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Lejeune, Lawrence Trip Around Australia and New Guinea
Lawrence John Lejeune was a Merchant Marine sailor on a liberty ship [Annotator's Note: a class of quickly produced...
Loges, Richard Troops and Southern France
Richard "Dick" Loges was deployed to Italy [Annotator's Note: and assigned to Company H, 2nd Battalion, 180th Infantry...
Wilson, Adolph Troops on Iwo Jima and Going Home
Adolph Wilson was a platoon sergeant on Iwo Jima but acted as a lieutenant after the officers were wounded or killed....
Danegger, Alfred Troopship to Okinawa
When his company [Annotator's Note: 198th Signal Photographic Company] went to Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa,...
Linkous, Melvin Truck Accident
Melvin Linkous was riding in a two and a half ton truck [Annotator's Note: two and a half ton, six by six truck, also...
Harris, Whitney Truth Through Judicial Process
Asked to comment on other post World War 2 trails and tribunals, Whitney Harris brought up the war crimes trial held in...
Fallon, John Trying to Find Bridges
John T. Fallon and the men [Annotator's Note: Company G, 3rd Battalion, 36th Engineer Combat Regiment] had to make...
Roy, William Trying to Save the USS Yorktown (CV-5)
[Annotator's Note: William G. Roy served in the Navy as a Photographer's Mate 2nd Class aboard the aircraft carrier USS...
Addison, Robert Tulagi and Guadalcanal
Robert Addison [Annotator’s Note: with the 1st Marine Raider Battalion] fought on Guadalcanal. The battle of Bloody...
Addison, Robert Tulagi and Guadalcanal
[Annotator's Note: Robert Addison served in the US Marine Corps as a mortar man in the 1st Marine Raider Battalion.]...
West, Gerald L. Tulagi and the Battle of Savo Island
When he set sail, Gerald West had never heard of Guadalcanal. He didn't learn about it until he was about to attack it...
LaRose, Bruce Tunisia
Bruce LaRose [Annotator’s Note: serving with the 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division in North Africa] took a...
Roberts, George Twelve O'Clock High
George Roberts remembers a pilot named Clyde Cosper. He was a sergeant who went through flight school and was...
Gordon, Fred Two Close Calls and War’s End
Fred Gordon remembers two near death experiences during his combat [Annotator's Note: Gordon was an officer in Battery...
McLaughlin, Sr., James Two Missions to Schweinfurt
The missions James Kemp McLaughlin flew without fighter cover were much tougher missions. When they took off, P-47s [...
(Reaves) Pescatore, Josephine Two Particular Patients
Josephine Pescatore remembers pot belly stoves at the end of the tent which kept the whole tent warm. One evening a...
Baumgarten, Harold Two Skirmishes and Being Hit Again
Harold Baumgarten and the men he was with engaged about five Germans at a farm house on the bluff. He killed one of the...
Scherer, Monroe Typhoon Louise
[Annotator's Note: Monroe Scherer was sent to Okinawa, Japan in July 1945.] There was a sign posted saying that they...
Smith, Bernard Typical Missions
Most of Bernard Smith's missions were to railroad marshalling yards. [Annotator's Note: SMith walks off camera for a...
Harper, Douglas Under Attack
Douglas Harper stayed at the receiving station for six weeks then moved to target repair at Bishop's Point, working on...
Johnson, John Under Fire at Leyte
John E. Johnson went aboard the USS Liddle (ADP-60) in New York in September 1944, and sailed through the Panama Canal...
Sgobbo, Dominick Under Siege and Being Captured
While the division [Annotator's Note: 94th Infantry Division] was in Luxemburg, Dominick Sgobbo was charged with taking...
Casebonne, Louis Undercover in Marseille
A few weeks after arriving in Europe, Louis E. Casebonne was assigned to the CIC office [Annotator’s Note: 970th...
Stewart, Frank Understanding the War from the Homefront
The newspaper was a critical source of information. Frank B. Stewart, Jr.'s parents would read it to him until he could...
Thrift, Clem Undisclosed Suicide Mission
The Army had not yet finished on Leyte because of bad weather, and Clem Thrift said that in the process of readying to...
Broll, Walter Unexploded Ordnance
Walter Broll saw chaos the next morning after the German attack on the port of Bari, Italy. Live and dead personnel...
Adams, J. Unforgettable Missions
Jones Quincy Adams, Jr. thinks the Norden bombsight [Annotator's Note: Norden Mk. XV tachometric bombsight] was a...
Peto, George Unique and Frightening Experiences
George Peto had a unique experience there [Annotator's Note: on Okinawa] one time while watching kamikazes hitting...
Flannigan, James Unit Assignment, Overseas Deployment and Combat Duties
James Flannigan was sent to Camp Carrabelle, Florida [Annotator's Note: after completing basic training at Fort Sill,...
Wombacher, Delbert USO Shows and German Prisoners
Delbert Wombacher used the G.I. Bill after the war by attending a school in Omaha, Nebraska. He was working and went at...
Tizzard, Thomas USS Denver (CL-58) Torpedoed
Thomas Tizzard was assigned to the USS Denver (CL-58) and was interviewed by an officer asking what his previous jobs...
Burton, Windom USS Enterprise (CV-6)
Windom Joseph Burton went to Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, aboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6)]....
Norberg, Willard "Bill" USS Enterprise (CV-6)
Bill Norberg boarded USS Enterprise (CV-6) and was amazed by the ship. He could never find the swimming pool. He was a...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" USS Enterprise (CV-6) Returns to Action
Bill Norberg [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6)] paid a visit to the Kwajalein Islands [Annotator's...
Tacket, Henry USS Heermann (DD-532) Initial Combat
Henry A. Tacket and the USS Heermann (DD-532) were assigned to the invasion of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. The...
Clay, Russell USS Helena (CL-50) and Pearl Harbor
Russell Clay was aboard the USS Helena (CL-50) when it departed California for Hawaii. She spent ten months there...
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