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Witaker, Richard "Dick" War's End
Richard Witaker felt hatred for the Japanese before the assault of Okinawa. The feelings had begun with the surprise...
Labauve, Marion War's End
Marion Labauve went to Avondale Shipyard [Annotator's Note: in Bridge City, Louisiana] after the war. It was dangerous...
Smith, Charles War's End
Charles R. Smith [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry...
Weber, Norman War's End
Norman Weber has a significant and raw memory of how the war ended. The family had to flee their home. It was the end...
Bronstein, Isador War's End
Isadore Bronstein advanced but his company [Annotator's Note: Company C, 1st Battalion, 386th Infantry Regiment, 97th...
Carter, Donald War's End
Don Carter's outfit's [Annotator's Note: Battery B, 44th Field Artillery Battalion, 4th Infantry Division] second...
Splichal, William War's End
William Splichal would write down the dates and towns of the places he went to in his diary. He went to Paris [...
Byrnes, William War's End
William E. Byrnes rejoined his platoon [Annotator's Note: in Company I, 3rd Battalion, 254th Infantry Regiment, 63rd...
Allegrezza, Johnny War's End
Johnny Allegrezza went back to France in 1980. He went to see some of his buddies who were buried in the cemetery there...
Auerbach, Gerald War's End
In late May 1945, Gerald Auerbach's crew was chosen to become the lead crew in the squadron [Annotator's Note: 881st...
Blouin, Joseph War's End and a Family of Fighters
The thing that disturbed Joseph Blouin the most in England was the German putt-putt [Annotator's Note: slang for the V-...
Pocoroba, Joseph War's End and Going Home
[Annotator's Note: Pocoroba asks the interviewer to repeat himself several times throughout the interview.] Joseph...
Gambino, Elroy War's End and Occupation
lroy Gambino and his unit [Annotator's Note: Company K, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division] built...
Longhoffer, Garland War's End and Occupation Duty
Garland Virgil Longhoffer was at a movie when he was told the Japanese surrendered. His area did not believe the news....
Schwartz, Bill War's End and Occupation Duty
Bill Schwartz's [Annotator's Note: assigned to the 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division] biggest nightmare...
Mittleman, Harvey War's End and Post War
Harvey Mittleman and his unit [Annotator's Note: with the 58th Naval Construction Battalion, also known as Seabees] was...
Kight, Otis War's End and Postwar
Otis Kight was in flight school as the war was ending. He made it to Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Mariana Islands] as...
Tarantelli, Armand War's End and Postwar
[Annotator's Note: There is another person in the room off screen that interjects to help interviewee with the...
Knapp, William War's End and Postwar
Following the Battle of Okinawa [Annotator’s Note: the Battle of Okinawa, codenamed Operation Iceberg; 1 April to 22...
Levit, Sydney War's End and Postwar
After Sydney Levit rejoined his unit [Annotator's Note: Company A, 193rd Glider Infantry Regiment, 17th Airborne...
Gimbut, Raymond War's End and Reflections
After Eniwetok [Annotator's Note: Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands], Raymond Gimbut sailed to California, then to the...
Wheeler, James War's End and Reflections
James L. Wheeler was sent to Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Northern Mariana Islands] to train for the Battle of Japan....
Gibian, Richard War's End and Reflections
Richard Gibian had R...
Gatlin, Carl War's End and Returning Home
[Annotator's Note: An off-camera male interjects throughout this clip.] Carl Robert Gatlin and his regiment [Annotator'...
Dietrick, Alfred War's End and Soldier Stories
In training at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts [Annotator's Note: in Cape Cod, Massachusetts with the 141st Infantry...
Schraub, Jesse War's End and the Holocaust
Jesse Schraub served in the Army as a mortar man in Company A of the 91st Chemical Mortar Battalion and took part in...
Lowry, Robert War's End and The National WWII Museum
Robert "Bob" Lowry left the Navy as a Seaman 1st Class. When he was young in Greenwood [Annotator's Note: Greenwood,...
Danegger, Alfred War's End in Europe
When the war in Europe ended, Alfred "Al" Danegger believes he was in Koblenz [Annotator’s Note: Koblenz, Germany]....
Eshbach, Robert War's End in Europe
In March [Annotator's Note: March 1945], Robert Eshback was in the Ruhr Pocket; in April his battalion [Annotator's...
Brown, Charles War's End in Europe
Charles R. Brown [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 66th Armored Infantry Battalion, 12th Armored Division]...
Cresswell, Constance War's End in Europe
There was excitement at Constance Cresswell's officers' club when Glenn Miller [Annotator's Note: US Army Air Forces...
Greene, Whayland War's End in Luzon
Whayland Harvel Greene [Annotator's Note: assigned to the 126th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Infantry Division] was slightly...
Eshbach, Robert War's End in the Pacific and Homecoming
When the division [Annotator's Note: 17th Airborne Division] broke up, Robert Eshback was sent to the 101st [Annotator'...
Kushnir, Helen "Helen Preiss" Wars are Terrible
President Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States] passing away was...
Levy, Anne Warsaw Ghetto
Anne Levy and her sister were on a journey for two days before her sibling became ill and began running a fever. [...
Kibort, Reva Warsaw Ghetto
Reva Kibort and her family were forced into the Warsaw Ghetto surrounded by its ten foot high walls. The Jews lost...
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