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Cole, Edgar Going to Work and Reaction to Pearl Harbor
[Annotator's Note: Edgar Cole served in the US Marine Corps as a communications specialist in the 52nd Defense...
Hardy, George Graduation and Commission
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks about Dr. Rothacker Smith, a medic in the Medical Section, 2nd Battalion, 366th...
Nossbaum, Anneliese Grandmothers
Annaliese Nossbaum was in Theresienstadt [Annotator’s Note: Theresienstadt; transit camp and ghetto; Terezin, Czech...
Shima, Terry Grant Ichikawa
Terry Shima is grateful to be interviewed by the National Military Museum [Annotator's Note: The National WWII Museum...
Moskin, Alan Great Depression and Pearl Harbor
Alan Moskin's father's side is American through and through. His was mother was about two or three years old when she...
Meader, Byron Great Depression to Army Life
Byron Herbert Meader was born in May 1919 in Ellsworth, Maine. His father worked as a laborer. During the Great...
Kleindienst, Alfons "Al" Greenbrier Hotel
Alfons Robert Kleindienst's father [Annotator's Note: Alfons Georg Kleindienst], a German diplomat, did not approve of...
Schulman, Shirley Growing up in Brooklyn
Shirley Sandy Schulman was born in September 1922 in Manhattan, New York [Annotator's Note: Manhattan is one of the...
Tarrant, Eugene Growing Up in Dallas
Eugene Tarrant was born in Ennis, Texas. When he was three, his family moved to Dallas. His mother and father figured...
Haffner, Robert Growing up in Detroit during the Great Depression
Robert Haffner was born in November 1924 on the eastern side of Detroit, Michigan. Haffner remembers growing up in a...
Weatherwax, Clarence "Uncle Herb" Growing Up In Hawaii
Herbert Weatherwax [Annotator's Note: Mr. Weatherwax's name is actually Clarence Herbert Weatherwax] was born in...
Minehira, Helene Growing up in Hawaii
[Annotator's Note: Video is black until 00:01:06.000 and begins with Helene Minehira midsentence.] Minehira was born in...
Brown, Roscoe Growing Up in Washington D.C. and Becoming a Fighetr Pilot
Dr. Roscoe C. Brown was born in Washington D.C. and lived there for the first 17 years of his life. Washington D.C. was...
Weinreich, Frieda Growing up Jewish in Poland
Frieda Weinreich was born in July 1924 in Lodz, Poland. She was the baby of the family of six children. They were an...
Knobler, Paula Growing up with Evil
Paula Knobler has bitter memories of her youth in Poland. Anti-Semitism was displayed toward her. In school, boys threw...
Parra, Pedro Guam and Okinawa
They [Annotator's Note: Pedro Parra and the rest of the 854th Engineer Aviation Battalion] left Kwajalein [Annotator's...
Toledo, Bill Guam, Iwo Jima, and War's End
Bill Toledo was sent from Guadalcanal [Annotator's Note: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands with Headquarters Company, 3rd...
Hardy, George Gunnery Meet in Texas
George Hardy always considered himself a fighter pilot. The bigger guys were being trained to be bomber pilots. He only...
Samuelson, Daniel Gunnery Training and Crew Assignment
Daniel Samuelson enlisted in the Army Air Corps and went to Texas for basic training. In high school, he did alright...
Braitman, Simon Gunskirchen and Liberation
As the Russians were nearing Auschwitz in 1945, Simon Braitman and 765 others were sent to Mauthuasen [Annotator's Note...
Imahara, Walter Haikus
[Annotator's Note: This segment begins with the interviewer asking Walter Imahara to describe what is hanging on the...
de Marcken, Christian Harboring Fugitives and Feelings Toward the Axis
The children of the family did not always know, Christian de Marcken clarified, about their parents' sheltering of...
Young, James Hard Fighting on Peleliu
During his first night on Peleliu [Annotator's Note: Battle of Peleliu, codenamed Operation Stalemate II, September to...
Kafka, T. Hard Life in New York
T. Toby Kafka was born in Kingston, New York in October 1924 and grew up in Manhattan [Annotator's Note: Manhattan is...
Winestone, Ted Hardships with Partisans
Ted Winestone moved to another encampment because he felt like he was not hidden well enough [Annotator's Note: after...
Fisch, Robert Harsh German Treatment
Robert Fisch had contracted a fever. [Annotator's Note: He had been exposed to typhus at the Austrian border on his way...
Langrall, Clarke Hauling Hazardous Cargo
When Clarke Langrall arrived at the gate leading to his ship [Annotator's Note: SS Vernon L. Kellogg], he was checked...
Lewis, Noah Hawaii
When Noah Lewis got to Hawaii, there was only one hotel near Waikiki Beach [Annotator's Note: Honolulu, Hawaii], but he...
Pringle, James He Wanted to Fight
James Pringle signed up to fight in the war. The majority of them [Annotator's Note: Black Americans] had. It was not...
Amram, Fred Heading to America
Fred Amram rFred Amram remembers being on an ocean liner when they left Belgium. The trip was eventful for him. The...
Landry, Marian Headquarters Assignment
Jean "Marian" Alva Yancey Landry went to a huge building where she was assigned to a job with Marine Corps headquarters...
Reavis, Carrel Healthy Marine Now
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Carrel Reavis why he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps, or CCC, as a...
Baron, Judith Hell at Bergen-Belsen
Judith Baron was imprisoned at Bergen-Belsen. It was absolutely hell. When they first arrived, they slept in tents. It...
Cohn, Marthe Her Sister and Fiancé Executed by Germans
Part of Martha Cohn's family successfully crossed from occupied France into unoccupied France from Saint-Secondin,...
LaBure, John HIggins Vessels, Personnel and Workplace Problems
John LeBure began working with the Higgins company while the 37 foot boats with a bow [Annotator’s Note: the Higgins...
Karle, Isabella Higher Education and the Impending War
Isabella Karle remembers that news of what was happening in Europe was heard on radio and reported in the newspapers....
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