a firefight during the Battle...
Long, Donald Aftermath of Pearl Harbor
Donald Long did not know what to make of the attack on Pearl Harbor and Hawaii. [Annotator's Note: The Japanese attack...
Womack, James Aftermath of Pearl Harbor and Transfer to the USS Rehobath (AVP-50)
James Thomas Womack's ship [Annotator's Note: USS St. Louis (CL-49)] was on patrol duty until they were able to get...
Broll, Walter Aftermath of the German Raid on Bari
Walter Broll became more cautious as a result of his experience at Bari, Italy with the German bomber attack on Allied...
Linquata, Michael Aid Station Medic
Michael Linquata went to France from Dover, England on an English troopship. He saw the white cliffs of Dover. It was...
Morehead, James B. Air Combat Missions Over Europe
James Morehead discusses his aerial victory while he was on an escort mission over Romania. He saw two planes that...
Leese, Robert Air Combat on New Guinea
From Townsville, Australia, Robert Leese went to Port Moresby, New Guinea, which was still occupied in the north by the...
Maltbie, Archie Air Combat over France
Archie Maltbie and his outfit [Annotator's Note: the 388th Fighter Squadron, 365th Fighter Group] began flying missions...
Sellars, Arnol Air Force Training
Arnol Sellars joined the Air Force Reserve so he could get a deferment [Annotator's Note: postponement of military...
Weseman, Wilfred Air Operations in Italy
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee’s chair makes noise throughout the segment.] After receiving his commission as a second...
Symons, John Air Raids and Combat Missions
The barracks were about two or three miles from the fields. Sometimes John Symons walked there. They had A, B, and C...
Maduell, Audrey Air Raids and Military Reservists
Audrey Maduell had an air raid shelter right across from her house. Her father would bring coffee to the workers...
O'Keefe, Jeremiah Air Support on Okinawa
Jeremiah "Jerry" O'Keefe took part in close air support of Marine ground troops, primarily on the southern part of...
Machaud, Albert Air Traffic Controller in the Pacific
[Annotator's Note: Throughout the segment, a chirp sound can be heard.] Albert "Al" Machaud is not sure of the unit he...
Stege, John Air Warfare in North Africa
John Arthur Stege flew across the Atlantic to England then on to Gibraltar and to North Africa [Annotator's Note: as a...
Stege, John Air Warfare in the Pacific
John Arthur Stege and 14 other pilots were sent home [Annotator's Note: he was a veteran combat pilot with the 48th...
Amsden, Ben Air-to-Air Combat Victories
On 12 October [Annotator's Note: 12 October 1944], Benjamin Clark Amsden [Annotator's Note: a pilot with Fighting...
Olson, Bud Airborne into Normandy
Bud Olson was prepared well by his training prior to flying into Normandy [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company...
Pilcher, Joseph Aircraft Evolution and Standing Airborne Alert
Flying the B-47 [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-47 Sratojet subsonic strategic bomber] was great, according to Joseph...
Fallon, John Aircraft Factory in a Mountain
John T. Fallon and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 3rd Battalion, 36th Engineer Combat Group] went in through...
Bucksell, Norris Alcohol Use and Separatism
Norris Bucksell was in Italy during World War 2 as a litter-bearer in the 370th Regimental Combat Team, 92nd Infantry...
Taddeo, Al Aleutians Campaign and the Enterprise
[Annotator's Note: Alfred Taddeo served in the Navy as a fighter pilot aboard the USS Nassau (CVE-16) in the Aleutian...
Brandes, Rita Allied Bombing of Bremen
Rita Brandes has vivid memories of the bombing raids. Bremen [Annotator's Note: Bremen, Germany] was one of the three...
Rudloff, George Allied Troop Interactions
George Rudloff saw a competition between the American and British soldiers. The territory of India belonged to the...
Beck, Carl Alsace-Lorraine
On 5 January 1945, Carl Beck and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry...
Hirsekorn, Fred Alsatian Villages and Facing a Tiger
[Annotators Note: Fred Hirsekorn served in the army as a gunner, then tank commander, and finally tank platoon...
Wells, Raymond Altavilla
Being in charge of other people helped give Raymond Wells focus during combat and did not leave any time to be afraid....
Radke Azvedo, Ingrid America
After surviving the bombing of Berlin [Annotator's Note: Berlin was bombed 363 times between 1940 and 1945] as a child...
Altmann, Judith America
Judith Altmann feels that no one loves America more than the survivors [Annotator's Note: Holocaust survivors], because...
Shook, Hal American Air Power in Normandy
Recalling some of the highlights of his experiences, Harold Shook said it didn't look like the Luftwaffe [Annotator's...
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