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Marcantel, Bernard The Siegfried Line and the Assault into Germany
At the Siegfried Line [Annotator's Note: a series of defensive fortifications built by Germany in the 1930s], the...
Swanson, Richard The Sinking of the SS Dorchester
[Annotator's Note: Interviewer asks Swanson about a downed army transport and a female off-camera reminds him of the...
Wiebe, Ted The Sinking of the USS Lexington (CV-2)
Ted Wiebe said that the pilots taught all the "middle men" how to fly the TBDs [Annotator's Note: Douglas TBD...
Harrell, Edgar The Sinking of USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
Edgar Harrell was born in October 1924 in Cadiz, Kentucky. He was 18 when he joined the United States Marine Corps in...
Colbert, Hugh The Situation Crumbles
Unbeknownst to Hugh Colbert and most of the men in the 422nd Infantry Regiment, the German advance had completely cut...
Carawan, Chris The Start of the Battle of the Bulge
Jumping forward to when Chris Carawan was in Belgium, replacing the 2nd Infantry Division's positions weapon-for-weapon...
Murray, Charles The Strain of Combat on Leadership
Charles Murray was with 25 second lieutenants in the back of a truck going across France. He was a first lieutenant by...
Leibold, William The Survivors After the War
[Annotator's Note: William Leibold served in the Navy as a Chief Boatswain's Mate and made all five war patrols aboard...
Morehead, James B. The Thirst for Blood and Evacuating Java
James Morehead's first combat action was an intercept of bombers determined to destroy the 19th Bomb Group's [Annotator...
Galbraith, Wendell The Toughest Missions
The target for Wendell Galbraith's second mission [Annotator's Note: with the 782nd Bombardment Squadron, 465th...
Aigner, Leslie The Trauma of Auschwitz
Upon arrival his at Auschwitz, Leslie Aigner saw Doctor Mengele [Annotator's Note: Doctor Josef Mengele chose who lived...
Trindal, Wesley The two Germans
Another reason Wesley Trindal crawled into the bunker was to take cover from the German and American shells that...
Tacket, Henry The USS Heerman (DD-532) in the Battle off Samar
Henry A. Tacket was a Radioman 1st Class aboard the USS Heermann (DD-532). He was a 1st Class Petty Officer. He would...
Miralles, Richard The USS Hoggatt Bay
Richard Miralles got word on his 18th birthday that they were going home. He went on liberty [Annotator's Note: an...
Resta, Francis "Fran" The Vagaries of War and History
Francis Resta was in B Company [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 407th Infantry Regiment, 102nd Infantry...
Cohen, Jack The War Begins for Greece
The war started for Jack Cohen when Mussolini [Annotator's Note: Italian fascist dictator Benito Amilcare Andrea...
Andriano, Louis The War Ends
Louis Andriano does not remember celebrating the war ending. They were always the last to know and it made no...
Engels, Emile The War Ends
When the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or Ardennes Counteroffensive, 16 December 1944 to...
Stevens, Kenneth The War Ends
Kenneth E. Stevens heard the war was over when they [Annotator's Note: Company E, 1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment,...
Daniel, Lora The War Ends
Lora E. Daniel read a lot about the celebrations of V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945] and V...
Liparoto, Mildred "Jean" The War Ends
Mildred "Jean" Liparoto's husband was aboard ship when President Roosevelt [Annotator's Note: Franklin Delano Roosevelt...
Klenoski, Richard The War Ends
[Annotator's Note: After his bomber crashed, Richard Klenoski was in a rest home in England when the Germans...
Tidmore, Roberta The War Ends
Roberta Randolph "Randy" Tidmore, and everybody else, was scared the Nazis were going to take over Europe. When VE-Day...
Neste, Norman A. The War Ends and Going Home
After he was wounded, Norman Neste spent a few weeks in France. He was in England when the war ended May 1945. He had...
Bebko, Robert The War's End
A friend of Robert Stephen Bebko's [Annotator's Note: in Company F, 2nd Battalion, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th...
(Reaves) Pescatore, Josephine The Wards
Josephine Pescatore landed on Omaha Beach. Upon landing, she noticed all the dead bodies. Some of them were in body...
Sutcliffe, Albert The West Loch Disaster
Albert G. Sutcliffe was sent to Pearl Harbor's [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii] in preparation for going to the...
Kelley, Archie The West Virginia Torpedoed
Archie Kelley thought much more time was going by than really was [Annotator's Note: onboard the now-torpedoed USS West...
Ernest, Malcolm The Will to Live
[Annotator's Note: Malcolm Ernest was a prisoner of war at Hoten Camp, Mukden, Manchuria; present day China.] Ernest...
Bussel, Norman Therapy and Helping Veterans
Even now not a day goes by that Norman Bussel does not think of the four of crew members who were killed when their...
Rubin, Mark Theresienstadt
After being taken to Gestapo headquarters, Mark Rubin and his family were sent to the Sered transient camp [Annotator's...
Nakagawa, Ittsei They Were All Burned
[Annotator's Note: Ittsei Nakagawa was in a factory in Hiroshima, Japan when the atomic bomb exploded over the city on...
Klepper, Manfred Those Left in Germany
Manfred Klepper left family behind when he left Germany [Annotator's Note: the Kleppers left Germany in April 1940 as a...
Bussel, Norman Thoughts of Suicide
While in prison in Nuremberg, Germany, Norman Bussel would get information from the outside from a crystal radio a...
Heilbrun, Herbert Thoughts of Survival
Herbert Heilbrun did not care which theater he fought in as long as he was a part of the war. He got into training late...
Oreck, David Thoughts on Circumstances of Battle
David Oreck was in Minneapolis, Minnesota when he heard of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He and many others had never...
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